Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 2)

Any conversation about vocals is a non-starter imho when you go to the right tracks. What do I mean?

This song here, has one of the lushest, thickest bass grooves I’ve heard. Any husk or warmth added feeds straight into the groove, which ADDS to the way you experience the groove. Is it the only way?, of course not but we got a new $50 option is all, which wasn’t there before. EQ it for yourself and try it. There were headphones in the before times where the bass was there, but the mids were just lost. Not this time.

Its release date was 1995. I feel that is relevant as a great deal of melodic music released around this time put bass up front intentionally as a part of the mix.

:notes:Let me groove with you so we can kick a little, sumthin’ sumthin’ :notes:


Oh man, sorry to hear you lost your cat.
Non pet owners don’t understand how hard that can be.


The Vet from a place called “All World” health clinic is amazing…if there is a way he will find it.

He said something to me as a Vet and a Man and Pet owner.


“i had a Dog, i loved deeply like a Son, I put him to sleep when his pain seemed to great, i had another and I fought with him till the end…for me?..for him?..both choices haunt me went I am in my thoughts. There is no good choice, there is the choice you make…there is no good about it”

I have never euthanised a pet and after hearing from a person who does that daily I have no regrets.
They are my children. I am not taking them into a loud clinic and a room they don’t know with people they never saw and ask they to be calm while they are put to sleep forever. i can’t. I stay with them till the end.
No regrets.
According to a guy who would know…the choice doesn’t change the size of the hole left in your heart anyways


It’s been about 2 1/2 months…and only now am I just starting to get over it…everything reminds me of him…

Been watching a lot of cat vids on the 'tube…I think I’m ready…put the word out on the street that I’m looking


I thought this shit was over and done with…

I’m movin to Bora Bora


Fuckin geese won’t shut the fuck up…


Looks Beautiful :heart:

Put camera on tipod right there(live stream)…walk through snow and start screaming at them to STFU…
By the time you get to waters edge the 500 geese quaking will sound like 100’s of folks telling you to go fuck yourself
You lose your mind
Jump in the river
Video goes viral
Wife collects on insurance
Internet worships you forever

You’ll be the goose whisperer.



Oh…and only Spock and me are adapt at 5th dimensional chess :stuck_out_tongue:

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Losing someone (human or pet) that you spend you life with is never easy. That is the real stuff to care about.

I’m sorry for both of your losses, nothing more to be said than that!


I got vids of them flipping the fuck out…literally 1000s of them…arguing about this is my space…that’s your space…who the fuck knows

But I can’t paste the vids…would have to convert

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Thanks Goob…

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How do you post vids of Kai

Can do for free

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Thanks bro…

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Since the xHBB and Hades are incoming and the PR2 is outgoing…I’m expecting a lunch next time I’m in :jp:

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You got it bro


Friend has the Galaxy Z Fold5…it’s a little over the top for me…I have almost a dozen tablets lying around the house…literally a dozen

Still a cool phone

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Damn…is that A5

Yup, Kobe Gyu
Also dried sirloin which is more rare than Kobe gyu



I’ve had stateside raised A4…good…but never the real deal from there

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