Canuck Audioholics Anonymous CAA Reviews & Fun Banter

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Thanks for this video! Is your squig available to view publicly? Can’t find you on the database

Found by typing out the domain from your video :grin:

If I want to add 2-3 dB more subbass, should I just put a 500 mesh on top of the metal grill on my red filter? Did you notice any negative impact to the technicalities?

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@Rikudou_Goku thought you’d appreciate his DIY efforts :raised_hands::raised_hands: he’s been converted into a modder!

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I leave my SQUIG in the video description hopefully gets added to main page.

To add a few db sus bass use the 3M transpore tape over vent hole in nozzle just below tip.

As for the 500 nozzle filter , yes a smidge less technical details but the EA500 has lots to go arround sounds great with a tad less energy


PENON 10th Anniversary IEM Review for those who like to read is here:


Head-fi server is down :frowning: will you post the full review on here too?
Edit: working again, might be my browser!


Pros: What I Liked:

  • Included Accessories are top notch , case , cable, tips, cleaning brush all with minimal packaging well done PENON
  • 0.78 2 Pin termination for easy cable swapping embedded directly into the resin shell
  • Sibilant free highs great for treble sensitive people with lots of extension for details and air.
  • Musical balanced W shape sound signature
  • PENON Unmistakable House Signature VOCALS
  • Fantastic bottom end that goes low and hits hard while blending into the mix with minimum bass bleed into vocals (Cable Dependant) for a more fun IEM vs a neutral tuned
  • Vocals in both Male & Female are silky smooth in a organic and lush musical way ( Copied and pasted from every PENON Review LOL )
  • Micro and Macro details are a real standout on the 10th
  • Hits 80% of the bass quality and quantity of the FiR Audio Xe6 $4000 Kilo buck IEM ( HUGE POINT HERE! ) That’s amazing the Xe6 Is a Amazing Set and thanks to a Amazing Friend who load me their fun toys to listen to and enjoy.
  • One of the Best Implementations of SONION EST drivers I have ever heard.

Cons: My wish list:

  • Micro Nuances could be better- not a huge knock as I use that comparison to a 64 Audio U12t another standout top in its class IEM
  • Stage Depth is good but just average
  • Female vocals on a Pure Copper Cable a tad, a smidgen too thick needs a Mixed cable- LIKE THE ONE INCLUDED! Even then I found the 10th to have a ever so slight bass bleed into Vocals on certain bass heavy tracks.


Now let’s get into it: The Techy Stuff
2+2+2 CONFIG
Double Dynamic Driver Consisting of:
2x 6mm Crystalline plated Biological Diaphragm for the lower frequencies comes out 1 dedicated sound tube
1x SONION Balanced Armature for the mid frequencies
1x KNOWLES Balanced Armature for the highs BA’s Share the second sound tube.
2x SONION EST Drivers for Ultra Highs - Shares third sound tube.
Shell is a Fully Transparent Electric Blue shell with the top made by hand that seems to be similar to each other but unique to each IEM! - Funny the colors are TDM Ying/Yang colors I don’t think so!
The 10th uses 3 sound tubes to carry the sound to the full resin nozzle
A 4 Way crossover divides the frequencies to each respected driver.
Sensitivity is rated as 110 db for each watt of power used.
Impedance is 9 Ohms
Cable can be chosen as either 3.5mm SE, or 2.5mm or 4.4 Pentagon Balanced Options and is a 8 core Silver Plated & OFCC mixed braded cable. PENON CABLE CS819 (Copper , Silver Plated 8 Cores 19 Shares p/core)

More information can be found here and non-affiliated link: Penon Audio 10th Anniversary IEM

Purchased from Penon Directly w 10th Anniversary Promotion Free Gift Mine was a ($219 NF Audio NF2U). Bonus Blue case and 10th Anniversary case shipped separately because I was a early adopter.

