Hey guys!
I just purchased a new home and am wanting to get a nice HT system setup. Can you guys please recommend me a 5.1 system with a budget around $1,500? I’m a complete beginner when it comes to HT, so any recommendations would be very helpful!
Dimensions of room: 15’9" x 13’3"
Photos of room:
A friend bought the Denon AVR-X2700H with the Elac starlet 5.1.
Works very well with all the adjustment with the Denon Reciever brings.
But maybe other have another opinion.
Ideally you would have a setup that can be placed liked this or near these speakers locations.

Like @Flaculence mentioned the speaker placement to that room might be challenge at least.
You probably could place the FL, FR, SL and SR the 4 speaker around the room with a subwoofer. Amp other accessories can be anywhere just need bit longer cables but the center speaker?
Unless it could be “rolling” unit that can be moved infront of the tv ever in need.
This could be one way set a full 5.1 system on budget and there is information what you will also need. It’s few years old so tiny upgrades or model changes might have happened.
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You mention being new to HT, hopefully you dont get addicted when hooking up the 5.1 because im already planning for a 120in drop down screen or 80in panel on rolling stand in front of the picturesque view. There a alternative area in the house ?
Some heavy curtains over the windows should help. I agree with @MadGman that placing the FL, FR and surround speakers will be fairly straightforward. Do the doors come off that cabinet work? You might pull off a center just fine if you can take those doors off the cabinetry and just make them open shelves.
My SO and I are closing on a house soon too. One thing that made me cringe everytime was built in shelving in a living space. The more permanent fixtures in a room, the less flexible the room becomes. But then I’m torn because such features often give a home unique character.
Those photos look great BTW. Enjoy the new place!
Slim pickin’s on amazon as of late. If the room and seating postition is set in stone. Maybe go with a 2.1 to test the waters.
How about a set of traingle BR03 in light oak placed on the shelf and jamo C12 subwoofer in white.
Hey guys,
Sorry, I’ve been crazy busy between work/moving into the new home. Thanks for all the recommendations!
@Flaculence - The book shelf speakers you mentioned looks good, but no light oak w/ Prime on Amazon unfortunately
Do you also recommend the center speaker here: https://www.amazon.com/triangle-HiFi-Cinema-Center-Speaker/dp/B084M8CNBY/ref=sr_1_24?dchild=1&keywords=triangle+br03&qid=1622935034&s=electronics&sr=1-24
I can’t find anything for Jamo C12 subwoofer. Is that the right model?
Also, what are good recommendations for a home theater amp?
They probably can, but I’d prefer to not do it. I think a center speaker can go underneath the TV depending on height.
Thank man! Appreciate it.
Glad you didnt abort on home theater. Zeos did an ep. On the triangle center
Jamo C912 12in sub go on sale for like $225 so perhaps this prime day, Maybe.

@Flaculence Also, the Denon AVR-X1600H specifies it’s 80w while the BR03 bookshelf speakers are 100w - is that an issue?
I go with the denon, 80 watts should get loud enough. Theres 2020 yamaha TSR-700 for $399 renewed amazon.
Hm… The Denon or Yamaha here? I like that Yamaha is HDMI 2.1 so it’s future proof.
Also, just measured and I only have like 3.5 inches between my TV and the built-in… not a lot to work with there
That’s definitely going to be an issue. The Triangle center one is 10.78" which obviously is way too large.
I have been running the x1400h for a couple of years and no complaints here. The app is pretty nice, but could use a bit of updating. The unit is very easy to AirPlay or Spotify connect and HEOS music is a nice feature IMO. Only thing I wish it had is pre outs ( other than zone 2), but that’s not a fault of the unit. I would have needed to go up a tier, but took the x1400h because it was a floor model and a screaming deal.
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Read up on 2.1 receivers out now there are issues for the gamer. Also, gene from audioholics reports that yamaha cut wattage as the internal heat rises from the amp. Not sure if the lastest models still do this to prevent the receiver from going into protect mode, something to consider.
At budget level AVR and only doing 5.1 dont see much difference in the brands.
Going back to the photos if you want to keep the room looking homes & garden maybe go with jamo C93II and S810 sub.
Or the new micro subs SVS REL KEF.
the house come with the sofa TV and telescope ? Id be remiss not recommending again the starter system 2.1 route for that room. triangle/jamo C93II jamo S810 and a entry AVR. Watch some movies, things might escalate from there. It did my case in defense have no plan for outdoor speakers and a buried subwoofer.
Might be good idea to wait few years.
Until they have fixed every possible issue there is.
They will most definitely make changes for the better and not just Yahama.
Hope they solve dropouts handshake issues seems its been a problem since the start of HDMI.
You got a Mrs and how forgiving is she about aesthetics/interior design or is this space your man cave?
As stated its the first toe in the waters of home theater. Maybe go ultra budget, how about a set of micca OoO for $99 micca covo-S $49 and something like elac 1010 subwoofer $129. miccas 0o0 go on sale for $79 and the elac sub $99 amazon. Idea being these can be repurposed for a desk/bedroom/ secondary TV should you decide to invest in a large system. Plans could sour after seeing 14 gauge wire all over the floor having to make holes in the cabinets shelves walls, speaker mounts speaker stands the whole song’n dance.