Bad Guy Good Audio Reviews (A Million views?) Part 3/4

Just don’t drive though New Jersey on your way somewhere. I think that’s the state where there’s a little old lady doing time because of a cartridge shell in the back of her car or something?

Here in the UK we’ve got that covered :smile:


Finger-guns are legal and usually stop a stabber in their tracks.

Finger Gun GIFs | Tenor

Your picture looks like it’s straight out of Dad’s Army :rofl:


Less than a majority of 711 mics :ok_hand:


That’s Goddamn poetry :smiling_face_with_tear:…beautiful :dizzy:


Yours has a small sub bass roll off as well? Hmmm … what!? :sweat_smile: that’s insane. Either the pair of Titans you got in had a preposterous amount of sub bass compared to the rest of the sets or im just Missing something here

I used a calibration file to fix the bass. The treble is just under average. Super Reviews 711 is brutal for ear gain area that’s why his set is highlighted. After seeing Mrs 711 I asked to see my own. The treble is not boosted, if it is it’s unit variation.


Fair enough, it’s def good to have perspective. I’m lining up a bunch of graphs from various rigs now using the Titans as a baseline and It looks like, from what I can tell, Jay’s rig has a sub bass dip that’s pretty significant. I don’t think Symphonium would ship an IEM with this much of a QC issue, but hey, I could be wrong.


I drive around with a tactical thumper in the back of my Tesla always…always

And I have a carry permit so a handgun is usually tucked under my shirt as well

It’s like the wild fuckin west here in Jersey


Yeah that mic might be doing what mine did. y 1st 711 was bass light so I bought a 2nd, the 2nd is great aside from that sub roll which was an easy fix. Not mssin w/treb though


From N…E…W jerz…where many murders occurz

1995 Outlawz (Hit em up)


“Tactical thumper” sounds like you can summon a sand worm to devour you, your car, and the assailant! Dang.
I must have the wrong state, or maybe the old lady having an ammo casing in the back but no permit was the issue.


You have balls of steel for a reason, bro)

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No, pretty sure it was New Jersey. And it may not have the ability to summon worms, but that smoothbore can summon some heavy slugs!


Grab your Glocks when you see 2Pac
Call the cops when you see 2Pac, oh
Who shot me, but your punks didn’t finish
Now you about to feel the wrath of a menace

this is when it all started…

long live biggie and Lesane


yeah…it was Jersey

but in this state…it’s who you know

and having state troopers in the family doesn’t hurt


Anatolyi…what do your friends think about Putin’s strategic ideology when it come to Ukraine

generally with it or against it…as it drags on I’m sure people are starting to wane in their support of the offensive…a lot of fathers…husbands and brothers are not coming home

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Interesting. It’s good to note that! I typically use Jay’s database the most for obvious reasons… Thanks for the insight, Chris.


double-aught or # 4 buckshot…better control…even with 3 inch mag shells

even if your drunk…you can pretty much hit anything…but I don’t drink so they’d be in a world of shit


Your comment actually prompted me to buy a Cadenza right now

I first bought one during HBB’s review of them and I always just knew it would be the first set Id buy more than once lol

I’ll see how my ears take that 3-4k, all I know is I might be weak to 5-7k boosts because of Mext and maybe Project M

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