Subjective Part of my Audio Review -

What I Liked:

  • Included Accessories are top notch , case , cable, tips, cleaning brush all with minimal packaging well done PENON
  • 0.78 2 Pin termination for easy cable swapping embedded directly into the resin shell
  • Sibilant free highs great for treble sensitive people with lots of extension for details and air.
  • Musical balanced W shape sound signature
  • PENON Unmistakeable House Signature VOCALS
  • Fantastic bottom end that goes low and hits hard while blending into the mix with minimum bass bleed into vocals (Cable Dependant) for a more fun IEM vs a neutral tuned
  • Vocals in both Male & Female are silky smooth in a organic and lush musical way ( Copied and pasted from every PENON Review LOL )
  • Micro and Macro details are a real standout on the 10th
  • Hits 80% of the bass quality and quantity of the FiR Audio Xe6 $4000 Kilo buck IEM ( HUGE POINT HERE! ) That’s amazing the Xe6 Is a Amazing Set and thanks to a Amazing Friend who load me their fun toys to listen to and enjoy.
  • One of the Best Implementations of SONION EST drivers I have ever heard.

What I Though Needed Improvement: (Subjective)

  • Micro Nuances could be better- not a huge knock as I use that comparison to a 64 Audio U12t another standout top in its class IEM
  • Stage Depth is good but just average
  • Female vocals on a Pure Copper Cable a tad, a smidge to thick needs a Mixed cable- LIKE THE ONE INCLUDED! Even then I found the 10th to have a ever so slight bass bleed into Vocals on certain bass heavy tracks.

I share my impressions as I hear them with my ears.
As all our ears are different shapes & size so what I hear as bright or bass heavy -you might hear as dull and Vise-Versa; just something to be mindful of.

What makes my ears happy as a sound signature is a slightly more aggressive L shape. I love my Bass Sub and Mid Bass slam, love it all actually; and in balanced quantity. With the Bass, I prefer a faster decay the faster the better so as to not bleed into the mids., I am treble sensitive and prefer a slightly darker warmer replay with good treble extension.

I prefer the fast speedy bass of the Beryllium Coated Driver of my Xenns Mangird UP with a Beryllium Coated Driver. Of course, there are exceptions in the market - as I also find the bass of the Bio Diaphragm used in the Yanyin Canon special - has some special sauce like an 8" subwoofer that feels like a 12" Has the slam and some serious sub-bass! And the super cool Copper Alloy Shell IKKO Obsidian OH10 does some magic to the bass.

My music Library is widely varied from; Metallica, Great White, Cowboy Junkies, Pink Floyd, Adelle, Melisa Ethridge, Fleetwood Mac, Five for Fighting, Manskin, Poncho Sanchez, Jimmy Smith, Chopin, The Crystal Method just to name a few. When not listening to my test tracks the majority is Jazz or Alternative Rock especially Female Rock. Lorde, Halsey, Alanis Morrisette, Evanescence. All depends on my mood.

Sources: E1DA SG3, Shanling UP5, Geshelli JNOG J2 with AKM4493 chip. Truthear SHIO (Dual Cirrus Logic 43198 DAC Chips)
DAP/TRANSPORT: From Lenovo Laptop with Tidal, Hiby R6iii ( ES9038Q2M ), Samsung S22 Ultra with DSD Files.
Amps: LoxjiP20 & XDUOO MT-604 tube hybrid amps and Topping A90D Amp 4.4 Pentagon Balanced Out - Unless stated
Tips Used for the 10th were the JVC FX10 SPIRAL DOTS Tips I found for Best Result and subjective: Short Wide Bore are recommended to maximize stage my preference at the expense of perceived bass enhancement with narrow bore tips.
Best Cable pairing with my stock was the HAKUGEI JOYFULL VOICE , GOLD/SPC/COPPER Mix.

My Format has changed with community feedback. So now I will list the music tracks I used & why with my musical impressions of the playback using that track. I hope this will give you some context for my library and give you some contexts to compare using the same tracks.

