Canuck Audioholics Anonymous CAA Reviews & Fun Banter

About Ormosia

Talk to Cal about it!

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I demo’d Ormosia along JD7 just yesterday. In my normal register of music I test for treble, which is mostly metal, it wasn’t bad. I noted to @GooberBM that it was actually a nice listen for metal for those that wanted a little aggression and bite in guitars. Didn’t find it fatiguing or harsh. That of course was with my test tracks. Though usually for my preferences if those pass the remainder of my library will also.


Nice! I’m presently surprised to hear that haha


ISN Neo 5 Video loaded for you watchers over readers!


And for thoose who like to read over watching:

ISN Neo 5 - A Fantastic Fun Purple Puncher!

Pros: What I Liked:
The Price Point! A clear upgrade to entry level hybrids out there.
The tuning change between the H50 and this Neo5 is very different and shows real talent to pull off a new direction.
The tuning is well executed and offers a cohesive Dynamic Driver & Balanced Armature experience with minimal BA timbre.
Bass is authoritative and still has some good snap and texture while being tilted towards the sub bass side more so than the mid bass.
Slightly warm vocals adds a nice bit of texture to the singers voice in a smooth and organic way. Not thin or veiled sounding at all.
The highs are smooth and give enough energy to add excitement but not too much to make the Neo5 fatiguing and defiantly lets you turn up the volume for long periods of time.
Highs are crips and the quality Knowles BA bring out the cymbal crashes without getting splashy.
Love the fact you can get your choice of cable termination. 3.5 SE, 2.5 Bal and 4.4 Pentaconn
I have to mention the PURPLE SHELL bold and bad ass! Great quality and comfort for my medium sized ears.

Cons: What I Though Needed Improvement:
Not much honestly maybe a bit more upper treble energy to add the missing link for female vocals to make them perfect for me.
Slight bass bleed into female vocals where it slightly lowers them a octave not in too much of a negative way more in a coloured way so people who value tonally perfect uncoloured vocals or a less warmer sound will notice.
Stage more intimate just average not exceptionally 3D even with wide bore tips.

ISN Neo5 A New Affordable Awesome $279


Now let’s get into it: The Techy Stuff

5 Driver per side configuration:
1x 10mm Dynamic Driver Composite Diaphragm ( Unknown Composition )
2x Knowles Balanced Armature Mids
2x Knowles Balanced Armature Highs
3 Way Cross Over
26 Ohms Resistance
110 db Sensitivity
Handmade Resin Shell
2 Pin flush Termination.
Cable is 8 Strand Silver Plated Oxygen Free Copper Cable
18 Month Warranty.

I Purchased my Unit with a discount from Penon - Thank You

I Don’t do disclaimers for me it doesn’t need to be said. Strait Goods always from me. If something is bad it gets called out. If its great it gets the praise and a deserved hype!


ISH Neo5 is a fantastic fun purple puncher!

More information can be found here and non-affiliated link:

Subjective Part of my Audio Review -
I share my impressions as I hear them with my ears.

As all our ears are different shapes & size so what I hear as bright or bass heavy -you might hear as dull and Vise-Versa; just something to be mindful of.

What makes my ears happy as a sound signature is a slightly more aggressive L shape. I love my Bass Sub and Mid Bass love it all actually; and in large quantity. With the Bass, I prefer a faster decay the faster the better so as to not bleed into the mids., I am treble sensitive and prefer a slightly darker warmer replay with good treble extension without excessive brightness.

I prefer the fast speedy bass of the Beryllium Coated Driver of my Xenns Mangird UP with a Beryllium Coated Driver and the PENON 10th hits my perfect tonality in bass texture.

Planar bass is out for me as again it lacks sub harmonics and texture I find Dynamic Drivers do better. Same as BA bass the only exception was from the 64 Audio U12t that doesn’t sound like a BA Sub.

My music Library is widely varied from; Metallica, Great White, Cowboy Junkies, Pink Floyd, Adelle, Melisa Ethridge, Fleetwood Mac, Five for Fighting, MĂ€nskin, Poncho Sanchez, Jimmy Smith, Chopin, The Crystal Method just to name a few. When not listening to my test tracks the majority is Jazz or Alternative Rock especially Female Rock. Lorde, Halsey, Alanis Morrisette, Evanescence. All depends on my mood.

Sources: E1DA SG3, Shanling UP5, Geshelli JNOG J2 with AKM4493 chip. Truthear SHIO (Dual Cirrus Logic 43198 DAC Chips)

DAP/TRASPORT: From Lenovo Laptop with Qbuz Samsung S22 Ultra with DSD Files.

Amps: LoxjiP20 & XDUOO MT-604 tube hybrid amps and Topping A90D Amp 4.4 Pentagon Balanced Out - Unless stated

I also use a iFi Stack with a ZENCAN and ZENDAC2 for a warmer combo.




My Format has changed with community feedback. So now I will list the music tracks I used & why with my musical impressions of the playback using that track. I hope this will give you some context for my library and give you some contexts to compare using the same tracks.

