Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 2)

I didn’t buy it for the green…I bought it with green…for the driving experience. If you have never driven one…plz sit down. Once you experience the experience…then we’ll have a conversation. I couldn’t possibly extoll the pleasure I absorb from driving this vehicle…truly a very memorable one the first time I drove it and it continues to put a smile on my face everytime I get behind the wheel.

I’m not yanking your chain…the Tesla really is that special

Oh and I charge from home…haven’t been to a gas station in almost a year…and that was to put gas in my fossil fuel powered rocket sled…MB C63 AMG


Chris…will you allow Kai to go in the the water now that he’s a little older…best to start them off young…he’ll be lifelong fan if you do…they all do

I was making steam for the waves when I was 1 year old…never looked back


He went to swimming classes from 4 months old till he started preschool.
Took him to beach a couple times and when weather gets warmer he is going swimming
Teach him basic safety as soon as I can
Roll on back
float witth lungs…the internal life vest
Keey eye on land
Calm down
Go back at angle away from spot you were at
If get pulled out or sideways chill out again till it gets better
Never ever stress belly down or you will die

I love the Ocean partly why we named him Kai. Means same thing in Hawaiian as it does in Japanese…it fit perfect :heart:


very good…should teach all children that simple survival skill…calms you down and allows you to not panic and overexert yourself…panic is probably the highest cause for most drownings

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Will teach him to stay the fuck AWAY from rivers.
Several folks die on this river every year.
I’m alive cuz swimming in storm flood which was 15-20ft of moving molasses took every bit of stamina I had to point the adrenaline dump made me unable to signal to her I was alive.

Went back to pour liquor on the stone that was my last chance not to die.

Looks like this normally

Rivers allow no relaxing
Ocean?..stay cool…outside of storm conditions a calm mind and a roll to your back gives you lotsa time to think
No rivers for Kai


Holy shit…you’re one lucky mofo…yeah rivers are no joke…the lights almost went out on the Toecutter goofin around in the Delaware river up near the Gap…never again

Almost said goodbye to my family and friends in my head

I’m a strong swimmer but you’re not as strong as you think compared to the monster


Yeah, I shared this epic level of stupidity…does not mater how good you can swim
Rivers are deadly fast, killers and your fast twitch great form will not save you
I got lucks
I had to film myself pouring sake’ cuz I felt like I literally cheated death

RIVERS ARE DEADLY internet viewer/lurkers…
Please do not fuck around and find out and your kids…keep em away when you can


Me too
I actually thought people are going to think I commited suicide cuz dam overflow swimming is too dumb to believe and my life was going to end and no one will know it was an accident and my GF gets to watch me die.
I thought that in like 2 seconds and it felt like 10 just gliding to my death in what felt like molasses
Holy fuck that vid makes me feel dumb.
Glad we both made it
R.I.P to the ones who did not get 2nd chances :pray: :heart:


Oceans by comparison are easy…if you’re caught in a riptide…just swim parallel to the beach…or float on your back parallel with your lungs continuously expanded…my dad had an experience and I was freakin out on the beach…running up and down the waterline and finally saw him come out a few 100 ft down the beach…what a fuckin relief

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Stupid me…I would have jumped in for you…and would have wound up one of 4 ways…

We both die
We both live
I die you live
You die I live

I like the second one

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Now both of us know what people mean when they say that your whole life flashes before your eyes…but it feels like it’s in slow motion…rather strange but somewhat comforting feeling…if it ever happens to someone they’ll know what you and me are talking about


Having said that, and I have experienced the same, the adrenaline rush after is sort of exhilarating. I LITERALLY felt like id done a couple of lines.


If you’re stuck in choppy freezing waters, muscle strength and coordination becomes very difficult. Without a life jacket (and wetsuit), it’s game over pretty quick. Even then, the rescue boat threw me in like a ragdoll.

@hawaiibadboy Can you comment on the driver quality in the kefine delci? Any competition for EW200? The time of year to hand out gifts to friends and family has come again and this seems like a winner. Thanks.


I think EW200 sounds crisper and cleaner.
I really like the Kefine but it is smoother than ew200. That may be a good thing for some.
Not a clear upgrade…more of a smoother sidegrade


After spending the last couple of days like this

I decided fuck it, I’ll go for Mext first even if everyone keeps talking about how great Mest MK 2 is. It’ll be nice knowing I got a next step at least.

Nothing’s final until I visit audio46 and hear a 64audio duo tho

Man I’m excited to go outside, what have I become




The fact that my brain guessed “I think that’s the fly” only for me to be correct makes my ass feel old

I gotta start saying goodbye to my hair


You won’t be disappointed…of the two…I like my Mext better than the my 2…the low end seals the deal…2 might have more spatial air but that’s nit-pickin because they are very close in that area…at least to me

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P.S. There’s an infamous stretch of water in North Yorkshire called the strid. Can be calm and unassuming. 2m wide but someone measured 60m deep. Apparently 100% fatality rate if you go under due to wet mossy overhangs, hollowed out caves and vortices keep you under.

So yeh can be alluring on the surface but turns out to be something entirely different once you look under the hood…a bit like the Shozy P20 and the MP…no…don’t go to that dark place again…happy thoughts…happy thoughts…oppoty days


Thats the one I fell in so I can definitely say its 99% drown there as I was super lucky a friend stuck a tree branch in for me to grab.