Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 1)

LOL, I gotta read more carefully, slowlyā€¦at all :laughing:

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Ok i have a slightly odd request ; any chance you could measure the Zeitan Wu without any filters?
Didnā€™t work for the Dioko but the Timeless sounds great unfiltered so with the amount of sub-bass im curious of what effect defiltering might have on the Zeitan Wu.

Zeitan Wu sounds very interesting but I would be gun shy as I disliked the sound stage of the Timeless.

Where is my Turtles!..
Wouldnā€™t mind a comparison vid of the Best planer so far vs a hyper classic Olina retuned!


Hey Mr.BadBoy, I was curious if youā€™ve ever used or tested a Sony Walkman A105 and what you thi k of it?

No, i tried it but never for long. I love the WM1A/Z brothers though :notes: :v:


Turtles coming soon :musical_note: :turtle: :hibiscus: :ocean:


@hawaiibadboy suggestion for future reviews, could you mention the shell size of an IEM or maybe have a couple go-to IEMs for reference (like idk, the Mele on the one hand and the chonkee Clairvoyance on the other)? You canā€™t really tell from the vid how big an IEM is and shell size is a pretty important factor for fit IMO


Damn Iā€™m guessing you didnā€™t keep it then? I love itā€™s super-poketable form factor and the button layout is the best out or in a pocket. :heart_eyes:

Is Olina permanently turning into this veersion or is it limited quantity release and the regular Olina will be still the deafult one?


The name ā€œSEā€ / Special Edition is the big clue :melting_face:


Iā€™m a big Sony fanboy. I never got into the budgetish DAP since the old FiiO X5ā€¦I think that was the name? I spent weems making custom themes for those :sweat_smile:

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@hawaiibadboy Kai receiving love in Brazil.


Cool. Kai gets love in Japan too
Kinda goes against the stereotype of Jphile loving intense treble.
Meh, they loved Mele too :notes: :v:


Just a heads up.
My left channel started fuzzing/dropping out today when comparing for a deep dive v.s. 7Hz and Hook X.
I expect it is not a widespread issue (have not heard of anyone elseā€™s set having issue)
Have never had direct contact with company but they seem motivated and am hoping this is not an issue and they tighten it up and grow as a company.


Well said Chris and it needed to be said.
KZ representation reaction looked like self defense and shows poorly on the company Angry Andy is uncool.

KZ will keep making poor tuning , horrible quality control until people stop buying and giving this company money period.

I would never by a product and be satisfied without getting what I paid for!
If I paid for 1DD and 8 BA I want everything to work not be blocked or inaudible and just putting used hearing aid BA in a IEM to get more money because it looks good for advertising.

Sorry KZ no you wonā€™t get any of my money ā€¦ Now but if you change who knows again Sound / Value = my $$


Thanks for the update
Instantly wrote a mail to linsoul if I should not better cancel my order because of quality issues.
I asked about return policy and how they would deal with that because sending a defective unit for repair to China is way too expensive
I was really looking forward to this IEM but now I am not sure anymoreā€¦

Kind of disappointed there arenā€™t more reviews and people discussing the Mahina.

I like mine quite a bit and think they are fantastic IEMs. But Iā€™ve learned that I personally prefer a more clinical/scooped lower mids like the Moondrop Variations.

Maybe Iā€™ll eventually trade them for something from Thieaudioā€¦I was very close to getting Clairvoyance instead but I was worried about the larger shell.

Would like to hear what others think of them? To me the low end is great, the mids presentation sounds very similar to the ER2XR, and they have detail but are never sibilant up high.


Did they take care of you. Mind you, it was just one sample and every company produces dud units. EVERY company :disappointed_relieved:


Iā€™ve got a set on the way, and Iā€™ll report in if thereā€™s any issues. I tend to have pretty good luck with QC lotteries, but you never know!