Let’s Begin: Critical listening per track Notes taken NOT OVERALL IMPRESSIONS

#1 “Never Be Me- LIVE” Miley Cyrus - Nice Balance between the bass lines , the vocals , and the highs is perfect for this genre.

#2 “Prayer” Hania Rani - The Low drone bass drops are well presented , piano sounds right, not the lowest sub bass, bass seems to be focused in the lower bass between the sub bass and mid bass region.


#3 “Check It Out” Nicki Minaj Both will I am and Nicki’s vocals front and center with big bass nice to hear the Neo5 can tinkle your ear hairs while belting out sweet vocals, I think the Neo5 favors male vocals over female vocals as it sounds like a tad too much energy in female vocals to be perfectly accurate while male vocals sound perfect.

#4 “Rocklandwonderland” Kim Mitchell - Fast snappy Mid Bass attack and enough highs to make rock music truly fun to listen to at volume.

#5 “Queen Of New York City” Matchbox Twenty - Male vocals are so good still lots of bass energy but vocals still not washed out.

#6 "Kashmir: Jimmy Page & Robert Plant - Wishing for a bit more upper energy but vocals and drums sound so good

#7 " Money For Nothing" - Dire Straits this track is great for getting a sense of dynamics - here the Neo5 did a better than average job of the replay enough to make the track exciting but shows its limitations of its tuning and drivers compared to other IEM’s like the Penon 10th at almost double the price that’s giving good credit to the Neo5 for what it can achieve at this price point!

#8 “All I Wanna Do Is Make Love To You” by Heart - A good track to listen to female vocals. The Neo5 plays this back so nicely are the Vocals perfect NO, A tad thick I mean just a bit but hard to not sit back and enjoy this track none the less.

#9 “Steel River” by Chris Rea - a classic track to just sit back and enjoy exceptional vocals and the Neo5 makes it quite enjoyable.

#10 " The End" by Kings Of Leon - Can be a more busy track with L+R separation , center vocals and prominent instrumental mix and the Neo5 did it very well and lets you still pick up the details and keeps the vocals very organic.

#11 “You Make Loving Fun” - by Fleetwood Mac on this song you can tell the highs are rolled off but the vocals comes across as fantastic and on even par with the low end.

#12 “Dee” by Ozzy Osbourne - a great presentation lots of note weight but here I was wishing for more resolution and you would need more high frequency energy to make the pulls and slides perfect.

#13 “Nothing Else Matters” another track by Miley Cyrus - Bass hits go low and hits nicely no mid bass bloat could be heard to screw up her vocals!

#14 “Ghost Story” by Sting - Perfect male vocals and nice balance overall.

#15 “Sun King” by The CULT - For me the reason I would pick up this set for a kick ass session for a bout of rock music - The Neo5 goes loud and belts out some serious jams.

Shell Shape is Fantastic Compare Pic VS FAN2



This NEW ISN Neo5 and its new tuning has taken a great direction in its different tuning. Bass lines come off more sub bass focused over Mid bass but still has tons of energy there to make drums and instruments sound impactful and tonally correct.

Vocals and mids using the stock cable are probably designed to give a slightly warmer presentation. I found with eartips and cable rolling I could fine tune the Neo5 closer to me desired perfect. For me that was cable with silver and Gold in the mix and JVC Spiral Dot Eartips

I find the Neo5 Mids to be fairly neutral not forward nor recessed in the mix and on the slightly darker side vs thin and sharp.

Treble here on the Neo5 is fairly relaxed and gives plenty of sparkles but treble heads need not apply. The relaxed treble makes the Neo5 a easy listen and fatigue free listen good for treble sensitive people. Rock , EDM are great genre’s to dial up the volume and enjoy a seriously long jamb out session.

Stage is average - decently wide and high a “I want It All” by Queen shows that the Neo5 plays back fairly intimate and center of head. This kind of stage is great for making this IEM a good one to just get absorbed in the music and not transfixed on spatial placement.

Instrument separation, Air, Instrument placement and dynamics takes a bit of a hit with the relaxed upper energy tuning and rolled off highs, a trade off for a more musical organic sound versus a more technical set.



While everyone has different tastes I personally like this new tuning direction from ISN on the Neo5 and will certainly appeal to more people than the more niche tuning of the H50.

If you are at the point of taking a plunge of a better quality hybrid set the Neo5 would be a great choice, unlike a bunch of lower quality sets I just recently reviewed where you can clearly tell the unnamed BA or Custom units clearly has a metallic timbre in the upper end, the BA timbre on the Neo5 is minimal to zero and very well tuned and coherent with the Dynamic Driver for a seamless blending.

If your looking for a more bassy set with a slightly warmer vocal presentation and don’t prioritize technicalities or a perfectly uncolored sound the Neo5 will be for you. I like how the Bass of the Neo5 goes low but doesn’t try to overexert itself and try to push the sub bass into distortion a well controlled driver with good tuning.

I don’t think the Neo5 is a all rounder and will work well for certain genre’s that focus on the lower 3/4 of the sound spectrum. Classical even some Jazz might leave some wanting if that’s your preference.

