Bad Guy Good Audio Reviews (A Million views?) Part 3/4

Cautionary Tales

This is a bit random , but maybe useful.

I don’t post much on this site or any other, Yet I read most of it, honestly I feel this crew usually has the bases covered and I do discount myself often because my ears are older than most here and my preferences/opinions might not add much to conversations with much younger ears.

This, however is something I can comment on. Concerning returning electronics/ IEMs for repairs to China and new policies that will likely affect you.

2024 was a shit show of my stuff breaking down in and out of warranty.

Because it could get lengthy I’ll try to cliff note it…

While trying to get my FIIIO M11 Plus repaired, I wound up without a player, permanently.
It never gets to Fiio, after 2 tries, because of lack of proper documentation from the dealer and FIIO. FedEX considered the package abandoned, after both FIIO and EGGHEAD doing blame game. I believe Fiio is fearful of customs connecting that their tax documents are not in line with China policy and refuse to send what fed Ex and customs need.
As for Fiio, I have purchased a multitude of products from them from their very beginning and had a positive relationship….until now.

While waiting For FIIO, I purchased Ibasso DX180 through HiFiGo, 3 months in the battery cooks… fuck.
HFG, after an insane amount of communications agrees to warranty player. I send it according to their instructions and it gets returned before flight to China because of battery and documentation.
At this point I start asking lots of questions and learn from FED EX, DHL and EMS that China has dramatically sharpened focus on items being returned, especially those with batteries and possibly magnets. I have much reason to believe that every parcel being returned does get imaged, pulled and scrutinized.
DHL has a long list of paperwork and even an affidavit is required to return goods with batteries. EMS stopped shipping items with batteries. DHL and Fedex, along with Wai Ming from Penon convinced me that that shipping to Hong Kong is less resistant. Turns out this is true.
HifiGo did provide me an address in HK and It went smoothly there, they then did forward it to China.
Ibasso has the player still- 6 weeks in their hands.

Recently, my 2 month old Xenns Tea Pro develops nasty buzz in rt side. After discussing, Linsoul did present an Invoice with a lower retail value, and a proper RMA form, which are now required docs. There was a smaller tax paid to customs because of that. That set also went through more customs scrutiny before reaching them, took an extra week or so but passed.

This is where my suggestions come in. Documentation is now scrutinized more intensely, so coordinate with dealer, and be on the same wavelength with your shipper so as to provide customs no reasons to hold back. Do not hide the fact your player has a battery, in fact, feature it. State that it is drained and in safe condition.
HFG, Linsoul, Penon, Letshuoer all have provided alternative documentation, when asked, to ease to cost of import fees, which are substantial and even more importantly, smooth transit.

Heros and Failures

Fuck Fiio for blowing off a long term customer…Egghead shares this title as well ….am out a 700ish player.

HifiGo Customer service is the total shit show….many of you already know this. If they weren’t so non helpful it could be comical even. I feel like I am dealing 4-5 year olds there.

Paul from Ibasso is genuine and willing to help when he can, he is concerned about Ibasso’s image.

Linsoul over the years has been a good choice overall. The communications can be a tightrope walk so go delicately.

Penon, when some cables (out of warranty) they were returning to me got lost by the shipper, quickly made new ones and sent out with a small shipping fee. They did not blow me off like FIIO. I have had many positive transactions with them. When making, modifying or repairing cables, it is always easy and less costly than I expected.

I did purchase the Cayin N6iii through Jaben In Singapore, they were great… responsive, proficient in english, alternative documentation is available. So far that player rocks.
Hiby? All good and a shout out to Joe

Sorry it it still got long, yet maybe this can help someone going through the process.


My Son got a hold of my mics and I mixed em up. (1 is off)
Took the coupler cap off one and will throw away to avoid that prob.


If I had to choose, it’s the yellow one for me.



That was the most useful post I have seen in ages.

FiiO has not been on my channel since implying they would talk about me bad at audio shows and gatherings because I wasn’t being “fair”
Yumu Song at Hifigo is probably the worst thing to happen to this hobby.
You all have no idea or some are getting paid and know exactly what i mean.
She started the Narrative guiding on Social media as part of contracts.
I’m glad Timmy walked away from Gizaudio in a way. It was spoiled by her ridiculous bullshit.


Excellent post.

So far I’ve been mostly able to dodge customs problems because I’m somewhat knowledgable on the subject. Specifically oil derivatives, but because of that I know who to contact and where to look for the right info. It has helped me solve problems with BrightAudio on Aliexpress and call out Fatfreq for their bullshit claims.

As for the battery items, that doesn’t surprise me. This is most likely the result of the Mossad rigging those Hamas beepers and Russia rigging battery items on 2 DHL flights to ignite. (Russia suspected of planting device on plane that caused UK warehouse fire | Birmingham | The Guardian)

I’ve never had any issues with FiiO products and I’m looking at the new K17. But I’m 100% waiting until a local reseller has it in stock (I still prefer brick&mortar stores) and I can take advantage of EU warranty policies.


Any good?


On paper it looks like what I’m looking for at least.
I think that seller you’re linking is a dropshipper. I want to be able to demo it first, and Bremen is a bit too much of a drive for me (450km one way).

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I’m participanting in a demo tour, can tell you more as soon as I got it! Will take some time until it is my turn though


Very useful infos thank you for this! From what I have seen so far Hifigo seems to be really bad at cs while Linsoul often is a hit or miss. So did you managed to get a replacement for your tea pros? Did you need to pay for shipping again?

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They are with Xenns now for testing and resolution. Linsoul has promised to cover return shipping.

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thats nice from linsoul. hope its all good with your tea pro!

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I just read the MF on the headband and i was like, ZMF has his own headphone.

Do you think K17 would be a good all-in-one device for Hifiman HE6SE V2?

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No idea, but I hope so because I impulse bought a refurb HE6SE V2 today. :sweat_smile:


lol, i bought an open box from Hifiman sale as well. It needs serious amplification.


So close to pulling the trigger on the Valhalla! Looking for an upgrade to my fav Mest MkII.

Great post!

I have had nothing but stellar service from Musicteck and Linsoul. I look to those two vendors first for everything.



Do all the mods. Mesh gill…it’s an amazing set that loves tons of power


This is actually such a helpful post. We al need to be aware of these details and make our decisions acccordingly. Thanks alot!


Thanks for sharing your experience! It’s always good to know the behind-the-scenes challenges, especially with the increased scrutiny on shipments. Really appreciate the detailed advice on documentation and shipping, will definitely keep this in mind for any future purchases or returns!