Bad Guy Good Audio Reviews (A Million views?) Part 3/4

Some producers (older and younger) swear the older pre digital production and mastering were superior.

Arguing that older albums are of lesser quality spits in Science’s face and a lot of Musicians and Actual Audiophiles as well.


Songs for the dead is a great album!!

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Since then the trends in LUFS, RMS levels for mastering have changed ‘Achieving perfect loudness in music’.

As far as I understand, at that time there were others rules for mastering tracks by LUFS, RMS.

These days different LUFS, RMS volume targets are used for different streaming sites
radio, etc.

That’s why the remaster sounds louder than the original versions of the albums.


My choice is just a perfect album Steely Dan’s Aja


Epic album! :100:

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Thanks for all the songs/albums! Looking forward to checking them out while traveling this weekend.


how does one go about and do that…


Stand too close to a meth head?

giphy (16)


yes…and a soundtrack to boot…strangely enough I prefer the exhaust on my buds R35 GTR

I knew I could count on @Ohmboy and you to chime in…defenders of the status quo and old school mentality…

:fist_right: :fist_left: with love to you two…I have been a performance ICE guy my whole life…


top ICE car vs top toaster

it’s comin baby…get use to it…it’s inevitable




I never know from day to day

" I should have stayed on the farm…I should have listened to my old man"


this one’s way up there for me as well


This music link site is pretty slick! I appreciate that it links you to whatever music service you want.

i was like “this has to exist”, and it does :smile: Very nice tool.

I think it fell on the garbage can next to my desk and there it went without me noticing

Its a very fun experience, there goes 550 bucks I won’t get back so I’m out of the hobby for now, I think I’ll buy maybe 2 more sets if I can muster it lol

Started this hobby to help me with depression only to lose my favorite set from some stupid shit lmao

We’ll see where the winds take me

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The Rimac is a bit of an outlier for me… because I think they’re pretty sick. They honestly push the boundaries for what a car can do on the road. They’re pretty incredible imo but if we’re talking hyper cars, I’d take an Egg or a Pagani over a Rimac any day of the week.


Yeah, although I’m not just talking about production quality as a function of loudness range. Heck, I love modern EDM because I legitimately like the kind of tight, stretched quality that hyperloud music has—think -6 LUFS and higher. But with Kind of Blue, I’m talking about how the instruments are recorded, their fidelity and placement, the way that the room is so apparent and natural, while still being clean in headphones. This is all done at a time when stereophonic sound and even basic mixing tools like compression were still pretty new concepts iirc. I mean compare this to Electric Ladyland by Jimi or older Beatles stuff. Not that those albums are bad—no, those engineers are legendary in their own right—but the difference in recording fidelity is night and day.

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Snatam Kaur…such a beautiful spirit…love her work!!

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The arguments in the loudness wars and associated arguments falls into 2 groups. Producers who think you mix to what YOU think is best …end of story. The 2nd are Dogmatic who cite Science and rarely mention music. It’s like this hobby. Good is what YOU like V.S. “Trained Ears” :face_with_peeking_eye:
telling you what is good without citing music.


Glad he’s back :100: :heart:


Dan was one of my reviewer mentors, I didn’t really get much out of the audio clips, so much as I just wanted to hear from Dan how he heard it.