I think we all need a set of IEM’s that you can jam out to at higher volumes and let you just get lost in the music, the ISN Neo5 does this very well at a exceptionally good price a easy recommendation to progress your journey deeper into the rabbit hole without killing you budget!

In Comparison:

ISN NEO5.png

I will make a point here with these comparisons, And that is I think the Neo5 is a very capable IEM so much so I am going to compare with a few others I also love like the $600 Xenns Mangird UP and the $499 PENON 10th Anniversary. Both certainly better than the Neo5 but just considering comparing against these other exceptional IEM’S is speaking volumes about how well tuned the Neo5 is and what amazing value it brings into the market in 2023.

Vs - ISN H50:


I said about the H50 in my review-

“The H50 is a easy to listen to IEM, Its not going to blast your eardrums out with its overpowering bass, not will it make you totally focus on the vocals. You wont hear sibilant highs nor will the H50 blast you with ear piercing treble. The H50 just is a unique IEM one that is defiantly worth your consideration.”

The tuning difference is quite noticeable and I spent a bunch of time A/B the sets to get my impressions correct.

The H50 has more BA timbre and sharpness than the Neo5 where sometimes the H50 gets close for me on sibilant on certain busy tracks that splashiness was much better controlled on the Neo5 and the BA’s sounded closer to a DD presentation, Between the two the Neo5 still sounds like it has more high frequency energy over the H50.
The greater Mid Bass on the H50 added a special sauce for adding in bass texture and reverb effects that the Neo5 doesn’t have. The H50 was very much Mid Bass energy forward and the Neo5 pushes its lower energy to 50-100hz vs 60-300hz on the H50 a different presentation and great but different on both sets.
Bass on the Neo5 sounds quicker
Stage has more 3D and height
Female vocals Neo5 is better
The more energy between 1-3K in noticeable on the set giving vocals a different replay towards more my preference.

Vs - XENNS Mangird UP:

NEO5 VS UP.png

Here’s where I found an interesting comparison I really do love the bass of the UP but here I found the Neo 5 very comparable the same kind of things that I loved about the up I found in the Neo 5 and for me that is a huge win I like the speediness, I like the slam, I like the fact that it doesn’t distort it high volumes quite a win on a sub $300 IEM
So now there’s some differences of course I found the mids and the vocals more forward on the Neo5, but the ups had definitely out of all these I MS that I’m comparing the most natural vocals and the best overall presentation of them.
Now the highs here where the Neo Five was more laid back and rolled off on the XENNS UP you definitely get more sparkle more details instrument separation air and that also played a huge difference in the next part the stage.
When you listen to an IEM and you think it has good stage it probably does but compared to what? and that’s the nice thing about doing a side by side comparison and here the difference between them I would honestly say the UP takes it UP two level higher over the Neo 5. It is so much noticeable difference in the stage. The UP is dramatically more 3D it’s wider it’s higher and has more depth that’s not saying the Neo Five is bad it’s just saying the UP is that much better and shows why its double the price.

Vs - PENON 10th Anniversary:

NEO5 VS 10TH.png

So let’s talk bass on the 10th there is definitely more true sub base as well as a faster mid base hit the depth of the details are noticeable in the base texture as well kind of an interesting comparison between 2-6 millimetre drivers versus 1-10 millimeter driver. The 10th space for me is the Pinnacle of base and my preferences it really hits a sweet spot for me.
Now on the 10th the vocals and the mids are presented more forward it’s more of a V shaped signature and female vocals are prodigious on the 10th where they are a little bit laid back and thick on the Neo 5.
So here again on the 10th do you get better dynamics? Absolutely! Do you get an obvious difference to micro and macro dynamics? Oh yes absolutely you do! & that’s why you would pay extra for the 10th anniversary but what the Neo 5 brings to the table is quite remarkable for its price and must be praised for the execution of its drivers and overall tuning.

Thanks so much, Cheers from the Tone Deaf Monk.







My Video for the ISN Neo 5 is Here:

Discord Server is here for insider information and just good conversation: Discord

My Test Playlist on QuBuz:


It is worthy of praise.
The Indica (InDaCouch) of IEM’s


My thoughts on the Sound Rhyme SR5:
Sound Rhyme SR5 $149-$250

July 15, 2023 6:30 PM

SR5 How is this not in everyone’s ears?

Now let’s get into it: The Techy Stuff

5 Driver per side configuration:

1x 10mm Dynamic Driver Composite Diaphragm ( Polymer Nano Composition )

2x Knowles Balanced Armature Mids (Knowles ED29689)

2x Knowles Balanced Armature Highs (Knowles 31736)

3 Way Cross Over

16 Ohms Resistance

110 db Sensitivity


2 Pin 0.78MM flush Termination.

Cable is 8 Strand Silver Plated Oxygen Free Copper Cable

I received my unit courtesy from PENON- Thank You

I Don’t do disclaimers for me it doesn’t need to be said. Strait Goods always from me. If something is bad it gets called out. If its great it gets the praise and a deserved hype!

More information can be found here and non-affiliated link:

Most Stores are selling for $250 - PENON Store $149

Subjective Part of my Audio Review -

What I Liked:
The Price Point at $149! Competes with other IEM at higher prices. At $250 still worth it!

