So yeh we all know about the hinge issue. That’s why I don’t currently have a pair anymore. I got the original TH-00’s from massdrop and of course, they got knocked off the desk and hinge broke… they didnt have a replacement to send me at time under warranty so refunded money and i sent them back.
Since then I’ve tried a range of headphones:
my old HD650’s
Audeze EL-8 open
Hifiman HE-4XX
BD DT770 pro’s
and at the end of the day, I still wish I had the fostex’s back… so I was holding off hoping…hoping they would address the hinge but doesn’t like they will. So now I’m debating on which to get. I had the mahogany before… but am considering the purple heart and ebony.
Any thoughts on those? or similar sounding options?