HD 650s/ 6XX, probably some tin t2
Nice. All of the aforementioned options should be just fine then. The idsd micro Black label will be really overkill then lol, but there’s nothing wrong with that (although the k3 actually might not be the best for the 6xx though)
Is there a DAC/AMP that you would recommend to pair with 6xx and tin’s?
I mean, any of the stuff listed above will do you just fine, so really it’s kinda up to your budget and features you want.
I would suggest putting more budget into the headphones or in ears themselves before you dump a bunch on the dac/amp. If you get a decent one, you will be pretty much set unless you get really high end or super power hungry headphones/iem
Awesome! Thanks again I appreciate it. I was thinking about getting a pair of Argon’s or Fostex Purplehearts as a can upgrade.
Well both of those benefit from better amps