The Energy and the highs are for me spectacular. I don’t have another set that sounds quite like the SR5 and that makes it special for me,

Adds some great Air & Extension without fatigue and sibilance for me. (Treble Sensitive without issue)

Knowles BA adds the details and sparkle without any BA Timbre for me.

Stage is fantastic 3D , Wide , Deep and with great sense of Height.

Balanced sound with a tilt toward the extra energy in the upper end.

Vocals that are slightly forward but neutral in its tonality not Warm nor Thin.

Sub bass over MB has nice depth when asked for in the track

Vocals are super clear and detailed and present in a way that hold your attention.

Great overall tuning and unique at the sub $300 price bracket I have tried.

Takes a EQ like a champ - I used Hiby Mage Sound 8 Ball and added in some low end extension and MB impact and love the results with changing the upper end I love so much.

Very Efficient and east to drive

What I Though Needed Improvement:

Not much especially at this price point , I would love to have a bit more Mid Bass impact that’s it!

I share my impressions as I hear them with my ears.

As all our ears are different shapes & size so what I hear as bright or bass heavy -you might hear as dull and Vise-Versa; just something to be mindful of.

What makes my ears happy as a sound signature is a slightly more aggressive L shape. I love my Bass Sub and Mid Bass love it all actually; and in large quantity. With the Bass, I prefer a faster decay the faster the better so as to not bleed into the mids., I am treble sensitive and prefer a slightly darker warmer replay with good treble extension without excessive brightness.

I prefer the fast speedy bass of the Beryllium Coated Driver of my Xenns Mangird UP with a Beryllium Coated Driver and the PENON 10th hits my perfect tonality in bass texture.

Planar bass is out for me until I find one that can do the sub harmonics and texture of a DD - I find Dynamic Drivers do better. Same as BA bass the only exception was from the 64 Audio U12t that doesn’t sound like a BA Sub.

My music Library is widely varied from; Metallica, Great White, Cowboy Junkies, Pink Floyd, Adelle, Melisa Ethridge, Fleetwood Mac, Five for Fighting, MĂ€nskin, Poncho Sanchez, Jimmy Smith, Chopin, The Crystal Method just to name a few. When not listening to my test tracks the majority is Jazz or Alternative Rock especially Female Rock. Lorde, Halsey, Alanis Morrisette, Evanescence. All depends on my mood.

Sources: E1DA SG3, Shanling UP5, Geshelli JNOG J2 with AKM4493 chip. Truthear SHIO (Dual Cirrus Logic 43198 DAC Chips)

DAP/TRASPORT: From Lenovo Laptop with Qbuz Samsung S22 Ultra with DSD Files.

Hiby R6 Pro2 AK4499EX & AK4191EQ chips in a octa core output configuration.

Amps: LoxjiP20 & XDUOO MT-604 tube hybrid amps and Topping A90D Amp 4.4 Pentagon Balanced Out - Unless stated

I also use a iFi Stack with a ZENCAN and ZENDAC2 for a warmer combo.


My Format has changed with community feedback. So now I will list the music tracks I used & why with my musical impressions of the playback using that track. I hope this will give you some context for my library and give you some contexts to compare using the same tracks.

Let’s Begin: Critical listening per track Notes taken NOT OVERALL IMPRESSIONS

#1 “Never Be Me- LIVE” Miley Cyrus - Nice and well balanced between the bass lines , the vocals , and the highs is perfect for me.

Miley’s vocals do it for me the SR5 has some nice lower bass in this track certainly not lacking

#2 “Prayer” Hania Rani - The Low drone bass drops are well presented enough to tickle your ear hairs but not give you a headache, bass seems to be focused in the lower bass between the sub bass and mid bass region. You can tell this is not a bass head IEM

#3 “Check It Out” Nicki Minaj Both will I am and Nicki’s vocals front and center with big bass nice to hear the Neo5 can tinkle your ear hairs while belting out sweet vocals, I think the SR5 favors female vocals over male vocals.

#4 “Rocklandwonderland” Kim Mitchell - Wishing for a tad more of that mid bass attack but the vocals and highs make rock music truly fun to listen to even at volume. Love the highs on this track details and the timbre of the guitar.

#5 “Queen Of New York City” Matchbox Twenty - Male vocals don’t sound thin so I know there is enough Mid bass to present correctly.

Again nice balance of Bass/Vocals/Treble.

#6 "Kashmir: Jimmy Page & Robert Plant - The high hats and that so seductive upper energy is a nice change after listening to darker sets!

and vocals and drums sound so good too. love the ability to pick out its in a live venue legit width and 3D.

#7 " Money For Nothing" - Dire Straits this track is great for getting a sense of dynamics - Good sense of stage depth present in front of you not between your ears. Not the hugest for overall track dynamics and macro details more of a natural presentation vs what a V shape signature would do kind of in the middle not laid back not spastic.

#8 “All I Wanna Do Is Make Love To You” by Heart - A good track to listen to female vocals. Here you can get a sense of how forward the vocals are in the mix and the SR5 is just slightly more forward in the mix but nicely balanced , a great replay and vocals were perfect SPOT ON.

