Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 2)

Yeah…I thought so…


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@hawaiibadboy get the door!





:rofl: :rofl:…you’re gonna have to wait…he’s in Japan


You and that HBB dude…


So @Toecutter, as long as you can remember you always wanted to be a gangsta, huh?

Cue Sunshine of Your Love



Looking back I think I always was one…in one subtle way or another…maybe we all are…just not the whacking kind


I can count my true friends on one hand…

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too late to take it back now lol

god bless my doplic brain

fingers crossed it’s good that I sell everything lol

going to hibernate for now until 11.11


The Ukraine set? If you have buyers remorse I’ll buy it for same price you paid :ok_hand: :notes:


I’ll take you up on that if I regret it yeah, I’m hoping I love it though since this is my first kilobuck set

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The Mext was awesome for me. Slammin bass, smooth clean vocals, nice treble and pretty massive soundstage. Still one of the biggest stage I’ve heard, even beating multi kilobuck IEMs in stage. A very underrated set that didn’t get enough love or hype.


that’s hella exciting to hear, I gotta get ready to sell my other stuff in the event I really like this one lol


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@hawaiibadboy - out of curiosity, were you going to do a full Singolo review or just that initial video that you did?

So far, I know JayAudio dumped on it, I saw you enjoyed it (in the breakdown before the tears cup part which was brilliant) and I just saw Jaytiss give it high marks.


I have another unit on the way, might be a QC thing because mine had no uppermids and air lol:

Either way, it’s not really a subwoofer, the tech doesn’t work that well, imo you’re better off with the Khan or KZ Castor bass (both cheaper too):


Oh man, I’m planning on going full Fatfreq Maestro Mini (or Scarlet) once I’ve had a chance to demo them (or Dusk with that bass+ profile on the DSP preset) as my basshead set to upgrade from the Legato.

But, I enjoy having other sets for sake of variety/mood/playlists so some more neutral/balanced with a small bit of bass to mix things up is ideal to me.

But I brought it up because I’m trying the Singolo right now and I actually do enjoy them so far. Probably to do with the fit (fit super comfortable for me vs Zero Reds) but I’m also using a different cable (Tripowin Zonie) and Final Type E tips. I don’t think they hit nearly as well as the Legato and my Kato (with type E tips, Type E tips are so damn good) still perform better.

But, so far, they’ve been good for me.

Edit: my only issue with the Singolo, and may go a bit hand in hand with the QC part, is that the left IEM’s connection spot is super stiff. It’s been a pain in the ass to unplug/plug any 2 pin so far. Right one has been absolutely fine but it’s noticably bad on the left one.


Would love to hear what you’re hearing lol, hopefully with this unit :crossed_fingers:

The bass was good, just not subwoofer, the rest… well, they were missing to say the least

Direct upgrade from Legatos would be the Maestro Minis, if you find yourself wanting more sub-bass then go for the scarlet

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Yeah, I don’t know. it may be a QC thing? Hope so and, if this is the case, I hope this is an early outlier and others are fine. Maybe Kiwi Ears rushed release? They’ve been going the Moondrop route with releasing stuff I didn’t even know they were working on (Allegro, new ear tips).

I think the bass/subwoofer effect - I can actually get what the intent there. I do think it’s arguable how super effective it really is and it’s, of course, subjective, but the separation/shelf actually is satisfying with some of my playlist (rock music mainly). Like, I’m listening to RHCP - Snow and they rumble nearly as well as the Legato at that 1:30 section.

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