Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 2)

That girl is Kalinka Fox She is a cosplay model.


Well I stand corrected. :). But she is Cosplaying as Jenna Ortega’s Wednesday Addams.

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To be fair the head/face looks so 'shopped and different to the rest that it makes sense to assume it was made up from scratch. It’s just an over-zealously tweaked photo from a real photo shoot though.


My throbbing erection thanks you sir.

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Maybe you didn’t know, but that’s a real person with a real condition. It just seems unkind to use it this way.

EDIT: Imagine spending most of your life trying to be comfortable with the way you look because you have neonatal progeroid syndrome and there’s nothing you can do about it. Then imagine casually browsing an audio forum and finding that a photo of you smiling is being used as a “boner killer” joke. :frowning:

When she was 17 she and already went through how horrible people can be as a child in school, she found a YouTube video of her labeled “world’s ugliest woman”. I can’t imagine how that felt after everything else.


I have to say that this thread has gone completely off the rails here.


Yup, not hanging around here right now

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Yes I think we can all agree that what @ToneDeafMonk did just now was a disgraceful thing.

We’re all people and people act disgraceful from time to time. I’m sure he’s feeling awful about his choice, as he ought to, but I’ll be willing to forgive and forget if he shows some remorse and apologizes.

Sorry if this made it more weird for some, but I’m just telling it as I see it and I encourage y’all to join me in this sentiment.

Let’s keep a high standard in this place.


On a brighter note, just sealed the deal on an OG MiM Dark Magician :man_mage:t6:


Let’s gooooooo!!! Good times ahead, buddy :sunglasses: I’m using mine today after a small hiatus and holy Jesus Christ, I somehow forgot how amazing these are. Happy listening :handshake:


Hehe it’s gonna be sweet. Also ordered the Hakugei Lucky Voice. “Lucky” it was on sale :four_leaf_clover:


Oh sweet! We’re going to be twins! :rofl:

Enjoy, my friend :handshake:


So it seems I offended a few sensitive people without a sense of humor. The pretty girl post didn’t get flagged but the real unattractive one did.

For those who were offended I offer my sincerest apologies.

Here is a picture of my pretty face to cheer you up. :fire::heart::fire:


I agree, an average morbidly obese lady would have been a much better choice.

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It’s not a matter of humor, or sensitivity.

There’s plenty of humor that goes beyond the pale for my tastes, but it is what it is, and I wouldn’t curb other people’s enjoyment of it. The freedom to offend is important, and it makes sense that comedians are often the ones to oppose bills that challenge freedom of speech, as I think we all should.

I’m not sure what point you’re making about the flagging.
One was a post by a girl whose business model revolves around her posting pictures of her that she hopes people find attractive, you found the picture, and people did find her attractive in keeping with what her photoshoots are all about. Nothing to report that I can see.

I also don’t see much problem in ridiculing people who are doing something stupid, or have made stupid choices, or even to an extent stupid mistakes. We can all have a sense of humor about our choices and mistakes. Some unattractiveness is down to neglect or difference in taste (most cases of obesity, someone drawing their eyebrows back on poorly after plucking them all out, an ugly tattoo).

But an image of someone with a congenital condition just smiling and looking how they look shouldn’t be used as a textbook picture for ugliness, especially when it’s a living person who could stumble across it.

Maybe you’d need something in your life to help drive home the missing empathy… a relative with cerebral palsy, downs syndrome, or a cleft palate… who attract unkind comments for no good reason, and you’d never want to add to that… I’m not sure how to drive the point home otherwise… let me put it like this:

If pointing at someone with a congenital condition and saying “Look how unattractive they are” is the “humor” envelope you want to push, then while it won’t change how I interact with you in other conversations, and I’ll give the benefit of the doubt about your overall character, in this particular respect I feel like you’re being a fucking idiot.


Not accepted.

I was sleeping so i missed the whole thing (image).

Do not apologize unless you think you did something wrong. Devalues the weight of the apology…ya know what I mean?
I got e-mail hacked and the world jumped on the “he’s a racist” because of an insult that doesn’t even actually make sense. Never heard it in my whole life. (the slur)
Precog made an alt account went through my Discord and also asked me a buncha questions in a DM under ALT acct.
His Summary? Basically, I am a violent guy that talks about his big dick who may or may not have hurled an insult but I am definitely a prick.
1 hacked event in an entire life on the internet…and nothing else ever, anywhere to anyone.
My life and where it is and who it is with is …not ever mentioned cuz it does not fit the narrative.

Never apologized and never fucking will. I save that for when i am actually wrong and did something.

No, the guy got his earphones back intact. I held em too long. A call was made to my Fiance via a shipping label # and he was German living in Tokyo iirc? I thought that was over line (involving family).
It got emotional and toxic and personal.
If I had not asked to borrow the set…all that followed never would have happened
= my fault
= Give the apology.

Autism or common sense?? Doesn’t matter.

EDIT: Crin helped facilitate the return of that set because the trust on both sides was gone so shout out to crin for playing the middle and helping resolve that mess…I made

Internet is rough
I think apologies are for stuff you think YOU did wrong not what others think you did.
Maybe apologize to that girl??
To net strangers??
Fuck that.


Are those the Xenns Up?


Boom. How I imagine an adult would respond. Kudos good sir. :v:


Chris I think you get me.
My apologies were said in a way I hope to get my point across for those that got triggered to kiss my ass.

I have a warped sense of humour. I found a picture on line I thought was funny and posted it. Not to be mean pick on a stereotype or any other diverse human bieng. My choice in image may have been questionable but it was meant in good humor only.

In future out of respect for this community I will try to keep my posts on point.

The End.