Before I begin with some sound impressions, I would like to share a bit of my journey to the 10th.
When I saw the announcement of PENON’s 10th Anniversary IEM I have a epiphany moment. A light bulb went off and I knew what I had to do to afford this IEM.
Taking a step back in time when I originally purchased a set of EJ07M Kinda Lave Edition I was excited, I heard wonderful things about its presentation and knew the EJ’s had a bit of a cult following. My disappointment started when I found out the actual tuning was not as advertised. LETSHOUER was wonderful to deal with but I also spent a additional $160 on sending the units back and getting a retune with a resin shell for a better fit as well. I picked or tried to choose a Blue Resin shell from the selection but ultimately didn’t come out the way I was thinking it would. ( 10th Electric Blue Color was my target ). Now for the sound even adding a 3db sub boost still didn’t get me to my happy place.
The overall tuning of the EJ07M are worthy of the praise it’s a wonderful IEM! Head Stage , Instrument placement , EST Implementation all excellent.

Why am I telling you this it’s a PENON 10th review! Because on my journey as you get to listen to more IEM and have a greater sense of your personal tastes and what you pick up on a daily bases. The EJ’s for me as excellent and standout IEM in their own right got shelved and I stopped listening to them. Why because they pushed the technical details beyond my personal comfort zone, and instead of just listening to the music I found I was listening to the IEM.
Full circle, I have a set of unused $700+ IEM. So now here is where I interject my epiphany moment. I decided to let my set go to a new home and sell them to afford the 10th.
The color by the grace of good Karma for the 10th was exactly what I was shooting for, The use of my favourite SONION BA for Mids was also in the mix and since I just reviewed and fell in love with the FAN2 and now the 10th’s Dual 6mm DD, I knew this IEM was meant for me. The faceplate happens to also be my logo colors - coincidence I THINK NOT!


Let’s Begin:

#1 “It’s The End Of The World As We Know It” by REM

  • Layering of Instruments + vocals showcase the implementation of those SONION EST Drivers, the added some super fun twinkle’s and sparkle’s on the top end to give this track a really special presentation that was thoroughly enjoyable.

#2 “Scared” by The Tragically Hip

  • On this track I heard a ringing like those clapping toy monkey’s in a very subtle way, and it added to the most excellent guitar replay. Combine that with Gord Dowies voice and I heard things for the first time in a track that I have played many times over and that I know so well. It was a special moment!

#3 “Don’t Care Anymore” by Phil Colins

  • STEREO BASS, and Great Vocals made this track stand out**.** Multilayered bass and the 10th did it so well. One Bass hit is super snappy and the next goes low with excellent release and decay. Without washing out Phils vocals was truly a marvelous replay.

#4 “Enter Sandman” by Metallica
Not the largest stage I have heard but what was standout was the 10th’s ability to have Macro and Micro Dynamics ( The ability to add excitement and detail to a song presentation, through mixing or mastering a tack or live replay recording where the quiet passages and the loud ones are done in a way to emphasize the difference of volume to add effect between passages or overall song)
The 10th does this in spades and then some. With iFi’s XSPACE its surreal!

#5 "Lux AEterna " by Metallica
The dual 6mm Dynamic Drivers in full effect here with their mind numbing speed JUST WOW!

#6 “All My Friends Are Here” by Joe Satriani
The Mixing of this multi layered track gives you a good sense of a IEM’s ability to present stage depth and Micro Dynamics again.
The replay was excellent great layering of instruments, guitar sounded bang on. Well done PENON

#7 “Shape Of My Heart” by Sting
I had a good laugh on this one, I had to listen to it 5 times before I got my thoughts down on paper because it was so enjoyable to listen to I kept zoning out and was just listening to the music. Finally under duress to keep my focus that I came to the conclusion this a most excellent IEM for getting lost in the music. END OF REVIEW.
Oh and yes Stings voice was done in a justifying supercilious manner!

#8 “The Antidote Is In The Poison” GoGo Penguin

  • This is a Modern Jazz at its best. Powerful, Dynamic track full of emotion and snappy bass. Fantastic track to listen to how well Micro Dynamics are conveyed and get a good sense of the IEM’s ability to convey that to the listener. So how did the 10th do? Well its on this list of standout tracks a most excellent replay of instruments makes jazz on the 10th a standout. Perfect Bass! Where I found the Serial to be too much bass and the Fan2 A bit lean in the lower bass the 10th was bang on perfect.

#9 “Unfinished Sympathy” by Massive Attack

  • Sweet drops , goes low , vocals perfect.

#10 “Money For Nothing” by Dire Straits

  • Of the charts micro and macro dynamics again. The W shape sound signature does a wonderful job. Not up to 64 Audio levels but very, very good.

