Canuck Audioholics Anonymous CAA Reviews & Fun Banter

I dont have a impedance adapter I use iFi IEMATCH highly recommended but i cant test the effect as i bought the bal version.

I should pu a couple 18ohm and 30 to test.

Also if you haven’t bought the EW100p do so , impossible sound at $18


The EW100p is gonna make it’s way to me so I’ll give it a good run

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Rymyes with Slipknot!
Simgot EW100P a little sister to the famed EA500 and fantastic as well!
Video is Live!

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10th anniversary edition IEM

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Excited for this one as well.


Also incoming KiwiEars Dolce

They definitely loosened up Fan 2s FR, with more sub bass and more energy in the upper mids and treble. More v-shape than neutral now

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Hard to tell with that graph , but i think it will closer to FAN2 on a IEC711 rig

I hope their QC and strong FR choices continue with the rapid release schedule they’re leaning towards. Good record for value too.


Almost everything on Fan 2 stays in about a 5-6dB window. If the bass is an 8dB shelf with a 10dB pinna gain, like their graph, it’s absolutely more v-shape than neutral

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I am excited 10db Sub gain and 8db pina gain.


New in today.


Nice! I ordered one yesterday. Is that the stock cable?

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No its a custom XINHS cable with black bead, and hardware 4.4 I wanted something with Silver in it but not too much so this one i really like.

C$ 40.31 82%OFF | XINHS 8 strands silver foil wire headset upgrade cable

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A quick take on the KiwiEars Quartet.

What I liked:
-The fast slamming bass
-Tuning switches that work
-Shell shape and fitment top notch
-Fantastic Build quality

Not so great:
-Poor coherence between the drivers
-Splashy and Crunchy highs
-Needs power but doesn’t include or have a option for balance cable
-Case too small for practical use
-Overall tonal balance and timbe is off and doesn’t sound musical or natural.
-Source dependant (Warm)

A interesting IEM full video this weekend.

BASS the standout not crazy basshead but snappy and hits with authority.

MB - Well done on some positions with the switch adds to much and washes out vocals.

Mids For vocals on DD position male vocals great same as Female

Upper Mids - Now comes the criticism depending on the switches more or less of the BA Timbe splashiness on DD the position I ultimately ended up with as a happy medium of balance between the highs and boosted bass.

Highs sound forced out and you can tell KiwiEars used “Custom” BA of lesser quality here. The symbol strikes have a crunchyness to them and sound a bit harsh. Not a great combination of splashiness and Boosted bass.

Overall I had a hard time after tip rolling (Wide Bore) BGVP W01 and XINHS Gold and SPC cable to end up with a toggle switch position I could live with. Down Down
None of the positions put me into a happy place.

The stage is wide it very intimate and lacks depth and height especially compared to the Penon FAN2. Not much 3D spacial effect with the Quartet.

Instruments and placements never sounded quite right, either had too much or not enough correct tonality.

For sources I found needed power to get the DD up to impact level. Warmer the better to tame the Harshness of the BA.

Overall I think KiwiEars missed the mark on this one. The Quartet sounds like it’s missing a link between the bass and the Upper Mids and can’t quite pull together the rest of the frequency spectrum together to make a very cohesive presentation.

I was excited about the Quartet and unfortunately felt let down from KiwiEars on a normally safe tuning they turn out.

I applaud the effort to try something different but think ultimately they should have sourced out better BA to compliment the excellent DD used. Bump up the price to $150 and throw in a modular cable.

Hopefully next round but for me the Quartet is a miss. BUT Damn that bass! Ummmmmmm


KiwiEars Video is up.
$110 Well Spent Maybe Not So Much.