#9 “Butterflies” by Kasey Musgraves - Well balanced again nice bass, perfect vocals.

#10 " The End" by Kings Of Leon - Can be a more busy track with L+R separation , center vocals and prominent instrumental mix. SR5 digs deep, again love the high end energy and vocal balance. Male Vocals bang on. I got a wide stage and even more 3D.

#11 “You Make Loving Fun” - by Fleetwood Mac on this song you can tell the highs are perfectly controlled and vocals comes across as fantastic and on even par with the low end again great balance and again love the energy up top. Not too much just enough for a enhancement to the vocals.

#12 “Nothing Else Matters” by Metallica LIVE from S&M2 - Crisp, clean, clear, amazing vocals. Sounds more like your in the recording booth closer to the stage rather than out in the audience as some IEM’s Project. The highs again are real standout. Nice wide stage and very 3D

#13 “Nothing Else Matters” another track by Miley Cyrus/ Elton John - Bass hits go low and hits nicely no mid bass bloat could be heard to screw up her vocals! Piano sounds a bit light, but Miley’s vocals so good , gets a bit splashy at really high volumes! (Can be controlled by eartips but I prefer the big wide open bores of the TRI - Clarion Tips)

#14 “44/876” by Sting & Shaggy - Perfect male vocals and nice balance overall. Not a bass monster but enough to get the point across and not wash out vocals.

#15 “Enter Sandman” by Youn Sun Nah - Riveting here voice and the strings are so wow. Goosebumps!

#16 " Bubbles " by Yosi Horikawa crazy track for stage , SR5 great 3D , height , width and incredible details for placement and separation.

#17 " Marvin Gaye" Charley Puth & Megan Trainor - east to tell it’s a duet and both vocals are well toned. Bass is lovely old school thumps.

Love the finger snaps a lot of IEM miss them.

#18 " Maddy" by Malia - Strings and vocals so beautifully detailed. Malia’s vocals come off with the correct edge to her voice.

#19 " Vivaldi Double Cello Concerto Mvt 1 by Tina Guo - Strings come across with passion and dynamics OFF THE HOOK. Stereo separation and micro details are yummy and fun to listen to on this track the SR5 shines on this kind of music!

#20 " Rankin" Live by Dead Can Dance - another wow live presentation with melodic vocals and instrumental details in a big open stage the SR5 did this track with a realistic sense of huge venue and clarity very well done.


The SR5 Actually shocked me sound wise and value to performance mostly. I never looked up the price until writing this review. I knew it was in the ballpark of the Sub $300 range like the HiSenior MEGA5P, PENON FAN2 and the ISN Neo5.

I cant think of another IEM I have tried that sound like the SR5 in its presentation and that makes it addictive for me and a missing link for me in my daily rotation arsenal.

My last few impressions were on the ISN Neo5 a more Fun V shaped IEM with slamming BASS $279 , Hi Senior MEGA5P a laid back warm/dark chill set $239. PENON FAN2 a Mid Bass Vocal Beast with more neutral tone $279, And now a different kind of awesome the SR5 a vocal tilted mildly boosted treble tuned IEM!


I can totally appreciate why someone would pick up a set of any of these sets depending on their mood.

Why would I pick up the SR5, - well because the highs are addicting without being over the top. I love my vocals especially female vocals and the SR5 resonates with me like the FAN2 did.

Coming off spending some serious quality time with the MEGA5P on paper they look the same up until 400hz and then the SR5 adds in little bump in energy from 400-900hz over the MEGA5P that adds in some special sauce in the vocals and becomes the start of a completely different sound signature between the two. Where the 5P is laid back with warm mids and a darker relaxed treble, the SR5 goes the opposite way. With the more energy up top the Bass sounds less prominent even though on paper they look the same as 5P - blame our brain for that.

The vocals become more prominent and the 6k-12k rise in the SR5 tunings adds a ton of micro-details and puts string instruments at equal level with the slightly forward vocals. Also the extra upper harmonics lends itself to a nicely 3D soundstage.


A really great set for someone looking for a slightly tilted higher energy set but wasn’t a treble head. Someone who would prioritize vocals both male and female without sacrificing instrument details and dynamics. Bass Quality over quantity again more tilted towards Sub Bass over Mid Bass.

Price to performance seekers look no further you have found a excellent value for your repertoire.

In Comparison:

Hisenior MEGA5P:
Where the 5P played back darker, lusher and had a much more organic nature, the SR5 would sound bright in comparison and sound cleaner and more dynamic. Where the 5P would prioritize Male vocals and sacrifice perfect female vocals the SR5 tilts the other way and female vocals and instrumental are getting the most notice. Both are wonderful. What are you in the mood for?

F2- Mid Bass to the moon , vocals and just a addictive playback in a more neutral set is what you get with the F2. The SR5 moves the focus of the bass to the sub region takes away the snappy punch some people don’t like and keeps the vocals in play like the F2 but with more treble energy and extension.

ISN Neo5:
Bass Beast focusing on the bottom 2/3 of the sound spectrum, huge bass boost over the SR5 and a more V shape with relaxed treble.