#11 “Give” by Nils Lofgren

  • The guitar and vocals what a combo of OMG replay and such wicked fun.

#12 “Ubiquitous Mr. Lovegrove (LIVE)” by Dead Can Dance

The stage is massive clearly impresses with the 10th’s ability to convey a real sense of the live recording and the size of the venue, quite excellent.

#13 “Nie Pokonasz Milosci (Remastered)” by Hania Rani
The microphones on the inside of the piano and on the keys is clearly present and the effects are outstanding. Probably the most musical replay I have ever heard this track being played. So beautiful.

#14 “Jetlag Corporation (Remastered)” by Aes Dana
In this track I heard the most perfect implementation of balance between low bass and EST Driver perfection. There is perfect cohesiveness showcased between all the drivers with lost of bass and twinkleies so, so smoothly.

#15 “Vivaldi Double Cello Concerto Mvt#1” by Tina Guo

  • A real standout track for multi-layers instrument separation.

#16 “Chemical Mentalist” by The Crystal Method

  • EDM SLAM No sibilance or harshness present just massive amounts of fun that makes you turn it up loud.

#17 “POWER” by Ellie Goulding

  • Lots of bass here without washing out vocals a real test and has very nice bass hits to boot.

#18 “Cover me in Sunshine” by Pink

  • On a OFCC cable vocals gets a tad washed out so when switching to a mixed cable or SPC it was standout.

#19 “You Oughta Know” by Alanis Morissette

  • I love edgy female vocals and PENON’s latest came through with most excellent female vocals with just the right amount of edge!

#20 “ Way Down Deep “ by Jennifer Warnes

  • I have used this track for countless years as a test track to demo speakers and the 10th didn’t disappoint and came through with flying colors.

#21 “ Wake Up “ Oliver Mtukudzi
(Oliver Mtukudzi is an African Musician and prolific guitarist and Vocalist. He sings with a mix of South African styles sometimes in English sometimes mixed like in this track and includes the traditional drumming styles of the Korekore. TUKU MUSIC at its finest – Listening for vocals, bass lines, and clarity – and because it is just fun! Right at the beginning you have some very cool snaps and instrumental) I loved the playback on this track amazing vocals and instruments in a fun lively manor.

OK that was jus some tracks that blew my mind.
NO COUNTRY MUSIC WAS OR WILL EVER BY PLAYED BY ME EVER. I heard from another forum member that he thought the 10th was not so good for the Gene of Country or Reggae Music. So I can neither confirm nor deny this. But Hollie Cook slammed?

Firstly let me state that the PENON 10TH is a collage of the best traits from all of their IEM’s I have heard.
When a IEM makes you totally forget your listening to anything other than music that’s a very powerful thing, and extremely rare at any price in this hobby!

My favorite set for chillaxing is the XENNS MANGIRD UP, Here with its use of SONION BA and EST Drivers makes me love this combo. That bieng said sometimes one of my things on my wish list for this set was a bit more of the special sauce and happy to report the 10th delivers with a perfect mix of more EST sparkle and highs that sometimes I find lacking in the UP’s. Also probably what makes that set such a chill set technical yet fun. The 10th just takes it to the next level for a lot less $$$

Lets talk about those dual 6mm Drivers. So I had a taste of them in the FAN2 and fell in love with the naturalness and speedy slam they output.
So in the 10th take that to the next level add a bunch more low frequency extension but keep the speed and slam possible? Yup mission accomplished!
On first listen there was some bass bleed into the mids buy after about 100 hours of burn in things really mellowed out bass dropped lower and 95% of the bass bleed was gone not perfect but great.

The 10th defiantly has the PENON House Signature Sound with its Lush natural sounding tonally correct mids. The use of the Knowles BA for the highs was the better choice of driver over its SONION brother as I find the way the Knowles BA reproduces highs a sharper more correct way of doing it. I find IEM’s that have the SONION BA for highs a bit too dull. I was actually worried about that in the original specs as it was listed as SONION BA for the highs and had my concerns if the energy could keep up with the dual 6’s. The specs have since been corrected and all is right with the world again.

