Cannabis and Music

Do you guys smoke while listening to music?




Movies too ! warms my heart the stigma of cannabis is fading. Some day we can have a what are you tripping on tonight thread. Because unlike booze pot goes with anything. Except driving and heavy machinery ofcourse.:blush:


Yes. I use a vaporizer to avoid smoking of it but like to fire it up after work and put on some tunes. Legal in Canada now.


I think this is a very interesting topic for discussion. But fbi may be watching xD. To say the least I think it enhances the sound because you get relaxed, its more effective than whisky.

In Mexico the new regulation has been approved and will be in effect very soon, but it was not illegal or penalized for self consumption in the first place. I also vape to avoid smoking.

Everything sensory is enhanced, sex, food, walking in the outdoors, wait, I forgot what were we talking about?


For me I think it nerfs my senses rather than enhancing them, but I get so relaxed I can concentrate only on the hearing sense, and remove the background toughts.

Edit: If anyone doesn’t already do this I don’t recommend it, I’m not trying to endorse cannabis as an audio improvement lol. Congrats to legal states and countries.

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I am in a legal state, pal.


I like bright happy sativa highs for music enjoyment. The indica makes me too sleepy and spaced to enjoy music unless it’s moody, chill relaxing music of course.

Tripped my tits off on mushrooms and acid in the 80’s to this…

And this…

Almost grown up I am now? :joy:


Pink Floyd + stoned = wow.


Legal state.:raised_back_of_hand::slightly_smiling_face: but thinking of transplanting to oregon .

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I have noticed that I am way more sensitive to loud music when under the influence, it pulls me out of the mood. Need to experiment more though. As far as shrooms I feel that music influences the trip. I didn’t listen to an album, but ambient music in a dimly lit room and it was special. Sorry I can’t contribute to the discussion more.


The key is little baby hit. Just to levitate.

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:rofl: I know you’re half joking but…I can promise you that the FBI is not watching people on the internet chatting about smoking a doobie.

FBI and local law enforcement have limited resources, so how would they deploy them?

Will they assign FBI agents to collect and document evidence, go to court and obtain a warrant from a judge, fly the agents to wherever you live, and then coordinate with local police to affect the arrest on a misdemeanor amount of drugs? Then ask the DA to prosecute you…all to convict sentence you with some community service?

C’mon man. That wouldn’t even happen in Mississippi, Alabama or Tennessee.

Not to mention that Federal law enforcement’s mission is federal crimes. Misdemeanor drug possession isn’t a federal crime. So unless your guest bedroom is full of bushels of weed you won’t gain FBI’s attention, even a little.

Man, stoners be paranoid. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


All that said. Verites and the Grateful Dead are a wonderful combination. They are kindred spirits, in a way.

Not a user myself, but cannabis is a depressant (like alcohol) in lower doses and more of a stimulant/mild hallucinogen at higher levels.

That’s why you can hear seemingly contradictory responses that weed makes you more relaxed or that weed enhances/intensifies stimuli.

According to a friend I have, a little bit is nice for chilling to music lol.


Definitely. Excellent music through great headphones while stoned will produce euphoria pretty damn close to the euphoria and experience of painkillers and weed for me (with good music is even better, but obviously not healthy or sustainable for a long time, so I leave out the painkillers). More likely to cry from pure joy if I’m listening to music while stoned. Now, if a pair of headphones can elicit that same response when I’m sober, you know the cans are truly special


Time to abstain from weed, use only $1 earbuds, and save up for an HE-1. :wink:


Cannabis, natures room correction.