Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 1)

Hey, it worked. This drops in the same day im getting my first moondrop pair 🤦


From here on out Moondrip should be referred to as Cumsplash.

@nymz whoa getting the new cumsplash in-ears eh? don’t forget to roll those tips :wink:


Just received them, Linsoul shipping has been lightning fast.
Will listen to them soon, I wanted to take pictures first :slight_smile:


Yeah, my Vibrations is out for deliver… I mean Variations.


LEZZZ GOOOOOO, SQUARE PANTS MELE. Make sure to drop your impressions on Mele thread, looking forward!

:man_shrugging: :man_shrugging: :man_shrugging: :man_shrugging: :man_shrugging: :man_shrugging: :man_shrugging: :man_shrugging: :man_shrugging: :man_shrugging: :man_shrugging: :man_shrugging: :man_shrugging: :man_shrugging: :man_shrugging: :man_shrugging: :man_shrugging: :man_shrugging: :man_shrugging: :man_shrugging: :man_shrugging: :man_shrugging: :man_shrugging: :man_shrugging: :man_shrugging: :man_shrugging: :man_shrugging: :santa:

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Moondrop’s ‘anally’ girl set does that cum with a Boner conductor :man_shrugging:


“Trying to convince” lol



What are those speakers, they look dope?

nothing against kink stuff but that really left me speechless.

Oh my. This is horrifying. I never understood the anime characters. Sorry I’m incredibly naïve when it comes to this stuff. Is this stuff supposed to be sexually explicit? I just thought they were based on Asian characters from cartoons I’m unaware of? This turns my stomach.



Just fanservice lol.

It is their own mascot character.

IMO; that was kind of a “wrong place, wrong time” case, that doesnt belong in the audio world. (I do like the usual weeb marketing otherwise…)


I teach kids.
Little Japanese girls and older.
Even in Japan that stuff is kept where folks need to go find it. Audio companies or any do not do that kinda sexploitation in 2021.

If Linsoul ever did shit like that I’d pounce on em publicly

A capped this cause a few said nadda in Moondrop thread.
Next time they feel offended by something they should shut the fuck up since they said nothing today
nymz and igor spoke up…thank God.
Common sense comin straight outta HF forums :raised_hands:


The more I hear about HEAD FI, the more it sounds like a cancer that I will just not participate in.

I’ve bought a bunch of Moondrop IEMs but never understood the characters they put on their packaging and always have just dismissed it (I’m buying the IEM, not a cartoon charater). It wasn’t until this morning when I saw that image you posted that I questioned what is going on or what the company stands for depicting these female characters on their products.

I want to make sure that I’m not supporting a company that is supporting that kind of imagery or messaging.

It’s great to see some decency from other parts of the world and right here at HIFI Guides. I’m in America where more and more, this kind of stuff is not tolerated.


Though there are not many ladies in this hobby, what moondrop did is completely unacceptable and plain disgusting. I for one will not purchase anything from moondrop for what they just pulled. Call me petty but its against my principle and my hard earned money should not go to such ridiculous stunt. I don’t work in this industry, its just my hobby. My voice will most likely not reach them as well, but this is my personal protest against sexualising female for profit. People should realise this is not okay.

Edit: I agree with many others who mentioned that it could possibly be the mistake of just one individual. What matters from now on is how moondrop will respond to this mistake and their future marketing approach. Only time will tell.


Run. As fast as you can. And i’m pretty sure u’d be banned there in 10 mins too :rofl:

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I think an apology is in order and they need to do better at what they are allowing on their social media.

I’m an advocate for giving people the opportunity to make changes (no one or no company is perfect. We’re all human) and I hope that someone made a mistake in this situation. Maybe their leadership needs to put different people in charge of what is posted on their social media?

From the video I saw internally at Moondrop, it appeared as if the staff are very young. Maybe they have a lot of maturing to do? I hope Moondrop does better because I really do enjoy their products.


Amen. Yea I do agree in giving second chances. I hope all these will ultimately reach moondrop and others should also learn to be more sensitive.


They watch this thread.
They will see ya.

Dude, save your sanity. You are already in the more authentic forum (user, not sponsor driven)