Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 2)

watched the guy say the Dusk was good/balanced and Meteor struggled to hear the bass :melting_face:
Clicked out.



The thing is called acquired taste. It is present everywhere from taystig wine, beer, whisky, coffee, tea, cheese, listening to classical music, jazz, electronic music, metal and plenty more (I guess).

There is nothing wrong with their opinions and approach either. Not everyone has time or want to learn to appreciate some histories, try to look for specific flavours or nuances in frequency response. It is probably another example on how niche this audio gear hobby is and how strange for everyday Joe (like our wives) is the case that you want to spent hundred of dollars for fricking earphones :person_shrugging:

I like my whisky only with coke and can’t stand some fancy single malts that my brother in law always serves me straight, but on the other hand he likes his Starbucks americano and I love finding citrus flavours in my single origin Kenyan coffees made in V60 after hours of tinkering of the grind settings and proportions. To each their own :wine_glass:


Here here.

giphy (23)


I’m guessing that anyone who can’t hear the bass of a Meteor has a bad seal; they did note that there was zero tip-rolling, and only one person even knew how to put the IEMs on correctly…


Yeah It seemed wrong, never been a fan of B2 Dusk. Doesn’t sound fun or natural to me. Never tried the Meteor, but from your video and other reviews they should be balanced with a solid low end.

I have done similar experiment with some headphones I own.
The ones who listen to more orchestral music prefer my Verite, the ones listening to pop/EDM prefer my Aeolus or T1. But everyone preferred the more expensive sets over DT770 or t50RP.

As for price everyone believed the ZMF where expensive, maybe not weird due to weight and wood.


HBB any review from you for the 64 Audio U4s?


Tbf Meteor from my quick demo was way too warm and colored everything: vocals, strings, drums. oof


It’s entertainment. Good idea for a video is all I thought.

I owned the Beyer T1 and man…that is a bright set :melting_face:


I ordered a set. I heard it already…so I ordered. :notes:


Can’t wait for a review on this. That one looks very good

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The Blessing 3 is available now at hifigo.

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It launched?
Gotta grab one. Any graphs out there?

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Crin has it in the database.


I simply do not understand companies that have a well-received product and change it on the next iteration. At least here in the west it’s usually due to some higher-up trying to make their mark.
“Yeah so people praised the bass of the dusk so let’s reduce that a lot. Oh, you know what would be cool? If we add a peak to the treble!”


The crowd they are going for is the OG B2 apparently?
Was not a fan, like crins twist on it better.
They got a market…I kinda wish that isobaric DD config was used in a slightly out of box way to pull in folks like me

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I was hoping the same… that bass looks pretty weak. Maybe we need of dusk or HBB version :sunglasses:


It IS Moondrop, after all; most likely this is a proof of concept for the isobaric DD while banking on the safe ‘house’ tuning and the name-recognition to move units. I will personally wait and hope that Softears plays with the tech down the line, possibly in a more esoteric tuning.


I am waiting for more companies to use the open BA tubless design and the Apex modules, we see that creaping out now. Fat Freq, and this T Audio


Yeah that tech is great. The Fatfreq has 2 distinct tunings plus the rocker and it reduces pressure too for some folks with sensitivity about that

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