Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 2)

i only removed the plastic rings since i dont like a Hot Treble but man! the Soundstage is on a whole other level! Can i ask what your go to Eartips are for these ?

Final Audio Type E

Sony EP-EX11 are a cheaper alternative for those.

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Yeah I saw the Glacier as aggressively average for their price. Forget highway robbery, this was fort knox level shit

I honestly don’t think I’d even keep one for free, I’d resell it and buy other shit or just return to sender


I totally agree! People need to know what they are buying! Companies need to sell goods, and as you know, use a lot of cool words… solid marketing… Hello Crinacle)) with a decrease of 6k)) And what did Canpur do in CP622B?, they described the drivers and the technology in the case that works and that’s it! That’s what I think it should attract buyers - honesty!





moved it down


$329 just saying 1+3 Shanling Branded who knows what BA that sound great they sound like Sonion but probably Bellsing but honestly I dont care they sound great!

Even the one in the nozzle is smooth and gives kinda a trippy stage effects.

I am really digging this chill set.


Custom BA’s are a cost saving manuever.
You cannot go online and check

  • Data sheets
  • Price

This is no issue w/ mid fi.

With Summit fi? Nobody wants you driver shopping, you will sus out their enormous margins.
What drivers are in STORM?
I’m not asking how much labor and strict QA/ costs.
I’m asking what model BA’s are in it?
I was told in a DM but it’s gone. :upside_down_face:

I have an INDIGO cracked open and afai can tell they have knowles clones in em

One of the reasons I love Canpur so much is because I know every driver in it
Never thought about that…until today (30)

Nobody wants to touch this box
A ha ha :rofl:

TV.s ,
Graphics cards,
Virtually everything people buy can be compared purely on spec AND user experience
That is what drives innovation
It’s called “competition”
This hobby?
Bass texture is better, I heard it at a show


I’ll just keep posting this.
A giant mind fuck. You have no answers besides shrugged shoulders so just skip it…

PICASSO-----X-------------------------------------------------------------------------Consumer Electronics


Its nice when companies are upfront with what your getting for your bucks.

That bieng said some of these unnamed BA’s that are bieng tuned are pretty good.

Especially if the price is on the lower end of the scale the value equation is there.

But asking $$$$$$ for ??? Is shit!


In doubt I prefer not buying. Plus the companies doing this are sus for the most part

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FATFREQ keeps thier builds close to thier chest , I have love for everyone of thier IEM’s I have had the pleasure of listening to.

Whatever is inside works for me!


My inquiry eliminates mid fi
They mix and match and their profit margins are not insane especially considering
the price it cost to make
(Based on a true story #'s altered but not relative #'s)
*ex $36 per pair builder cost
the discount price for sellers $120-$190
Lets say $150
Seller sells for $300
They have a cold profit of $150 per pair
They have their own costs so it is more like $90
This also allows for discounted units that can be offloaded 11/11
Some companies do not allow for discounts even after purchase
unless they have an exclusive.
The margins are decent but the risk of being stuck with physical stock and not being exclusive means eating loss
Which is why sellers have in house brands because that math becomes much different
But now we have builds/lots and guessing
So now
You send the sets the just a handful of “SAFE” people
DUNU Glacier is great example
Yoy let then have it 1st well before the public, gauge interest
commit to build contract
Once built there is no going back
The weird “Kickstarter” model Chifi has adopted over last 18 months with no one noticing is pretty slick
I literally cannot buy any big money gear right now.
So take those margins and multiply by 100x
Using drivers made in same factory as 300 sets
Nothing custom about them
I know.
KZ was yapping up a storm and Truthears jumped in on it.
Ty being themadman he is says
I know your drivers
I know how much you pay
They are cheap drivers

giphy (100)

I said to someone on Discord
“TE is going to walk away…they better”

and they did.


More people should be talking about this it’s a good conversation issue.

It’s interesting to see what’s happening in the hobby.

