Best subwoofer for music under/around 1000$

Hello guys! I’m relatively new here and I saw some similar topics about subwoofer recommendations. I’m really hunting the perfect subwoofer that is as fast, tight and punchy as it can get for this price range for music? I had few subwoofers before, but they sounded sloppy, bloated and uncontrolled - rumble sounds give me headache and they were pretty much …not natural? I mean, if for example I hear a thunder, I don’t wanna get dizzy by the bloated bass, I wanna get the chills as if I’m there! Is there such a perfect subwoofer in this price range? I’m not afraid to give some extra bucks, in order to avoid headaches :smiley: I’ve watched some sub reviews and I’m still not convinced to buy one, but maybe you guys could. Focal for example has a 1000$ subwoofer that uses some exceptional materials for the cone - could it be what I need?

What speakers and amp are you using? How large is your room? What do you listen to?

Oh, excuse me. I forgot those rules from the guides :sweat_smile: Well, right now I don’t have passive speakers and I’m not 100% sure, but I’m currently looking at Focal Aria906. My living room is a middle one (just a bit smaller than Zeos’ room), not large, but I would like to know for both sizes of rooms tho, just in case I move to a bigger one. I listen to literally everything - classical, acoustic, modern electronic music, bass-heavy rap and trap, sometimes jazz…everything that’s interesting to me (except very harsh genres like metal, some dubstep, etc.) :slight_smile:

Are you in the US? A Rythmik f12 is pretty sweet, should deliver great sound. A REL HT/1205 is pretty awesome too. You would just make sure your amp would have a subwoofer out

I’m in EU, so US stuff would be slightly more expensive for me. I don’t have an amp for now, but it will definitely have outputs for sub and surround setup, just in case I feel like I need more realism. I’m in the initial phase of my setup :slightly_smiling_face: Also, I mentioned the Focal subs, because they could possibly pair well with the Aria906 (another Focal). But I really don’t know anything about them, I see very few reviews of them :frowning:

The Aria906 is very nice, pretty dang refined and coherent. The rel would most likely be available to you, but the focal subs are good as well if they end up being cheaper

Yeah, so now I have to figure out which amp to buy, but… I’ll have to research more about it, don’t wanna spam the forum with a new topic. Also, if I consider surround setup at all, I’ve noticed that “Jamo Home Cinema System” with 5 speakers in Amazon is 200$, which is… amazing! I believe this surround addition would fit my core setup well?

Nah go ahead lol

They would work, would that mean you are thinking about a multichannel receiver then? Focal also makes surround speakers too. You just want to prioritize your main left and right speakers, and your surrounds can be a bit lower quality and be fine

Exactly my thoughts! I believe only small filler sounds will usually play around me, so I guess the 5 Jamo speakers will be more than enough if I consider a surround setup. They wouldn’t ruin the natural sound of my core setup I believe.

Focal does make surround speakers, but I don’t think they will be that much of a bargain like those Jamo’s. But I’ll check them out somewhere in the future.

Yeah, I have no idea what amp would bring the best out of this whole setup tho :frowning: I haven’t researched them yet. Maybe more knowledgeable people here than me will recommend something.

You could look for a used or refurb Marantz SR6013, that would be pretty sweet. The Sony STR-DN1080 is also pretty good. Personally I am not a huge fan of receivers but it would be too pricy to go other routes that I would prefer

Damn, I though there would be some amp solution for 500$, but…it seems expensive to go surround setup.

I think a denon pma600ne would be a great 2 channel all in one, but with a surround you might want to spend more for a higher quality sound

I see, thanks! I have some options for now, we will see what I will eventually set up later.

Oh, wait, it turns out I can’t hook up any speaker in a Dolby Atmos system? I don’t find these Focal Aria906 in the Dolby Atmos catalogue :frowning: