Canjam London Iem Suggestion

Hi everyone,

Since I unfortunately started this iem hoby 2 years ago with the Timeless, its been a battle of blind buy purchases, trying to find an iem that plays my library so good that my shorts move.

I am one of those people that say “I listen to everything :nerd_face:” when you ask about my favorite genre.

I am finally going to my first Canjam and would love suggestions of must trys.

This is my try list so far:

Monarch mk 3

Melody mest 2

Moondrop variations

Subsonic storm

Division ears ve10

Sony m9

Dunub sa6 mk 1, 2

Aur audio aehta

Kinera loki

Fatfreq scarlet mini

Ejo7 ejo7m

Empire ears evo

Hidition viento

Elysian annihilator , pilgrim , nior

Symphonium Helios, crimson, titan

64 audio valor, u12 t

Cadenza 12

Ie 900



Campfire andromeda

Campfire valor , Campfire supermodel, Campfire cascara campfire trifecta

Sony z1r


Elysian diva

canpur cp622b

Flipears aether

Oriveti oh700vb

Dita project m

Empire ears odin

Simgot em10

Thanks in advance :slight_smile:

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Cool I’ll be there Saturday…

Will be a busy day for sure, stuff that interests me…

  • Canpur
  • Cayin
  • Fatfreq
  • Letshuoer
  • Luxury & Precision
  • MASS-kobo
  • Nightjar Acoustics
  • Subtonic
  • Symphonium
  • Viking Weave Cables

And last but not least…

  • Z Reviews



I won’t be able to go :smiling_face_with_tear:, but I would try:

  • Canpur
  • Fatfreq
  • Subtonic
  • Luxury & Precision

Im I allowed to buy stuff then and there?.

Like will they have stock to sell at canjam?

Most retailers do have stock available at the show, and sometimes they even do deals specifically at the show.


Depends on the company…sometimes they’ll have stuff in stock and it’s a good place to make a purchase/deal ie face to face…or maybe ask about an ex-demo sets :+1:

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Are the stock the ones they put up for demo? Or are they actually fresh units that who knows how many have tried? :joy:

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Answered above lol


Wonder how much impulse buying is affecting the choice to buy something straight away lol.

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We need to get you there…there’ll be loads of :open_mouth:’s and impulse purchases for sure :+1:


It’s often huge, so they are likely to have units on hand. Having worked retail, getting a customer just to hold or touch a product puts you like +50% on making a sale or not.


Then its over for me lol.

I dont like how many thieaudio prestige ltd reviews I’ve been watching recently.

Might leave my wallet at home.


This just made my day.

I’ll check my savings

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