That looks like great tuning with all branded drivers.
Only a couple vids and few reviews though…
Nothing else tempting
That looks like great tuning with all branded drivers.
Only a couple vids and few reviews though…
Nothing else tempting
Yeah, beyond some limited reviews, people do like that set a lot that have tried it at shows. Not a lot of reviews on the brand with only the Omega and the Ra out.
My first time listening to it, I had ear fatigue so I didn’t like it much but second time, it does a lot of really nice stuff. Definitely competes with everything at that price level
It’s got everything else that actually counts though…apparently?
Is this a new company?
Alpha Omega? New-ish, another darling on Head-fi thanks to units/loaners.
Sorry I haven’t been too active here lately, I was in Vegas for CES and came down with a nasty flu afterwards. Just catching up with a couple of hundred posts haha.
Apparently they’ve been around since 2021? Hard to find much literature about them but they’re another S.E.A. company out of Malaysia.
Astral Acoustics may be related to them. I know Andrew/Leo/MusicTeck carry them. They do look a bit nicer in person, TBH, but probably unremarkable compared to others.
Word on the street, though, is that you should hold off on Omega as I think something else is around the corner and above it. And that one… That one I think will compete with Dio and Storm. And tuning maybe perfect.
It’s a limited edition of 69 sets (cos why not). Pricing expected to be $6900 too iirc.
The next level up?
The proof will be in the pudding but that set better part the frickin’ clouds for $7K!
Edit: also feel better soon @VSG !
There was a prototype at CanJam London last year, but I only got to hear it briefly as there was a personal matter which took me away from the show on Saturday and I had to squeeze a lot in on Sunday. It was not the best tuned set I’d heard, even at the show, but seemingly they have updated it since. It should be at CJ NYC.
Edit: This was the version I heard in London
and this is the final version
Different driver configuration, so it’s might as well be a completely different product.
With a name like Fulgrim, it better be perfection haha.
That was the one!
Supposed to be more basshead oriented but done right. Also I appreciate the 69 units. Because it’s funny. I’m mature.
I don’t know if it was at SoCal CanJam but yeah I heard it’ll be at NYC CanJam and I know a few people are going to listen to it and remit back. That may be the one to get. Shell apparently looks absolutely gorgeous, not sure if the London one was completely done?
But the Alpha Omega Omega Alpha Beta Alpha Omega Phi (I can’t help myself, they really should have called it Alpha Omega’s Alpha vs Alpha Omega’s Omega) is actually a pretty nice IEM that does compete with the other kilobucks.
Hope you’re feeling better, @VSG . Lot of people I know have been coming down with stuff.
Thanks, all good now. It worked out for the better too, since I really needed a break to not burn out.
Man that duck bloke does my head in with all his eq shiz…kinda like metal571 without class.
I can appreciate those that live and die by the PEQ but man, it ain’t me unless I’m doing room correction for speakers.
Off on a tangent can you have/build a listening room where speakers don’t need to be PEQ’ed?
That’s it guys, I’m done, the Punch is everything I always wanted and didn’t know lol.
here are my first impressions… (I’ve been in this hobby for a year, so bear with me)
Have been testing it for many hours per day since I got it. Had 3 sessions of 2h+ each.
I can easily say that, before the Punch, I didn’t care much about the treble. I know, basshead right? I just want the treble to be there and don’t bother or fatigue me.
The EST drivers and the tune just make the treble region so pleasant. Feels like butter or a soft cake Yesterday I did a 2h+ session and I didn’t get tired of it neither bother me for a second. Separation and imaging is so good. On my trance tracks, I can easily listen the effects bouncing left to right and vice versa, just perfectly there in the mix, smooth AF. I’m an EST believer now.
And all that while the subbass and midbass is strong, textured and punchy. The tune on this thing is next level, shoutout to MakeItWain for properly describing it as a basshead all-arounder. I totally get it and I feel the same way. This is my most expensive IEM (wife doesn’t even know yet lol) and yeah man, going to the $400 price bracket its a whole different experience.
My current other IEMS are Aful Explorer, ZiiGaat Doscinco and Deuce. Had other but sold them. Not really into collecting, more about finding the best IEM based on my library and wallet.
Library: rap (Kendrick Lamar ofc, and a few others, nothing crazy), lots of electronic (psytrance, darkpro, techno, deep techno, etc) and metal (progmetal, I love Tool and some new stuff, lots of instrumental like Plini, etc). So I really don’t care much about vocals, even less female vocals…
I’m truly impressed by the Punch performance on some of my trance tracks/sets, the balance between subbass and midbass is just chef’s kiss. Everything sits so well in the mix.
Always had a high praise for the Doscinco midbass, until I heard the Punch. I did a lot of back and forth between the Punch and the Doscinco last night, and let me tell you, the Punch is like, so much better. I kept going back and forth and I couldn’t believe that there was another new level to this.
Shoutout to Jay’s Audio too, he has his own style and its not for everyone, but he has been on point on his reviews - based on music taste and style. Bought almost all my IEMs based on his opinion and HBBs. The Punch is really an awesome upgrade for those who love the subbass/midbass and tuning of the Doscinco.
I will give a slightly edge for the Deuce on the subbass department. It has that extra rumble that shakes your ear, but its a just a little more than the Punch, probably because of FF proprietary tech. Have to give to them. So I don’t know if I will keep it just because of this.
I’ve been using the Punch with a Hiby R6 Gen3 and an Onix Alpha X1L dac. The R6 is more neutral and give me kind of a monitoring experience with the Punch, I quite like. In the other hand, the Onix Alpha with the Punch feels like you just add sriracha on top of it and becomes a fun, slightly more engaging and energetic experience, love it too. The Punch makes the differences between my two sources more obvious than my other IEMs.
Tip rolling was quite difficult, I must say. Even my trusted and favorite W1s didn’t fit well. Landed on the Sancai regular.
The Punch is slightly more thirsty than the Deuce. On the R6, which has 3 levels of gain, I used middle gain with volume around 48. Deuce is around 42 and the Doscinco is low gain and volume around 40. On the Onix DAC is like, here is all the juice, go do your thing. Its on the high gain and I just play with the volume.
Sorry for the long post, and congratulations to you Chris on this awesome project. I have no intentions to spend more than I did with the Punch (those $330 usd became almost $500 canadian pesos, ouch), so that’s it for me, I’m done, now I will just enjoy music going through all my library again and keep laughing my way through it like last night.
Oh, most of my EQ is just for my subs to fix room modes; I literally use as little as possible. I think that well-voiced speakers should retain as much of their “character” as possible, but there can be sensitivities or acoustic artifacts that are a bit much. And obviously it’s different if you’re getting Genelecs or something that you want as neutral as humanly possible, where EQ is practically the whole point.
Exactly this
They build beautiful custom finished ones too.