Another flavor of 1+4 and quite different sound profiles.

I love all 4 for different reasons and feel quite blessed to listen and experience these sets.

Thanks so much, Cheers from the Tone Deaf Monk.

My Video for the Sound Rhyme SR5 is Here:
Sound Rhyme SR5 Why Don't You Have One Yet? - YouTube

Discord Server is here for insider information and just good conversation: Discord


Love your takes! I hope you get to try the SR8 one day - it’s one hell of a beast, and I think you would go wild with it too


at least someone tore through the J41t hype.
i know you also like the Juzy but you do stand up to your own reviews wdout changing a word of what u had felt about the previuos one. This is where a true reviewer distinguishes himself from the pack on headfi.


A couple of new ones.


Dialing in the TURBO
Tips TRI - Clarion Tips,
PENON Vocal Cable off the Hiby R6 Pro2 and my favorite switch setting is Turbo OFF 0-100.

I want to try a graphene cable cable next but so far this combo is working for me.

I will say one thing in this journey with this set. Whoever tuned this set new exactly what the switches would do and implementation is exemplary. The Turbo is very well tuned set. If you were never a BA set lover this one might turn your mind.


PENON TURBO $499 July 2023

July 29, 2023
11:30 AM

PENON TURBO - One Smooth Operator

Now let’s get into it: The Techy Stuff
Balanced Armature Drivers Consisting of:
2x SONION AcuPass Low Frequency BA and output independently though one sound tube.

2x KNOWLES Balanced Armature for the mid frequencies and output through the second sound tube.
2x SONION Balanced Armature for the highs BA’s Share the third and final sound tube.
Shell is a Fully Transparent neon green shell with the top made of pearl green
4 Tuning switches that control the bass level and to some extent the mids and treble. 14 Possible Configurations
A 3 Way crossover divides the frequencies to each respected BA driver pairs.
Sensitivity is rated as 103 db for each watt of power used.
Impedance is 16 Ohms
Cable can be chosen as either 3.5mm SE, or 2.5mm or 4.4 Pentagon Balanced Options and is a 8 core Silver Plated & OFCC mixed braded cable. PENON CABLE CS819 (Copper , Silver Plated 8 Cores 19 Shares p/core)

Comes with the best Penon case to date!

Pictured in final configuration for sound impressions TRI Clarion Tips. The stock cable that pairs so well I used for my sound impressions. I just liked the look of the cable and how soft it was.

I treat fine tuning my Impressions including cables like this in my journey with IEM’s.
TIPS CHANGE THE SOUND GREATER THAN ANTHING ELSE. ( Stage, bass, vocals, highs ) Can be greatly altered by tips and are first thing I try for fitment and comfort and overall shaping the sound to my desired preference.
Sources are second for me. Since my new Hiby R6 Pro2 almost rivals my desktop stack Geshelli Labs J2/ Topping A90D , I stuck with the Hiby solely with this review and most of my impressions were sitting in a camping chair eating spits, drinking beer and watching loons at a lake I was camping at. Zero noise and distractions on this one.
Now cables, while some people get called out for including cable impressions as shills, I don’t think that’s fair honestly. If you cant hear a difference that’s OK. If you can then great why not cable roll. My belief is that I can hear a difference , though not earth-shattering like some people state that make my roll my eyes I do honestly believe cable to some extent shape the overall sound. I find pure copper enhances the bass, Graphene enhances and tightens the Mids, a gold element thickens and enhances vocals while softening the highs and Silver and Palladium enhance the highs. That’s my take on how I perceive the tuning changes I hear and whether you agree or not is totally allowed as you have your own beliefs on the subject.
Mostly my choice in cables come down to what attributes I think I can instill into the IEM I am listening too, to enhance or detract to achieve my ideal sound preference but mostly
I WANT IT TO LOOK COOL! Silly as that sounds it floats my boat.

More information can be found here and non-affiliated link:

This one was provided from Penon Directly and my thanks for that. I was pretty gun shy about all BA IEM’s from my experience so I would not have bought this one, and I would have missed out because this is my most favourite PENON to date.

Subjective Part of my Audio Review -

What I Liked:
- Included Accessories are top notch , case , cable, tips, cleaning brush with end to change the switches, all with minimal packaging well done PENON
- 0.78 2 Pin termination for easy cable swapping embedded directly into the resin shell
- Sibilant free highs great for treble sensitive people with lots of extension for details and air.
- Tuneable with a very musical balanced tuning ( Switch Dependant super V to Balanced )
- PENON Unmistakable House Signature VOCALS that is smoother than the 10th anniversary and closer to my ideal.
- Fantastic bottom end that goes low and sounds closer to a Dynamic Driver than a Balanced Armature, ( Actually if I didn’t know what the configuration was I would have guessed at all DD )
- Vocals in both Male & Female are silky smooth in a organic and lush musical way ( Copied and pasted from every PENON Review LOL ) Vocals on the TURBO are in my opinion closer to PENON house sound more so than the 10th.
- Zero BA timbre no sibilance or harshness on the Turbo even when pushed hard.
- Can listen to for days on end fatigue free.
- Not your typical BA Bass , Mids or highs ( Love it or hate it )
- Tuning Switches work and allow to honestly tailor the tuning to your specific sound signature.
- I cant stress this point enough- ZERO PRESSURE BUILD UP! Even through a 8rh listening jam.

