Best Headphones for Metal Music?

The head goes down all of its own but for the up part you’ll need a crank :stuck_out_tongue:


I find instrument separation is real important for metal, particularly for technical/busy stuff like Plini, SiKth and the like. I’ve heard this particular aspect of staging is Hifiman forte. My go-to is HE-500 with angled leathers.

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Nobody ever mentions Samson. I’ve got a pair of SR850. They are cheap, very light & scale very well. They sound as good as my Beyerdynamic, & Sennheiser headphones for a fraction of the price. They look kind of like an AKG clone, like a K612 maybe, but all black plastic. If you blow them up, hey they’re only $50 or so brand new.

You can’t :smiling_face_with_tear:

Not on the 610 but yeah I’ve pad rolled on the TH900 and it can definitely make the headphone damn near perfect!

Yeah they look exactly like AKGs, I’ll have to check em out, thanks. I have a Samson microphone though!

HD800S + current drive amp = match made in heaven for metal IMO.
You get the technicalities and the espansive soundstage typical of thr HD800S and the current drive changes how the heapdhone responds in a way that it adds that punch, slam and impact to especially the drums, and generally thickening up the mid-bass while still remaining pretty much bloat-free. Distortion on the guitars also generally improves, as I feel it gets even more gritty but in a good way, of course.

Pretty interesting overall pair and if you are in the market for a metal-music focused chain this is a pretty dang sweet combo that you should consider, and if you have the occasion, should really try it for yourself.

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I prefer magnetostatic headphones, there’s just that need for speed that dynamics can’t provide. Preferably something with not too much soundstage, not too bright (no Hifiman), enough upper mids (no Audeze) which only leaves very expensive options so I opted for the HE-500 which kind of works (veiled mids but not horribly so) so far. My #1 is still the Grado Hemp for everything Rock/Metal that hasn’t been recorded overly bright, I still don’t own it despite praising it so much lol. Drums, vocals, guitars, cymbals, everything you want out of the music sounds so lively. Highest recommendation.


Grados’ sound pretty great but the build and design is terrible, although they are very light. Those cheap foam pads are a disgrace.

Fostex T50RP’s with the Aune X7S 2018 is the best I’ve found yet.

Planars are so fast and precise, they need Class A amplification to not sound “thin”, imo.