Buy/Sell and Looking for Thread

Truth is I spent the funds on two new amps lol kinda wanna #blameM0N


Sincerely planned to keep these for the long haul, but I want to stick to my self-imposed audio budget, and I have purchases I’d like to make in the coming months, so…


Looking to slim my collection down.

Abyss Diana Phi, og pads, some scratches, but great condition : $2500
LSA HP-2 Ultra , like new: $700
5ft stock 4pin Abyss Diana cable:$275
DMS Pads for Abyss Diana headphones $175
Audeze Lcd2.2pf excellent condition with new pads : $625

DT880(600ohm) like new, Dual 3.5mm modded(no cable included) : $200

NCM Bella V2:$600

Cayin YB04:$300

Every headphone/IEM has a carrying case
Price includes shipping and fees.


SOLD Anyone wanting to grab a Schiit Jotunheim 2 (with no dac) but not wanting to wait, let me know. I have one I want to sell…

$350.00 shipped USA & PayPal.


WTS - price includes shipping in US, and PayPal. Message me any questions. Will consider offers.

[SOLD] $150 - JDS Labs Atom Stack, like new, includes JDS Labs short rca cables, and DAC on/off switch. Original usb cable and power supply included. Don’t have original box.

[SOLD] $150 - Geshelli Erish, purple, like new other than small chip in paint (see pictures). Includes original box and power supply. 3ft XLR cables included.


Why dont peps in the UK sell stuff like this lol


What’re you looking for? :sweat_smile:

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Great prices! Time to sell the other kidney…

Is it unethical to sell your kids kidneys to pay for HiFi? :thinking:


I mean, they’ll have the other one right?! Seems fair to me. :man_shrugging:


They do use my HiFi anyway…


Price Drop to $270 (1 Left)

I would say yes defo

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Just looking for some nice gear as I am new to all this but have rubbish kit at the mo - dont want high end kit as I am leaning as we go

what’s your budget? I got way too much stuff but not actively selling ever :frowning:

Same here, Interested in trades? :laughing:

I’ll be likely selling some more stuff to upgrade amps for my HeK soon so will probably be selling some stuff like my A3 etc. I know @mochimashu will likely have stuff to sell too


Bump and a price drop for the HD600s!

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Up to £1000.00 max but like I said don’t need high end

WTS: Fiio M11 DAP

Looking for $325.

Its basically brand new and comes with the leather case. I bought it blind to replace an aged cowon j3 for when travel kicks up, but it ended up having anti-synergy with my ultrasones

Bump and added headphones. Spent little time with them and won’t have much in the future to either. Would rather someone else have the opportunity at them.

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