Blon b20 SSS problem

Yeah that’s pretty bad. Makes upper registers of female vocals super forward and agressive as well

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Thought it was within that range give or take. I don’t understand how some people enjoy that.

After weeks of listening…
Still Sss problem exist
I noticed on foobar2000 it heard
When 9khz and above bands
Elevated … so a trebile problem
And after watching JV review
On hd800 he says its a common
Problem on most headphones .
And other reviewes linked that
To low quality stack “entry level”
So i guess either you accept that
With its flaws or spend some
Hundreds of $ more on decent
Stack … lose lose everybody :v:

After months of suffering
Decided to buy fiio q5s
Since the akm dac chips are
Better with bright headphones
Also bought the sendy audio
Balanced 4.4 mm cable for 90$
And guess what i found ?
The stock cable sucks !!!
After measuring the impedances
Of left right ground channels
It turned out to cause crosstalk
Aka noise in sound …
So yeah
If you buy blon b20 from
You will end up paying
another 50-100$
Just for cable replacement.

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I tend to use my B20s on a schiit HEL. It calms them way down compared to my THX and EL stacks. Also take a look at Hart Audio cables, you don’t have to spend a ton to get great quality.

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