Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 2)

Untill its -45 c and you get 30km on a charge and the government tells you not to charge your electric car as you are killing the power grid!

So ypu go to sell the car but nobody want to buy it because a replacement battery is 40k.

I will take my Gas Turbo Inline V6 any day.

The future is Hydrogen Fuel Cell for the win.


EVs are absolutely the Future. Once they can figure out how to squeeze out 500 miles+ on a single charge, it’ll be over for the regular pedestrian gas powered car, mark my works.

EV interest is high, but lots of folks have range anxiety, for good reason.


I’m curious to see how long the fossil fuel companies can hold them off. Cause they don’t want the reality you’re pointing out to come to pass


Between the Government both in the US and In Europe, I don’t think the Fuel companies can hold em off for much longer.

Audi for example is targeting 30% of it’s entire lineup to be fully electric or plug in hybrid by 2025. Bentley and Rolls Royce also want to be fully electric by 2030! We’ll see how things go over the next few years for sure.

Larger capacity batteries + faster charging speeds 300 KW+ = cha-ching.


Range anxiety should diminish (in the US anyways) with Tesla/NACS winning the ‘war’ and releasing MagicDock and potentially having adapters so CCS can charge at NACS.

Having access to the varied amount of charging stations really would open things up, IMO. That plus some of the success that Electrify America’s flagship charging station/pit stop in San Fran (dedicated rest rooms, lounge, vending machines, etc.) should hopefully encourage further roll out so people won’t feel weird about charging at random Walmart parking lots.

The range right now isn’t great but, yeah, battery tech will be good by the late 2020’s. Standard (edit: by standard, I meant like even super lower budget/inexpensive EVs, mid range should be 400+) will probably be around 300-350 if not more by then. There’s already some EVs that do have 500 range (Lucid) so it really is right around the corner.


It’s really cool.

Actually, though…


Fixed it for you Dom…some people just bury their heads in the sand…I’ve been a gas guy my whole life…muscle cars out the wazoo…once you drive one of these…I guarantee you will never go back

I’m still keeping my 500 hp rail job…so when I show it off 15 to 20 years from now to a kid…they’ll say " what is that " …that’s what cavemen drove back in the day


Hey man, don’t look at me, I hate EVs lol I’m a car guy and have been since I was a wee lad. Nothing beats a twin turbo V8, or a NA V12, regardless of acceleration numbers on paper. the only EV I kind of like is the Porsche Taycan, but that’s because I think it looks cool.

I’m looking at a 2015 911 GT3 as we speak, with carbon bucket seats, Carbon Ceramic brakes and a rear mounted NA Flat 6… nothing beats that.


Window shopping or serious

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No, just from my desk at work :sunglasses:


I had a Porsche 718 Cayman S…embarrassingly…my Y Perf would put a couple school bus’ on that beautiful car in a straight line and that SUV would stay with the Cayman in the twisties…incredible…an SUV

Now the driving experience…that’s another story…Porsche and B Motor Works are pure nirvana…the ultimate driving experience I’ve ever had the privilege of having

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Lucky for you those Taycans are plummiting hard on the used market!!! Dealers putting steep discounts even on 2023 models… Foreseeable insurance policy adjustments should only make that more aggressive but create their own ownership challenges.

As to car future - EV hearlds in a larger push to a underwritten rental economy, car homogenisation with feature unlock upsells at least that is in Europe. Though unlikely that the necessary uptake targets for EVs will be met here - pushing timelines back a little as @domq422 said it is inevitable. Recent vertical & Investor acquisition moves in that market seem to echo the sentiment. A little sad for car lovers unless you have the funds to move away from convenience ownership to a performance track days model. The rising prices for super cars will dictate they have an avenue for use.


The 718 is an amazing car, especially the Cayman. Yeah, the EVs embarrass the gas cars in a straight line, sure, but there’s nothing like that tactile feeling of a twin clutch transmission shifting at 9k RPM with a V8 screaming behind your head… brings me back to the time I drove the Ferrari 458 for the first time. Still the best car I’ve ever driven and it’s not even close.


Amen to that brother :+1: EV’s are green and a planet saver is utter BS, what’s green about tearing the planet apart to mine rare metals to produce batteries that can’t be recycled, these so called green EV’s will become the asbestos of the future mark my words. I don’t believe any of the garbage these eco politicians spit, for instance during the Victorian times we had electric trams these were ultimately retired to make way for the combustion engine which have now been retired and replaced with electric trains and buses :laughing: 30 years ago they said buy diesel powered cars as they are greener and diesel is cheaper, now petrol is cheaper and ‘greener’ than diesel…It’s the stupid leading the blind.

Edited to add…if combustion engine car manufacturers are required to list CO2 emissions and mpg etc by law why aren’t EV manufacturers required by law to list their battery source component requirements :thinking:

This is a Tesla battery.

12 tonnes of rock for Lithium
5 tons of Cobalt minerals
3 tons of mineral for nickel
12 tons of copper ore
Move 250 tons of soil to obtain:
12 kg of Lithium
30 pounds of nickels
22 kg of manganese
15 pounds of Cobalt
100 Kg of rams
200 kg of aluminum, steel or and plastic
The Caterpillar 994A used for earthmoving consumes 1000 liters of diesel in 12 hours.
Finally you get a “zero emissions” car.


While true, I am guessing that the fossil fuel companies are about to get hit with some class action reality. The cost of home owners insurance is skyrocketing on all three US coasts, and the insurance companies have claimed increased costs due to extreme weather and climate change. It seems like a fairly straight line at this point.

I don’t think anyone claimed that diesel were greener. Maybe they cheated their way to make them appear as green as gas cars. But diesel, at least in Europe, used to be way way cheaper than regular gas and diesel cars were more fuel efficient. This lead the consumers to go for diesel because of money. Of course this was incentivized by lower taxes from government and lobbies.

Most people buy EVs these days because they can charge for free or cheaply.

No one is out there saving the planet.

There are some progress being made there and hopefully we can get ahead of it and salvage some of these precious materials.

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Hopefully lol, Yep a Frankenstein monster right there, you’d like to think they’d have the recycling technology in place before they starting any battery production wouldn’t you?


Dude looks about 85 years old…


yeah we kinda fucked up our 1st try we stood strongly behind and were offended when questioned
so…lets us try this again

(that gif is classic…don’t make me point it out)


Range anxiety will be gone when everybody is locked up in their districts of the smart cities playing the hunger games :see_no_evil:


It was Metal music

Now it’s Bass

200w (20)

That says a study of people who recently listened to
Not people who listen to.

Can anyone cite me the Scientific data and study that shows bassheads are violent?
Prone to violence or agressive?

A study, where people who themselves,…listen to unknown or disclosed types of music being tested on assertiveness (after un mentioned bass tracks) and other P points
is not an equation

That is called

A false equivalence or false equivalency is an informal fallacy in which an equivalence is drawn between two subjects based on flawed or false reasoning .