Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 1)

Judging from the output power, it already lost against the L&P W2.

The price of the S2 is at this price due to the rarity of AKM chips. Since their factory was too lit for them lol. :rofl:


AKM = mucho fuego

Thank you…

it doesn’t look different from the S1. The same DAC chip?

Only more output power?

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Yup, same dac but different output power

They didnt specify the amp chip in the S2 though

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Ohhh okay

what about the pricing? Do not say $300 lol…

S2 is 250 usd.

I would go for the S1 or go up and get the W2 instead.


U are right… Lotoo kinda crazy with their prices


Its 100% due to the rare AKM chip…


They are nutz.
Told me "tough shit. deal with it" when i had a prob with a $4500 DAP Andrew at Musictek saved me on that one. Without his help I woulda been fucked.

Bought a Lotoo Paw Gold Touch was locked to Japanese language
Rep said he could send a Firmware with permission, to unlock for English or other.
Next day on FB he hadn’t sent and had…blocked me. :rage: I paid $4500

I used another account and showed the screen caps which was bizzare to have to doing.
Big money does not get big service.
Anyway, Andrew is top notch.
He saved me and exchanged for an English ver.
My Patreon won it for $100 :raised_hands:


Great that you found a solution. That is alot of money.


Andrew at Musictek is one of the best guys in this hobby…period. He is awesome


Dude slays. I have actually heard about him and his infallible integrity and accommodating generosity few times before.

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I have a slight preference for Sabre DAC chips.

Teasing like this should be illegal. #thotshit :weary:


I confirm, best shopping experience. The dude is gold to have the patience to reply to all of us.


I can confirm as well. I ordered and got my MEST MKII the next day. I paid nothing in shipping costs. I just ordered the 3DT over the Labor Day holiday and received it on Tuesday. I’ve spoken to Andrew multiple times and he’s always replied quickly and professionally. There hasn’t been a moment I haven’t felt completely secure buying from him. He even contacted me after my MEST MKII purchase to make sure I was 100% satisfied. Best service in the business I’ve encountered thus far.

Makes me want to buy more from him.

Obligatory pic of the new 3DT that just arrived in 1 day… :wink: Crazy!


How is it?

I just realized my phone has a similar dac chip to this. Probably low power version due to the “A” in it.


Which phone do you have?

Edit: oh, its in the picture derp.

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