@hawaiibadboy Thanks for the rec on the Division. I use it daily on my PC. It’s quite comfortable and well built. And sounds very good for the price. A particularly fun track I heard on it was Give it Away by RHCP using an Ifi amp with bassX. The bass guitar on that song was so much fun on the Division.
Thie, Kiwi, Ziigaat… All the same company.
Nice list. I enjoy White Buffalo and Loreena, the others are all new to me, thanks.
Glad you like! I use it daily for watching stuff on internet.
I changed pads but the thumping bass is a welcome thing and it’s filling it’s spot well.
For the most part they have good advice. But Morons are everywhere. I’m not using social media that long nowadays. Trying to lower the time
I never understand why ppl simp for companies. Like Dude they don’t care about you. It’s the same thing with new gaming company. Some ppl just can’t stop sumping for em.
That was funny as fk
Vinyl set up show off video, when?
That makes a lot of sense. Finding the right cable can be a frustrating process, especially when most don’t match the way you want. Hope your investment in PUNCH gets you closer to the sound you’re aiming for!
Oh that looks dope. just got tracking for DHL from Germany. That Blue GNX is a German print I guess?
NGL I’ll just take Jupiter & Valhala
Your chart is so close…
We both enjoy bass.