Hugo 2 with some extra accessories and RED LEATHER CASE
1575$ shipped
Comes with RCA ADAPTER and connector to M SCALER
The red leather case shall be here in a couple of days and I will include this free of charge shipped to the buyer. Was hoping to keep this unit permanently but I’m better off with a desktop unit so I prematurely bought that red case.
Acting as a Broker, please PM me for details/photos.
For Sale:
Schiit Bifrost 2 (Silver) $550 - SOLD
ifi Audio iESL $700
Bottlehead Crack w/ Speedball Upgrade plus several tubes $680
SPL Phonitor X (Silver) $1500
SPL S800 (Silver) $2500 - or $3000 for both SPL
Chord Mojo $300 - SOLD
ZMF Aeolus (Sapele) SOLD
STAX L700 MK2 $800 SOLD
Hifiman Susvara $3500 SOLD
Verite Open $1900, good condition. Scratches where the yoke pivots and where the gimbals meet the headband. Comes with case, universe and verite pads, stock cable and aftermarket cable ($275 value) Focal clear $800, not in the greatest cosmetic condition. Comes with dekoni and the stock pads Eikon $1050 comes with eikon leather and sudes pads, case, stock cables, aftermarket cable LCD 3 PF $950 excellent condition with case, conditioner, se and xlr stock cables, and FR graph Hyla Sarda $950 excellent condition with all accessories and another stock cable in 2.5mm termination Questyle CMA800i $900
Would like to trade for a Utopia, LCD24, and Abyss Diana v2. May consider u12t, z1r, etc.
Update on what is still available: Empire Ears Bravado - $330 shipped Excellent condition, all original accessories Meze Rai Solo - $180 shipped Good condition, all original accessories Eikon $1050 comes with eikon leather and sudes pads, case, stock cables, aftermarket cable LCD 3 PF $950 excellent condition with case, conditioner, se and xlr stock cables, and FR graph Questyle CMA800i $900 Comes with power cord, no box
Still looking for Utopia, LCD24, Abyss Diana v2, HD 800, HD800s, etc