Cannabis and Music

Can we update this topic into Cannabis and Music - what are you smoking and listening to?

Lazy sunday so I warmed up the dab rig and dabbed some mixed up hash rosin, locally produced. This stuff is more of a clear head high. Feel the tingles but no body stone… Yet. Feeling motivated and a little lifted.

Listening to

I now feel the need to get something done. But i remember i have headphones on and the e30 is giving nice warmth and space to the LP Rs-08. I guess this is why i bought 12+ feet of hart audio cable.


They go great together.


Does this count?..


You can never have enough of it :wink:


& listen to this:

End up like this:


:sunglasses: :+1:

PS .: This solution is FBI certified :100:


My “Jeopardy”-style answer to the OP’s question: Is the Pope Catholic? :slight_smile:

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Smoking and listening to music can create a wonderful synergy. Cannabis can often enhance the emotional and sensory aspects of music, making it a more immersive experience. It’s amazing how a particular strain can complement different genres of music.
If you’re open to trying something new, you might want to explore the best Delta 9 THC Gummies. They offer a different way to enjoy the effects of cannabis, and it can be interesting to see how they pair with your favorite tunes. Just remember to consume responsibly and be in a safe and comfortable environment.

The combination of cannabis and music creates a harmonious symphony in my mind, helping me unwind and truly appreciate the power of music.


Well said. And welcome to the forum. This is where I usually say “This is a good group, and you will enjoy your time here”. Soo - This is a good group, and you will enjoy your time here!


Picture this: I dim the lights, roll up a joint, and select a playlist that suits my mood. As the first notes play, the cannabis begins to take effect, and it’s as if I’m transported to a different realm of sound and emotion.


Could not agree more. Well said. Welcome to the forum!

Ha one of my best ever hits…Circa 1982 (collage years)…we had the :loud_sound: on, brewed some tea with psilocybin’s (you never know the :muscle:) 10/15 minutes later took a hit from a bong loaded with Gold seal Black ’n tobacco…:rocket: done some worse dumb shit it my life but that room totally changed shape real easy and the crazy fun shit started :smile:


That’s how I found that using my Releaf card and enjoying cannabis while listening to music is like unlocking a hidden world of sensations.
So, the melodies become richer, the lyrics more profound, and the rhythms sync perfectly with the gentle waves of relaxation that cannabis brings. It’s not just about listening; it’s about feeling every note in your bones.


Happy holiday!