Buying my first pair of Open Headphones, need help

I own the Momentum 2, over ear. I like the headphone, but I am looking for an upgrade, an open back headphone.
So after some research, I am now between HD599 and the X2HR. Both seem to have a nice bass (what I like), but still I cannot decide.
I mostly listen to jazz and hip hop.

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Hey, Welcome to HFGF!

I haven’t heard the Momentum 2, or HD599 but I own an X2HR and before I got headphone fever I used it a lot, and enjoyed it. I liked with Jazz/Fusion, Funk (like old School and new), Acid Jazz and as an all rounder. It looks big and bulky but is actually fairly comfortable. I don’t think its a bad option at all and it is not hard on the wallet either.

It does a nice job with bass, it’s not a bass canon but it can bump. It is decent in the mids and treble though some say the treble can be a bit sibilant and on some tracks it leans that way but, again it was just on some tracks and it was never bad enough for me to want to stop listening, YMMV.

It’s a pretty decent value. Though there may be others that I have not heard that might be better.

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I haven’t heard either. But for an audiophile open back can’t go wrong with either 6XX or a 4XX they’re both SUPER open.

Or an extra pic would be a KPH30i with Yaxi pads. I just love how they sound especially if you’re coming off a more mainstream headphone like a momentum. The 4XX assuming you have the amp is great.

6XX amazing with a tube amp.

KPH30i with any higher end Amps you may buy scale super well plus they’re super cheap and they sound I incredible with Yaxi pads