Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 2)

I am super late to this, had to take a break from the forums over the last 2 days to spend time with my son, we had a b-day party for him yesterday and had all the fam over. He had a blast with his cousins, reminded me of my childhood, always hanging out with my cuzos and breaking something, driving the aunts and uncles nuts lol

But I’m sorry to hear about your furry fam member, @hawaiibadboy that’s heartbreaking. I’ve lost so many pets over the years and it’s never easy.

My red eared slider, Michelangelo, is about 17 or 18 years old now and I just feel like his time is coming soon. He’s the man, been through so much that I can’t even begin to type all the stuff out. The day I don’t see him basking on his platform in the light, will be the day my heart breaks into a million pieces. Stay strong, brother, sending love your way :white_heart:


OK. So I caved in. Ordered a Hades. Not a great deal of my library suits them, however, they are unique/different enough for me to want to give them a try. My EDM and Trip-hop library will be having a new delivery system. And if I don’t get along with them, I shall pass them on to my son who loves Hip-Hop.


Welcome to the club!

Can’t hard wait to have those indecent amounts of quality bass directly on my ear canal.

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The most sucessful companies that I have encountered are the ones who invest heavily in a fully enveloping customer feedback doctrine…they listen carefully to their clients and respond accordingly…

We like it this way …we like it that way…we don’t like it this way…we don’t like it that way…great companies absorb information with intent… to satiate their customers and have them eventually return for a repeat performance


Oh by the way, just received Hades tracking confirmation from Linsoul. Shipped less than 48hs from order, these guys ain’t kidding around.

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@hawaiibadboy and the gang, please advise
I ruined my Xenns UP, literally crushed the shell (not my fault this time, one of those freak accidents). This is the second time something like this has happened to me (previously with the OG Monarch. Not as bad, I just had to glue part of the shell back on).

Now, I’m a known Thieaudio shill, they’re my absolute favorite company in the hobby and I absolutely do have bias so naturally I looked at the Hype 4 for a replacement (I realize it probably won’t sound as good but I don’t have as much money now to buy in the $700 range.)

The thing is, I don’t want to have to go through this again, no more plastic shells. I need the recommendations for sub-$500 all-rounder sets out there that don’t have a plastic shell*. I realize that nothing will be indestructible, but I don’t wanna have to dread every time about my IEM falling on the floor or something.

So yeah…If the Hype 4 is truly the MVP here, I’ll consider it, but I need a more secure shell. I hope Thie ditches plastic shells entirely in the future, I’d gladly pay $20 extra for a more sturdy enclosure.

(*when I say all-rounder, I literally do listen to pretty much everything but metal so I can’t narrow it down genre-wise. I do like my mids and my vocals, I’m a sucker for perceptible imaging and soundstage (the ‘3D’ feeling) but that’s about it)


Softears Twighlight (used), and Origin come to mind with metal shells that have good staging. Dunu Glacier is another metal one, but out of your price range


EA1000 with modded nozzle can stage and image really well. And it’s relatively cheap.






Then on to the next


I think I’m too sleepy to get the joke just yet :upside_down_face:

For that 'tube guy…

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I really wanna buy the set but I’m waiting for it on Amazon lol, since I’m a young kid and I want my iem 2 days after I order it

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Man. fuck waiting. i don’t even use Ali and non Amazon sites myself…waiting sucks.


Yeah I just spent my last month buying stuff on aliexpress, waited so long I was starting to ascend and become ascetic

Right now they’re up on Amazon but it says 5-14 of March and Im too impatient for that lol

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Waitin…yeah huh huh…waitin yeah…ah yeah waitin…fuckin waitin and waitin…huh huh



Talk about markup…the true cost to the pizzaria of making a plain pizza here on the east coast is about $0.90 …and the out the door price of a plain pie is about $18.00 in this area…margins are not that slim and even including the ancillary costs to run the business… is still quite a markup

Un-fuckin believable


And should leave your mind


Actually very good…for basically free :+1:


Good day everyone! My idea to use 1dd 14mm and 1 planar driver 13mm did not lead me to what I wanted, since the planar driver was placed higher than dd and the midrange frequencies were lost…

Now I have already designed a new case
2dd + 2 ba
1dd 13mm with bone conduction
1dd 11mm for sub bass
1ba for medium frequencies
1ba for high frequencies

I was inspired by Elysian Annihilator and their Drive Pass technology, which I will do in my earphones, well, as well as their settings, I think I will make deeper basses than the Annihilator, but for ultra-high frequencies like the Annihilator, I will need an EST driver, but for now it will be without it. Only ceramic SMD capacitors and resistors, and not, as in other tantalum ones, and a 4 Way Crossover.
I plan to do it in black and transparent colors. Do not be afraid, I will not take an advance payment from anyone)

What do you think?