Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 2)

My apologies if anyone is hungry at this moment…my neighbors outdoor 800+ degree wood fired oven…takes just a few minutes…man…I love my neighbors


Is it nduja sausage on this beauty? Or some red onion relish?

You may be the only one to tell the tale, yet still the most surprising fact is that you are the owner of 19 daps! A true aficionado.

J/K glad you got out of that scary situation and also hope you are feeling better as of more recently :handshake:


DENNIS THE CAT guardian of daps


Yeah I’m interested in the spatial air but I figure it’s better to go for Mext now and try Mest MK2 whenever I run into it.

I’m also looking at 64audio’s duo but I’m hoping I can listen to it in audio46 first, recently realized I might enjoy recessed mids and highs more than I expected


nice pic! :slight_smile:
how do you like that green leather case for R6III? Can you reach the volume wheel easily or is it cumbersome?

Its ok, not brilliant tend to just jiggle it and use onscreen volume slider

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Handsome boy right there :heart: :cat:

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My neighbor is a virgin in the whole IEM thing…gave him my Thor to goof around with but now he wants a DAP but doesn’t want to spend a lot of money…he’s got money out the wazoo but boy is he tight with money…coal to diamond tight

Saw this Cayin on Andrew’s site and he said sure…if you say so… I haven’t tried it but for him I don’t think he would know the difference between a $80 and a $1500 one…anyone have experience

Oh…it’s the N3 Ultra


I did a quick demo at a Canjam and it sucked… was wonky and the volume knob was round and I feel like i can say this cuz it was oh…jeez…26 seconds of my life so let me shit on your joy based off a half assed non evaluation based off of memory…cuz your money means shit to me.

- Yours truly, the Asshole who gives purchase advice based on demos at canjams


:rofl::rofl::rofl::point_left:…uhhh…from memory…that’s nice…wtf are you talking about

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Did you just say Sean Olive sucks chocolate filled dicks?



It’s not healthy to keep your feelings bottled up inside…

Don’t hold back bro…tell us how you really feel :face_with_symbols_over_mouth::rofl:

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Listen up brother…you didn’t play the tip I gave…did you…my eyes are glued to the monitor this morning

Of the 23 I was up…I lost 8 in the last couple days…time to jump ship or weather the storm…a lot of work ahead of me today

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Nope I bought more S&P stuffs. I am mostly long term cuz if i was watching the ticker everyday i might go nutz…or get hooked

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I play mostly the indexes…but I do gamble a little…I wouldn’t call myself a day trader… but have I done multiple trades a day…absolutely…it’s a little nerve racking but you have to have a thick skin and I’m playing with money I can afford to lose

I just hate fuckin losing…but who does

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If only I had a crystal ball…

Easy street

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My wife bought 665 shares at $200 ( + $390,000 off a 120k invest)
Bought 400 shares of AMD 2 weeks earllier

I was just trying to talk stock on Discord but that platform is SimpCord…every dick that can be sucked is and getting a good rec is less likely than asking on Head fi
Holy shit it’s mindless and shameless
Nobody wants to talk about my $$$$ or their own


They eat live and breath IEMs…but it is an audio forum…my suggestion…invest…make your money and then you’ll be able to afford any IEM in the world


Kiss your wife for me…what a team