I misunderstood an Aliexpress listing: I thought I had selected to buy two OPA627 chips for my F.Audio XS02 - but the “x2” at the end actually means it’s a single board with a chip on each side, something I didn’t even know existed. It’s my fault not theirs, so I’ll have to spend even more if I want to continue with getting two OPA627s.
What I want to know, not being much of an electronics person when it comes to amps and volts and all… is if I only utilize one slot with the dual OPA627, would that work?
I expect the answer is “depends on the schematic, how power is fed into it, how the PCB is set up”, but asking in case anyway, for all I know there’s a universal rule that this may or may not work by.
This is a photo of the XS02, with the two single op amp chips back in their usual place.
This is the page that confused me. All makes sense in retrospect (should have selected the first item, with quantity of two. I thought it was just a price discount on buying 2 as people likely bought them in pairs)
Nope, that won’t work. Both of those sockets are going to need to be filled. If you tell me what op amps come in there stock I can see if I have a suitable pair to send you that would be an upgrade and/or different sound signature wise. I just need to know what’s in their now/stock so I can see if I need to be looking for a pair of single or dual op amps and to check some other specs so we don’t end up going to far afield and asking for too much out of the circuit.
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I figured… thanks for letting me know.
Oh wow! Well as far as I know, a pair of single. It started out with a pair of “TPA6120A2” according to the specs list. It already sounds very good to me, I’d say this is my most “bombastic” source as far as giving a punchy sound.
Okay, so I’m going to need you to open your DAP up and check the two op amps that are plugged into the DIP8 sockets and tell me what it says they are. The TPA6120A2 is a 10 per side op amp and they don’t make a DIP8 version that I’m aware of. In the pic you posted the TPA6102A2 appears to be the longer rectangular chip that is right next to the two DIP8 chips.
I assume you’re looking at rolling those two DIP8 chips in the pluggable sockets, right? Or are you looking to desolder and replace the TPA6120A2? FWIW, all the pages I can find about your F.Audio say the same thing about it having TPA6120A2 op amps in it, but AFAIK those DIP8 chips have to be something entirely different.
Let me know.
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Sorry I took that from the spec description and that’s the main amp chip perhaps. I’ve looked at them before and was expecting a shorter name too. Here we go: OPA604AP
Okay, I’ll see if I have any single op amp pairs. I know that I have some duals because they’re what I have been rolling on some of my gear lately. I should be home in a couple hours and I’ll take a look and get back to you.
Thank you for posting this experience. It’s too bad it was not the best one, but it is a good reminder that we can’t be too careful when ordering products.
I think it was quite fairly my fault, but at least a warning for folks not to be as clumsy as me in the same situation.
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Okay, so far all I have found are a bunch of dual op amps. I could’ve sworn I had a pair of OPA1611 around here somewhere and I thought I had at least one MUSES8820, if not a pair. I have more boxes and storage containers to check and possibly and amp to crack open so I’m not done yet, but I wanted to update you lest you think I had forgotten about you.
I didn’t get home until much later because a package I wasn’t expecting showed up so I had to drive a couple hours one way to pick it up and then a couple hours back. Sorry about that!
Anyways, back to searching. Keep your fingers crossed! 
Sorry between getting ready for a long drive, and both cars having issues, it’s been a mess over here! Thank you so much, no need to apologize or keep yourself to any standard of promptness when you’re voluntarily going the extra mile for someone. Thanks again!
Thanks for being understanding. I will be running by my storage unit today to check to see what I have in there because I seem to be missing some of my DIY amp components since I moved. I also have a couple amps in there that I can crack open and see what I have in them. So far, I have only found the one MUSES8820 for single op amps. Too bad your DAP doesn’t use duals because I’d have a few options for you then.
Anyways, I’ll let you in a few hours if I find anything.
Wow! Like I said, unexpected, incredibly kind, and I’m grateful!
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Okay, so I have a single MUSES8820. Everything else I have are dual. As a last ditch effort I have sent out a text to some of my local DIY audio friends to ask if anyone has a matching 8820 they could trade me for any if the dual op amps I have, sell an 8820 to me, or trade or sell me a matching pair if single op amps they have. Hopefully I’ll hear back some good news.
If not, my last option would be to see if the owner of the hifi shop I frequent can hook me up. I called, but got no answer. I left a message, but with tomorrow being Christmas Eve and then Christmas, I’m not sure when I’ll get an answer or when/if he can help me out.
Oh well, fingers crossed and Merry Christmas! 

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I hope I’m not too late, but I will be picking up a pair of MUSES01 op amps on Saturday if you’re still looking for a pair of singles. I have never used the 01s, but I’m really enjoy the way the MUSES02s sound so I’d imagine these ought to be a fun pair to roll. Hopefully I got this news in time to save you a few bucks! 
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This is incredible. Thank you, I’d be excited to try them! I am touched.
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I’m getting them in trade for a couple dual ops that I wasn’t using anyways so it isn’t that big of a deal. I’ll PM you after I get them on Saturday and I’ll get them sent out to you. You’ll have to let me know how they sound in your DAP. I’ll consider that as payment for them.