Canuck Audioholics Anonymous CAA Reviews & Fun Banter

Mostly a tonality check: does SR7 lack on sub-bass? How much cleaner is P8?

Does one come off less bright in the treble?

Who has better male/female vocals?

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Thoose two are are such different tunings. On DU with the SR7 vs P8

Both not great on Sub bass, but the P8 sounds like it has better sub bass because of less MS bloat,

Vocals clear winner no contest SR7 both male and female.

Yes you can clearly tell the SR7 has rolled off highs less so with DU than full bass UU

The P8 sounds cleaner because the vocals are not forward as on the SR7 and way less MB and its so much more balanced.

Both wont be keepers for me.


Thanks for that. Sounds like while I’ll have a curiosity until I scratch that itch, my wallet is safe :grin:

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The Penon 10th just saying


I’m demoing @MMag05’s 10th and Sound Rhyme DTE500, and @cal_lando’s EJ07Ms.

I enjoy the DTE500 most


I dont think I am a fan of monitor like tuning. I need excitement.
Switching between the 3
P8,SR7 and the 10th a song came on and I loved the vocals of the SR7 and the width of the stage on the P8 and then I grabed the 10th and knew the vocals were off on the SR7 and the stage sucks on the P8. $100 more than either and its really 2 levels above the other 2.

When i bought the 10th , I also got a free pair of NF Audio NF2U and really enjoy those as well. So I feel my money very well spent on that deal!

Really digging the Neo5 as well killer bass goes very low and is quick , vocals like the SR7 and treble like the Fan2 and $100 less than the p8 and SR7


I’d say that’s fair

Can you share some more thoughts on the differences between the 10th and the DTE500?

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I can share more thoughts, for sure. Cause I didn’t realize I hadn’t done a post on the 10ths. So I will get onto that

A teaser: With most tips, 10th is a lot more V-shaped and DTE500 has better mids (which would anger most Penon fanboys to hear).

I preferred Tri Clarion tips on 10th which fixes some of those balance issues; you don’t get all the bass the graph promises but the mids and treble are more competitive


I’ve heard 2 Penon’s so far, the Impact and the Serial. I don’t have a ton of experience with TOTL but the Impact mids and vocals are the best I’ve heard so far. So I am a fan of Penon’s now!

But Sound Rhyme seems to be the new hotness, them and Aur, I have the SR8 on the way and am considering the DTE500 and the Aurora.


Noice selections!

I shot my AFUL Performer8 Video for your viewing pleasure.


After 2 month’s I wrote my FAN2 review and actually re-fell in love :heart: with it.

Pros: What I Liked:

Shell shape and fit for me were top notch once I figured out your tip selection which is paramount for getting the proper sound out of the fan two and comfort of course.

The fast speedy base of the dual 6 millimetre drivers are right on my alley not the lowest extension but I just love the fast slam and what it did to instruments and placement.

Treble for me had the perfect amount of Sparkleys and Twinkle’s that I love without being overbearing siblings or fatiguing in any way

It’s the mids that are the Magic of the F2 the forward vocals just bring out a naturalness in the special PENON house sound way, I just love this tuning.

Another big standout for me was the ability of the F2 to bring out the sense of stage and openness you would get in a rock concert and the ability for to project a sense of grandeur that very few IEM seem to be able to reproduce.

Case fantastic and usable.
Cable perfectly matched and comes in your choice of termination 3.5 SE, 2.5 Bal and 4.4 Penttacon thank you PENON

Cons: What I Though might not work for everyone.

The nozzle shape and angle might be trouble for some and I will reiterate the fact that finding the right ear tips are going to be the win or lose for you liking this IEM and you must invest in some time and effort and money to get the correct selection.

Not a Bass Monster know going in that the Fan2 Is Mid Bass Centric not sub bass and genre that are bass heavy will play great but won’t give you ear hair tingling bass.


"The Most Balanced PENON to Date!

This is going to be a different kind of written review.

Now let’s get into it: The Techy Stuff
2x6mm Crystal Plated Biological Diaphragm Dynamic Drivers
1x Sonion BA for Mids
1xKnowles BA for Highs
112db sens
Cable is the OS133 - 2 Share with 133 cores per share and comes in your choice of termination SE 3.5 or Balanced 2.5 or 4.4

More information can be found here and non-affiliated link: Penon Fan2 Link or

More information can be found here and non-affiliated link: Penon Fan2 Link or

Subjective Part of my Audio Review -

I share my impressions as I hear them with my ears.
As all our ears are different shapes & size so what I hear as bright or bass heavy -you might hear as dull and Vise-Versa; just something to be mindful of.

