Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 2)

Where did you order from?

Shenzhenaudio - I find them to have the fastest regular shipping. At least 1-2 weeks faster than Linsoul and HifiGo (for me at least)

Catching up with un measured stuff



That tuning is definitely not for me :face_with_diagonal_mouth:

Holy moley! :exploding_head:
What’s the tuning of that set like?

Kinda reminds me of an Ety ER2SE graph :man_shrugging:

I only found one graph so far, from someone who left a review on AliX:


You’d have to pop the shell open to dampen the driver itself…that’s ehhhh yuck!

It might be the same driver but it absolutely won’t be the same masterful tuning, that’s for sure. It’s nice to know though because the driver inside the DMs is one capable little thing.

Apparently the tuning is based on replicating Final A8000 so…


Just EQ it to DM tuning and save 500$? :thinking:

True, there’s definitely some merit to that for sure. Since it’s pretty damn close on a graph, it won’t be too difficult

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EQ doesn’t account for the physical changes like how the driver pushes air with more/less dampening and such. EQ is great for tonal adjustments, but you can’t mimic technicalities with EQ

SA6 owners lost the same bet with the Ultra


I can’t imagine there would be a huge difference with identical driver + frequency response. Somebody ought to A/B this theory for the culture

It’s identical driver, but not identical driver configuration.

Take two F1 cars from Porsche. Same engine, same chassis but one changes the angle on the rare wing and uses different tire compounds. Then if you change the gas mixture to improve the performance of the car that didn’t get the better car set up, and even if everything else is the same, you’re going to get changes in performance. They can’t perform the exact same.

The drivers in the two IEMs are dampened different and use different shells. Even if you EQ the frequency the same, the driver is behaving differently. You’re just changing the signal before it gets to the IEM. That doesn’t make the IEMs equal


Okay but we’re talking earphones here, they’re a whole lot less complicated than automobiles. I don’t expect it to sound exactly the same but it should come pretty close.


That’s not saying much though. When we aren’t being completely nitpicky assholes, most IEMs that graph similarly sound pretty close to each other, regardless of price or configuration

Edit: My point is IMO, either you ask the question “what’s the difference and does EQ bridge that gap?” and we get in the weeds to nitpick, or it doesn’t matter and we don’t ask the question at all.

Asking the question then dismissing the valid conclusion doesn’t really work for me


That was my question bro… there’s no weeds to get into without somebody actually trying and comparing them though is there? Not sure what you’re trying to argue here


Well I explained why it doesn’t and your response was “yeah but what if it comes close?”

EQ does not match physical modifications. Period

Doing the same tuning via physical methods will always be better than digital ones (PEQ, DSP…etc…) but that doesnt mean that the digital methods (PEQ in this case) will be BAD.


Well then there’s also the option of using physical mods. My entire point was it would be cool to see if us budget conscious peeps could enjoy a budget DM. If it gets even 90% there at a tenth of the price, it’s an interesting option. Wouldn’t you say?