Lots of companies popping out with multi kilobuck IEM’s that they never attempted to place one in that category before.

Going for the big ask.


Such an odd hobby. I find myself enjoying the CCA Trio more so than any of my Truthears atm, and am hyped for my Hydro. Paul and Chris have both had fair reviews of it.

It’s a crazy hobby. What got me was volunteering at head fi and the head fi workers talking to EE Raven about their costs just being so high kind of encouraging them to be lower or do a lower cost unit, the guy from them just shruged and said a lot of overseas people buy their products. Make sense after demoing what EE products that I did demo there. Seems some dudes will just buy whatever iem is cute and the new thing.

Hell of a hobby.


EE as it once was thriving 10 years ago is dead.
The Raven was an absolute disaster and put them on the brink of collapse
2 of the last 3 sets have been collabs w/ A&K…why?
That means they have to share profits w/ Astell in a market they already have a strong footing in.
It’s because they cannot afford to keep up w/market and maintain any reasonable level of Q/A
The DD’s were always made in Shenzen
Now the whole thing is a Hong Kong/Shenzen product.


Great album


Your project looks dope as hell and fingers crossed it would work out as you want it to be :fire: But this approach for material selection is most likely not valid looking at it from theoretical standpoint.

Metals transmits vibrations much more efficiently than resins (or plastics in general) as the latter are much better at dampening those due to their more viscoelastic structure. Metals also has lower natural frequency due to their higher mass in same volume, and I guess you want to attack bass, soo…

Think about brass instruments vs. vuvuzelas or ringing of the metal bells (how long it takes for the bell to stop vibrating).

Both dampen vibrations reducing the amplitude, but in case of plastic this curve would go to zero much faster.

Then there is Canpur 622 which kind of tests this theory. So maybe screw the theory, let us know how it works IRL :lab_coat:


I am always so surprised at how many smart dudes are on this forum.

Thanks for sharing your knowledge with us, brother.


Century live - century learn. Thanks for the words and for the clarifications! I use a hard ABS resin, hopefully it will be more effective. Unfortunately, I’m an ordinary guy, I don’t have the opportunity to make a metal case.


Depends on the density of the metal relative to the size /source of the energy
(what you experience…I mean…milage may vary on that)
There is physics…and there is standing behind a car with 3 15 inch subwoofers eating 8,000 watts facing backwards towards you (approx 24 inches from your belly to the dust caps of the subs

The violence that puts on the car is tremendous, loosens the bolts of your seats , side panels, mirros drop but you cannot hear the bass tone or make out anything because the pressed metal on the back of the hatch absolutely reflects …it’s Aluminum, (Cadillac Escalade).

If I stand at the front of the Caddy 25ft (17ft of Caddy) plus a few feet from bumper I can hear the bass …very very loudly and annoy people 100ft to side and front

The bass is louder from 25ft away with the drivers facing away
Than being 24 inches from the drivers facing directly at you
Only think in between is aluminum

If we tried to scale the diaphragm which is smaller than your pinkie’s…nail
10mm is about .35 inch or the size of a ( ) <<<That’s bigger (on my PC) than a tiny low powered diaphragm

The driver (earphones) are seated in a metalic pressed (material unknown) shroud (single or dual brake)
It is already passing it’s energy through metal then glue then external shell

I bought a tool because it makes no sense
The big hitters have always been resin going back to (2014 ASG 2.0 and 2.5)
I love Science…that’s why I did the old bass headphone vids because the focus was on volume displacement and not on resonant energy which is the bass you feel. Nobody feels much on a Sony XB1000 w/70mm drivers…until you change them to dense pads…then your neck fat will vibrate

I don’t go against Science unless it says Covid jumped from an animal to humans and not a lab in China partially funded to study gain of function research


Sorry bout that…it came to mind.
Love talking with smart people, respect your opinions tremendously. You are an asset to the hobby