What I Though Needed Improvement: (Subjective)
- Not your typical BA Bass , Mids or highs ( Love it or hate it )
- Tuning switches for those who hate switches
- Tuning switch set up and not mirror image and is confusing at first also possible to get settings mis-matched Left vs Right
- TURBO Boost was not for me washed away the mid bass that I prefer
- Micro Nuances and details could be better- not a huge knock as I use that comparison to a 64 Audio U12t another standout top in its class IEM
- Stage Depth is good but just average
- Mib bass could have more snap for my taste and gets closer with the tuning switches to my ideal.

I share my impressions as I hear them with my ears.
As all our ears are different shapes & size so what I hear as bright or bass heavy -you might hear as dull and Vise-Versa; just something to be mindful of.

What makes my ears happy as a sound signature is a slightly more aggressive L shape. I love my Bass Sub and Mid Bass slam, love it all actually; and in balanced quantity. With the Bass, I prefer a faster decay the faster the better so as to not bleed into the mids., I am treble sensitive and prefer a slightly darker warmer replay with good treble extension.

I prefer the fast speedy bass of the Beryllium Coated Driver of my Xenns Mangird UP with a Beryllium Coated Driver. My reference is my THOR Mjölinar MKII single DD.
Of course, there are exceptions in the market - as I also find the bass of the PENON 10th Anniversary IEM special - has some great mid bass snap as well as some serious sub-bass!

My music Library is widely varied from; Metallica, Great White, Cowboy Junkies, Pink Floyd, Adelle, Melisa Ethridge, Fleetwood Mac, Five for Fighting, MĂ€nskin, Poncho Sanchez, Jimmy Smith, Chopin, The Crystal Method just to name a few. When not listening to my test tracks the majority is Jazz or Alternative Rock especially Female Rock. Lorde, Halsey, Alanis Morrisette, Evanescence. All depends on my mood.

Sources: Solely used the most excellent Hiby R6 PRO2 on 4.4 Pentaconn out.
Tips Used for the TURBO Impressions were the Super Wide Bore TRI Clarion Tips - a great combination of depth insertion and open bore for stage.

My Format has changed with community feedback. So now I will list the music tracks I used & why with my musical impressions of the playback using that track. I hope this will give you some context for my library and give you some contexts to compare using the same tracks.

Before I begin with some sound impressions, I would like to share a bit of my journey with the TURBO
I like sharing this part as it gives context on how I came upon my sound impressions:
- This is a big deal for me possible for many others without even realizing it, and the reason I have not enjoyed a all BA set in the past until I listened to the outstanding 64 Audio $2000 U12t.
- Without vented shells - My GS Audio SE12 $1000, NF Audio NF2U, Hisenior T2 , Hidizs MS5, all give me a headache after 5 Minutes , I get a loss of bass and a enhancement of the highs that vastly contour my sound impressions to the actual intended tuning. Now to be fair on past reviews I didn’t pick up on this until recently when another member of the community I respect Mr. Paul Wasabi suggested foam tips to alleviate the pressure and mitigate the issue. Using foam tips also has their downside for me as I find the highs are muted as well.
- Very happy to say the TURBO has massive vented shells to completely resolve this issue and was not just a included feature, but a well thought out design and makes me able to listen to this set endlessly. So not just a shout out to the tuners on the TURBO, but the engineers as well who designed this IEM well done PENON.

4 - Tuning switches- I hate Tuning switches most don’t work on IEM’s enough to make it a useful feature.
- Again I am happy to report that not only can you turn the TURBO into a +db bass monster you can also tune it to a Balanced or even a neutral bright set if you so choose.
This is a well implemented feature and like the Most Excellent FATFreq Grand Maestro really allows you to shape the sound to your specific tastes. So again I would like to point out the PENON did a outstanding job of the implementation of the tuning switches and the ability to genuinely alter the sound signature quite a lot to suite so many different peoples tastes.
- TURBO Boost switch to ON - Does exactly that but I found that a higher volumes it kind of bagged out and was not that enjoyable to listen to with bassy music, Now that being said on non bassy music the TURBO sounds great with added boost to male vocals. Overall this feature might appeal to some but for the majority of listening my setting was turned off.
- 000 Switches now really change the overall tuning
- 001 setting being a great setting for classical and female vocals and the most airy setting
- 010 setting was great with Jazz and vocals tuned slightly on the brighter side but again like all the settings never sibilant, sharp or harsh ever!
- 100 setting was my happy medium, I really liked the overall tuning of 010 and 100 the most. 100 overall gave me the added bass I crave and enjoy, while making male vocals perfect; as well as female vocals absolutely spot on and very organic in nature. This is where I left the settings for my overall impressions below in by track bases and overall sound impressions.

- One thing to note is the switches are not mirror image Left 000-TURBO and Right TURBO-000 I wish they would be the same on both sides. 