What makes my ears happy as a sound signature is a slightly more aggressive L shape. I love my Bass Sub and Mid Bass love it all actually; and in large quantity. With the Bass, I prefer a faster decay the faster the better so as to not bleed into the mids., I am treble sensitive and prefer a slightly darker warmer replay with good treble extension without excessive brightness.

I prefer the fast speedy bass of the Beryllium Coated Driver of my Xenns Mangird UP with a Beryllium Coated Driver. Planar bass is out for me as again it lacks sub harmonics and texture I find Dynamic Drivers do better. Same as BA bass the only exception was from the 64 Audio U12t that doesn’t sound like a BA Sub.

My music Library is widely varied from; Metallica, Great White, Cowboy Junkies, Pink Floyd, Adelle, Melisa Ethridge, Fleetwood Mac, Five for Fighting, Manskin, Poncho Sanchez, Jimmy Smith, Chopin, The Crystal Method just to name a few. When not listening to my test tracks the majority is Jazz or Alternative Rock especially Female Rock. Lorde, Halsey, Alanis Morrisette, Evanescence. All depends on my mood.

Sources: E1DA SG3, Shanling UP5, Geshelli JNOG J2 with AKM4493 chip. Truthear SHIO (Dual Cirrus Logic 43198 DAC Chips)
DAP/TRASPORT: From Lenovo Laptop with Qbuz Samsung S22 Ultra with DSD Files.
Amps: LoxjiP20 & XDUOO MT-604 tube hybrid amps and Topping A90D Amp 4.4 Pentagon Balanced Out - Unless stated
I also use a iFi Stack with a ZENCAN and ZENDAC2 for a warmer combo.

Tips Used for the F2 that worked perfectly for me were the Whizzer Easytips SS22 Tips. And I found a set of tips from Japan made for TWS that look like Spiral Dots

OKAY in this written review I won’t be doing any track impressions because I covered most of that already in my video review so if you’re interested please click the link to that and watch. You should also really watch that vid if you thinking about picking a F2 up. Still might be able to save you some $.

Speaking of that, coming around full circle when, I did my video review probably a good few months ago, and the feedback I received from those who watched my video and ended up purchasing one were all extremely positive and I am thrilled others are enjoying the F2 as much as me.

So this is a very interesting experience where I now get to write a written review after putting these away for a good couple months. I haven’t had the F2 in my ears because I’ve had others IEMS I’ve been listening to and reviewing and it’s always a question of OK am I going to love these things as much as I did when I did the review?

So was my review bang on? Or was I just pumping the snot out of something and it wasn’t as good as I thought it was! Sometimes I do question myself or not question so much as reflect back on was I in a honeymoon stage or was the hype real.

Now in the meantime since taking a break I have had some serious high end in my ears lately, Aroma Audio Thunder, as well as the 64 Audio U4S which if you watch the video review the FAN2 was the reason why I was struggling so much to do that review. Because the F2 showed up at the same time and upon first listen to this New Balanced PENON, I was star struck. and was honestly enjoying the F2 so much greater than the $1100 U4s that it was making that review way more difficult than it should have been in a good way.
I’ve also had the FiR Audio XE6 these are also some serious kilo buck fantastic top of the line IEM in their own right to add more context.

One thing came abundantly clear you do get TOTL performance from some nice gear

 But you can also really enjoy and love something for way less money. No matter how much something is you don’t need to chase butterflies to get something that makes you happy!
Second thing I realized is that diminishing returns are a real thing. You don’t get 20x the sound quality from a 20x more expensive IEM the changes are more just refinement rather than A-HA moments.

And here we are.

Quite honestly even if you paid full price for this I am it is completely and totally worth it in my opinion. Now that being said it’s been a few months and over this time my notes were lost.
Quite honestly I didn’t know how to approach this review except to re listen and rediscover If I felt the same way and If so why?
In the Video review I was more focused on how well the FAN2 did on vocals. After some reflection, I realize its not just the MIDS and the vocals that has enchanted me.
The FAN 2 is more than a ONE TRICK PONY!

For sound impressions for the PENON FAN2 I would say the fan two is a THREE TRICK PONY. The F2 is not going to appeal to everyone but for the people that it will appeal to they’re going to be looking for a very specific kind of sound signature, bass texture and highs.

What I mean by that is they’ll be looking for something maybe vocal-centric and they’ve heard about the PENON House sound.
Another person might be looking for more of a balanced version of a PENON and want to try a different tuning without going to far off track from what they are uses to.
Lastly I think another person might be looking for something that is an a bit more laid back without a huge amount of sub base extension to pull you away or an over the top amount of treble extension to make it fatiguing- a balanced sound tuning.

So I think reading reviews and watching reviews hopefully will help you can cut through the hype and see if the FAN2 is going to be for you.

In my video review I was very enthusiastic about how much I really enjoy the PENON FAN2 and as I get emotional about my music sometimes it’s hard to separate the enthusiasm from the facts I’d apologize but I really like this IEM so for me it was definitely deserving of the hype.

So let’s talk a little bit about why I really enjoy listening to this IEM well songs like “Thank You” from Dido can it just reminded me why I love the F2 I just love the way it presents vocals especially female vocals it gives it that right amount of edge to the vocals and it sounds natural to me. I love all the vocals the PENON FAN2 belted out. Its one of those IEM that makes it hard to review because its musical over being analytical so instead of trying to listen to nuances in the tracks, you just sit back and get lost in the music.

Listen to Thank You by Dido on Qobuz Open Qobuz

The Bass - Ok I love bass but more importantly for my tastes I will take quality over quantity. Now not to say the F2 won’t go low , because it will. It just won’t do bass-head SUB BASS.
Instead the F2 has a wonderous snappy fast more MID-BASS Centric nature that added liveliness and excitement to instruments but also male vocals that just make them sound perfect to me. If I wanted to listen to a genre with lots of deeps drops I would honestly reach for a different IEM, PENON 10th or ISN Neo5.

Listen to Lux Æterna by Metallica on Qobuz Open Qobuz
Dido - Thank You (Official Video) - YouTube

So I love the Bass , I even more so love the Sonion BA mids and what that 1 BA does for musicality and the smoothness. Hard to imagine when we hear of 24 BA bla bla bla you don’t need them! - The FAN2 more than proves this and the 10th even more so.
Perfect example of this is the HYPED UP AFUL P8, a classic example a 1+7 that can’t even remotely compete with way less expensive JUZEARS 41t with its 1+4 and again Sonion BA mids.
The FAN 2 trumps them both in terms of FUN FACTOR and musicality no contest. Now to be fair the 41t and P8 are tuned similarly where the F2 is more vocal centric and forward, and of course the reason I would reach for the FAN2 if I wanted to chill with what I know it does so well.

The Highs - Smooth , effortless, and engaging yet still balanced in the mix to not overpower the mids or bass a wonderful tuning and again so well implemented in this IEM.
You won’t get fatigued, you won’t hear sibilance. What you will get is detailed instrument separation and placement with correct tonality and timbre. Is the FAN2 the most resolving IEM - NO of course not. Nor would I expect it to be at this price point and tuning.

Stage - for me I really enjoy the way the FAN2 has a big open stage. With great layering and placement of the singers, instruments and the ability to convey a real sense of venue.
Metallica S&M2 , you are right there 100ft from the stage in the crowd and can tell the entire orchestra is surrounding the band. When everyone cheers you get a real feel of how big the concert hall is and how many people are there with you amazing and not east to reproduce! The F2 did this better than most IEM at any price!

In Conclusion I would sum up saying the FAN2 is more than worthy of your consideration, with words like , clean resolution, punchy articulate bass , balanced mid centric vocals, clean and accurate details and a fun and engaging demeanor. If those kinds of things you look for in a new IEM and appeal to your preferential sound signature look no further you found it.

I re-fell in love with the PENON FAN2 all over again and hope you will too!

Thanks so much for reading, Cheers from the Tone Deaf Monk.



KBear Ormosia 1 + 1 hybrid $60usd, compared to your boy. Just if you ever see one passing in your travels

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I gotta imagine those twin peaks are gonna be rough without that elevated bass to even them out


Actually I really like the highs on the Mjölnir MKII

This EW200 should not be priced at $40 sounds way too good. I like it better than the retuned EA500


I meant on the ombrosia. Three mjonir has some goods bass to help balance it


Ask @MMag05

What’s the question? Must have missed it