Budget DAP good for sensitive iems

That’s not going to happen lol. Unless…

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Completely unrelated, off-topic, and not advice, BUT it is possible to become a thief and still be a good person. I know this is true because I’ve read a lot of old Arsene Lupin novels and watched enough Lupin III to know it can be done.

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Also as another side note, ever since I got a portable stax amp, I have had the urge to take some estats portable. And I don’t want to do it lol

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Portable isn’t really what comes to mind, when I hear the word Stax. I wonder what that would look like to other people seeing someone walk down the street with some stax on.

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Well, I mean do you think portable when you hear Shangri La? Because I think am starting to hear it now

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I guess if you put that on a cart, you could wheel it around with you. I’d only reccommend doing that if you grow a crazy beard though.

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I mean I’ve hooked it up to the portable stax amp. And it works. There’s nothing stopping me besides my common sense.

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get a hand truck and pull a stack behind you and a bunch of batteries dap problem solved

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Oh. Well. It seems all things are now possible. Having bent reality to your will, you can now make anything portable. I think you’ve confirmed to the forum that you really are a patron audio deity summoned by Zeos to this forum.

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I’m not even a patron lol. I joined this because of DMS. I don’t really watch z tbh. No association with either.

Okay, so my theory is partly wrong. You at least confirmed you were an audio deity since you had no problem with that part.

As known by many, silence does not constitute agreement or acceptance lol

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mon has spoken

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If I’ve learned anything from the news, it would be mind reading is possible and that silence always means something. :thinking:

I can solve your mind reading problem

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Oh, I just realized, the reason you have so much audio equipment stuffed away everywhere is that people must be giving them to you as offerings. You could also just be buying them yourself, but that’s boring.

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