Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 2)

We were just talking about fearless audio (Know your audience and OEM…back the fuk up)…embrace it.
They actually were looking to move on from that tagline which is their call but for my collab it was required.
How many companies have that kinda well known slogan?
Embrace all the angles. Listen to your fans. Put your DRIAMS in your pocket and listen to the DRIAMS of the folks that buy your goods.
Pretty basic but incredibly…some folks think they are going to re invent the wheel or something.


That’s the key right there. They have probably the most well known tag in ChiFi. I get them not liking getting made fun of initially, but it has caught on to the point that it’s an identity for the brand if they roll with it. I’m glad you helped them realize that. It’s all part of the hustle. :money_mouth_face:

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Wow the baby footage, the planar at the end… I did a quick scrub for now but I’ll have to come back to this video!


HBB can you confirm if the sample on your graph is kiwi ears quartet or not? “3B” means “3BA”?

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That is a pre release version of the 2DD 3 BA not the Quartet :call_me_hand:


Great giveaway!

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Ok great!!

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I bought a reservation Card for the BLON x HBB Z300 and thought nothing of it. Received an email informing me of it going live so went through to purchase. Went back to my emails for the code and cannot find the email. I checked my Inbox, Spam, Bin and evey other folder I have: gone! So I contacted Linsoul about the missing email and thought what the heck, I’ll just buy it. So I went through the order process, paid for it, went to bed. Woke up this morning to an email from Linsoul cancelling my order and giving me a refund. Bizzare!!! I’ve emailed them again asking WTF is going on, my bad if I missed out on the deal, but why they cancelled my order is a bit beyond me!


I read about this happening to someone on Discord too :thinking:

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Looks pretty good, I might get it at some point… wait, it’s $39??? That’s a steal, ordered one.
I ended up not getting any planar during the last wave of releases because most of them were too expensive to just get on a whim to check out planar IEMs, and PR1 had the questionable treble. This is both reasonably tuned and reasonably priced.

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Hey, out of curiosity can I asked why you are doing a collab with KZ again after they kinda burned you before?


Because my feelings are often kept tucked in my pocket since I know this hobby from the inside.
The “burn” was QA.
The driver is the one I mentioned in my PR1 video. Even when I was in my feels i could hear the driver quality, and with maybe 10 versions of the earstudio drivers in the hobby…I thought if it wasn’t bass’d out (PLA) or trebled to the sky (PR1)…it would be the winner in the game.
The PR1 PRO has been mentioned but that is $80 and this is 50% of that.
Consumer wins (possibly)
Company wins (if consumer likes)
I win because my emotions didn’t get in the way of doing business.
I could hold a grudge but that would benefit who?
I’m a Dad now. Meet the claims you promise the consumer and fix anything that bothers that.


Glad to hear it :). Thanks for the response.

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No more grudge you say :thinking:

Well then it is time for another collab with @shuoer in the 500-1000$ range Hawaii dad boy :grin::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::crossed_fingers:t2:


Or not lots of good companies Lava Burns Deep!


How does the PR2 graph compare to the Tangzus (OG & Heyday) ??
Me a sucker for a planar :smiley:

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