As a comparison: I found the Globes too dark for my tastes, The serial not speedy enough in the Bass, The ISN H50 vocals too recessed.
The EJ07M too distracting, The XENNS UP almost perfect and the 10th PERFECT Mix of all of these rolled into my wish list.

Highs are also a real killer on this tuning of this set, not only do they have great energy, but just enough energy in all the right places to add details, correct instrument tonality quite perfect actually. Now the kicker no sibilance or harshness even for treble sensitive people like me that dip at 7-8k really helps this out and since the pina gain is at 4k and drops at 5k I find the tuning a masterful piece of git!

I have to mention the most excellent implementation of those SONION EST - These kind of drivers done correctly are just supposed to enhance the High frequencies.
With the dual EST not 4 thankfully as was the case for my GS Audio SE12 ( Overdone EST ) I observed through my 2 ears that the EST tuning used on the 10th were done in a excellent application and adds to the overall tuning to enhance the fantastic BA highs and not compete with them. BRAVO PENON.

The decision to sell my EJ’s was the best decision ever as I get to own this extraordinary set. With all the things I loved about my favorite sets I own and have heard rolled into one but without any of the things I wished those sets had more of.

With the same kind of faster slam and weight of the XENNS UP for Lower bass and the speedy power of the FAN2 bass the 10th hit a excellent balance.
Add to this the incredible clean vocals of the Ej’s but done in the PENON House signature way hard not to love the way all my favorite singers sounded.
From Male vocals from Sting& Shaggy, Lou Reed, Phil Colins, Billy Joel, Lars, Manskin and John Legend to all my favorite female singers - Lorde, Miley Cyrus, Halsey, Pink, Sia, Allanis Morrisette, Ella Fitzgerald and Melisa Ethridge; they all sounded correct and natural.

Lastly I will talk about stage, I have gushed on about this anniversary IEM enough to sound like a paid infomercial! ( I paid full price for this set )
Stage is not the most 3D and not the most engaging I have heard. That was one of the problems with the EJ’s too much all over the place. The 10th keeps you in focus with whatever is playing front and center not to distract you from the great vocals or musical piece your listening to, but enough to make the dynamics stand out and keep you on point. I personally find this kind of tuning my favorite and makes for a very fun playback.

The PENON 10th has taken all of your favorite sets including ISN H50 and PENON Sets rolled them into one IEM and did it in a way to make you NEED IT in your stable. If you thought you would pass this one up, you were wrong.

The PENON 10th Anniversary IEM is a AUDIO VAMPIRE - keeps sucking you in for more and gets you lost in the music while simultaneously pumping you full of endorphins. How’s that for a endorsement and comes honestly from my ears and my heart!

Thank you for taking the time to read my review.
My Video review is here: TO BE DONE LATER

My QuBuz Playlist:
Listen to the playlist Test Tracks by [email protected] on Qobuz


My YouTube Chan:

My Discord:



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10th anniversary edition IEM video review is live:


KZ Shootout is here EDXS vs ZVX vs DF-i


I get the whole tuning switch thing and it looks like with the D-fi it’s actually decent but honestly if I want more bass I’ll just do a low shelf EQ :person_shrugging:t2:
I found the technicalities of the ZVX much better than the D-fi personally :+1:
Well maybe not much better but noticeably better and it being it being way cheaper here in Canada made me keep them instead :+1:

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It was a real toss up kinda what you preference is. The D-Fi might be too laid back for some for sure.

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Yeah for sure. Luckily both are on Amazon so you can always get both and see which you like and return the one you don’t :+1:

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My Juzear Flame/41t Take - My Reset Set!


Okay I was totally wrong. It’s $40, not $35

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Still wrong its only $39 LOL
What are you thinking this is a colab or something and your getting the $1 :grinning:

I hope it goes on sale at more the Linsoul dont really want to give them my money.

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KiwiEars DOLCE - A Better Cadena 100%


I tried but review is too long to post in ita entirely here. Sad times need to read on that orher forum.


Look what showed up today what a presentation!
Sound Ryhme SR7

Why oh why not a stitch of paperwork to say what the stitches do?
Pre production?


That’s a very pretty shell. Points for that