Best cable for my DAC Setup?

What would be a good RCA cable i can use with my modius & asgard 3? I was going to get schiit’s snake oil RCA but looks like they’re out of stock, is this any good?

Given the length of the run I’d just pick up something say 12” with decent connectors from amazon.
People who obsess over cables are usually doing it on 5 figure systems.
The Schiit ones are decent and reasonably priced.
I’ve used these

And the monoprice ones, they are all fine.
I do own some expensive RCA cables, but generally my primary consideration is length.

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Okay i’ll get the seismic cable, thank you

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worlds best cables has some 6" length ones that are nice for around 20$ on amazon. they are perfect length for stacks


What ever you end up with, remember to take the claims with a grain of salt.
I just looked at Schiit’s cables and noticed their $20 USB is likely a rebranded $6 shipping included Monoprice Monolith cable :slight_smile:

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I don’t know where the OP is from but, JDS labs also has some “stack” cables.

I bought a set with my Atom stack. They are short and hold their shape. Although, the Modius/Asgard 3 I have don’t really have any issues holding their place. The Atom stack on the other hand does, because how light weight the units are, and the JDS Labs (sold by) cables help keep them matched up.

I honestly have and use several sets of the Seismic like @Polygonhell posted. They come in red and black. I usually order a set of each color. They split apart easily at the seams allowing you to make 2 individual cables, then you make your own color coded L/R sets, if you are inclined.

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I ended up going with these
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For any fellow perfectionists out there, you can calculate the exact length a cable needs to be with a simple formula. π x diameter(distance between connectors) = circumference. Then divide the circumference by 2. That calculation applies to connectors that are on the same plane. If one connector is more forward or behind the other then the calculation gets a little more complicated. That final number is the length of cable needed in between connectors.

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For the “whatever”-people: 3 meters (= 9 foot)
Coil it up in a figure 8 and done :stuck_out_tongue:

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If you’re in the US I’ll sell you a nice Canare RCA connector and Belden cables 12" in length. Not super high end but really good quality for the price. $20 bucks shipped. Like this but 12"


It’s all good i got a cable already, thanks tho dont know much about cables but ill be ok dont really have a crazy setup

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Those look good will check them out for myself - thanks share @db_Cooper

I started buying them and the guy I was buying them was fair priced. But then I started making them myself because I wanted exact custom lengths. The connectors alone are 9 bucks for the pair. lol but OCD demands.

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