Best headphones under 200 euros?

Hey guys, here are some infos about my preferences:

  1. Budget 200$ max.
  2. I’ll use them on laptop and console mainly for gaming and music. (Mobile is optional)
  3. I will use them as home headphones so isolation is not the main selling point for me, but im after closed heaphones NOT OPEN.
  4. I wont use them in public, unless i really need to.
  5. I’m looking for full sized.
  6. I’m not really sure about the tonal balance, i’m not very experienced on that part so balanced i guess.
  7. I’ve used the Razer Kraken USB for some years now and i dont really like the comfort they provide. Their sound is also not that great but i got used to it. The mic is also not that great.
  8. I like every single type of music there is.
  9. I would like to improve the sound quality overall, i prioritize a wide variety of connections and mic quality too.
  10. I currently live in Portugal
  11. About Amps and DACs, i feel like i would spend some more money in them if they really made my sound experience better.

Keeping these points in mind, is there any heaphones or headsets that suit me? thank you :slight_smile: