Before I rebuy Fostex TH-00 (nor TR-00).. some thoughts?

So yeh we all know about the hinge issue. That’s why I don’t currently have a pair anymore. I got the original TH-00’s from massdrop and of course, they got knocked off the desk and hinge broke… they didnt have a replacement to send me at time under warranty so refunded money and i sent them back.

Since then I’ve tried a range of headphones:
my old HD650’s
Audeze EL-8 open
Hifiman HE-4XX
BD DT770 pro’s

and at the end of the day, I still wish I had the fostex’s back… so I was holding off hoping…hoping they would address the hinge but doesn’t like they will. So now I’m debating on which to get. I had the mahogany before… but am considering the purple heart and ebony.

Any thoughts on those? or similar sounding options?

The purple heart is more vshaped then both the others, and you can tell. If you wanted more bass out of the mahogany, then the PH is the way to go. The ebony is the most balanced and least v shaped.

Something similar would be the Denon d7200 or d5200. The campfire Cascades would also be kinda similar except with more isolation and comfort.

The zmf dynamic lineup would also be a step up in quality while still maintaining the foster biodynamic sound