Similar questions seemed to have aged on here. However, I’m not seeing my exact question…
Looking to ditch the gaming gear to step into the realm of quality audio equipment.
Couple needs are USB and Optical ins (PC & Xbox). Preferably a balanced out option. I’m thinking a DAC/AMP combo with a great dac. Intent would be to upgrade and separate the amp out later but still have the great dac.
I really like what I’ve read about the Zen but the lack of optical killed it for me…
Oops. That’s important. Let’s say $200 with wiggle room for the right product.
Edit: Why balanced? Ultimately to simply have the option/benefits available. I have balanced options to utilize it with already. Again, just gives me the option today and in the future to use either or.
That’s a shot in the dark budget. If you tell me I’ll need to put in more to really experience the difference than I’m open to it.
my thought was to grab a combo with a quality internal dac to utilize by itself in the future when i can upgrade the amp. just my current thought process today, unless told otherwise, in or around this budget.
if i were you i would ditch the balanced functionality and save some money
u can grab a ~silver~ d30 (optical coax and usb dac) and a pa3 amp which will look sick AND are cheap af if you buy amazon used. $136 for the both (used amazon)
cheapest balanced dac besides gesheli i would recommend would be the su-8 but that’s $250 on its own, no amp
but aesthetic lmao
u could output it to a loxjie p20 which might not be a bad idea. but i hear u really should tube roll or at least not use the stock tubes.
i’m willing to ditch the balanced opt for performance. would the d30 be great for quite some time if i was to upgrade the amp later? any suggestions for an all-in-one opt?
My M100 has gotten me out of a lot of jams than I can count. It is a really nice portable and multi-faceted product. Paired with an amp like an Atom would do you solid.
But the k5 pro as an all-in-one was a great initial rec.