Let’s Begin:

#1 “Bubbles” by Yosi Horikawa
- On 0-100 setting the stage has great width nice height the ball drops have a great sense of bouncing you can hear the weight between the different balls and the bass is great.

#2 “Jetlag Corperation” by Aes Dana
- Goes low I thought it was very balanced the treble keeps up for sure as the settings from 0-010 and the difference between 0-100 the droning bass goes lower with the more bottom end the TURBO actually has secondary resonances in the bass it’s impressive it’s not too much just very well done and in all the settings I found the treble keeps up with the bass

#3 “Poem In Chinese Drum” by Hok Man Kim
The TURBO actually has very nice decay in snack in the bass track here in all the setting,
I found the 0 -100 adds nicer tonality and the 0- 001 really brings out the nuances but still gives you great quality bass.
0-010 was in between, the details and the attack.
It was kind of interesting to hear how the switches made a difference in the bottom end with the turbo boost button on you better really nice decay and snap still without over being overdone, more DD like where is the BA bass, closer at 0-001 if you like that sound.

#4 “99 Luftballons” by Nena
- This was an interesting one as I mentioned earlier in my review I was talking about cables and here I just happened to throw on The PENON VOCAL cable and definitely found out that was not a good pairing at all.
- I just really liked it with the stock cable sounded wonderful best vocals was the I found the 0-100 setting it was supremo for female vocals.

#5 "Lux AEterna " by Metallica
- The speed of BA bass with the weight of a DD what the heck! Might make no BA believers like me into loving what a SONION AcuPass BA set can do for the bottom end!

#6 “Marvin Gaye” by Charlie Puth and Megan Trainor
- Great vocals both male and female to top it off I really like the way the bass is presented in this track it was overall very smooth and just a fun toe tapping playback

#7 “Walk on the Wild side” by Lou Reed
- Lou Reed’s guitar was amazing not only that that’s his vocals were bang on you could easily pick up the female singer come across from the back moving forward but the guitar itself was simply amazing the residences on the tone.

#8 “Edge Of Seventeen” Stevie Nicks
- On this track I just have to say how impressed overall I am with the turbo to reproduce female vocals simply superb bang on organic natural lush very enjoyable.

#9 “Unfinished Sympathy” by Massive Attack
- Sweet drops , goes low , vocals perfect like the 10th did but dare I say goes lower yes I do believe so.

#10 “Freaks” by Live
- Would I say the PENON TURBO does plays metal? Rock? YES I definitely would use the turbo for rock very, very much nice kicks great vocals & can go very loud and sound very great doing it.

#11 “Kashmir” by Marcin
- Bass WOW not DD are you sure, has texture, decay, Instrumental brilliance and smooth detailed highs

#12 " A Case of You " by Jodi Mitchell
- Female vocals done superbly , so organic , the guitar and details so well replayed. Just lovely

#13 " J.S. Bach Cello Suite #1 in G major" by Tina Gao
- Strings are magical with te TURBO the depth of the Cello & the way the TURBO gives space to the notes is wonderful!

#14 " Act Right" by The Crystal Method
- Blown Away by the bass firstly and how smooth the TURBO does EDM - go loud OH YES

#15 “Shape of My Heart” by Sting
- Listening for accuracy of male vocals on 0-100 my favorite so perfect prefer over the 10th

#16 “Beving- Prelude” by Joep Beving
- A amazing recording , how many tracks can you hear the piano chair creaking and narrow that down to how many IEM can reproduce that sound with pin point accuracy and realistic nature - not too many and for how much?

#17 " Save Me" by The Tea Party
- One of the best replays I have ever heard not in a live venue was done by the TURBO

#18 " Medellin" by Madonna
- Vocals from Madonna so smooth and the Stage was huge and done in a fun way Bass nicely balanced actually overall well balanced.

#19 "Deed I Do " by Ella Fitzgerald
- I love Jazz on the TURBO, instruments sound crisp and detailed while vocals are lush and full.

#20 " The Feeling Of Jazz" by Poncho Sanchez
- Poncho’s signature Jazz and his drums so well done and very natural and organic love Jazz on the TURBO, Trumpets, Drums, Piano all sound very smooth and correct.

OK that was jus some tracks that blew my mind and helped my get to my overall impressions.

The PENON TURBO for me is the best sounding IEM so far I have heard from them period. Not only that has become the one I reach for over all others at this time.
Big statement right there. Comes from my heart not fluff or a endorsement. I truly enjoy this IEM.

Mentally I was not prepared to like this one, actually I was quite biased towards dynamic driver IEM’s in general as I found from past experiences all the BA IEM’s I have tried with the exception of the 64 Audio U12t were not to my tastes and experienced pressure build up. I have never liked the Bass of all BA units as I found them lacking texture , proper decay and the U12t changed that for me and now the TURBO has also built up my ability to appreciate a well tuned all BA set and experience quality bass that I didn’t find lacking in a all BA set.

I was expecting BA dry bass, only to be pleasantly surprised by the TURBO’s ability to not only go low but have some note weight. If anything I would mind some of that fast texture and dryer mid bass or at least more of it. That if anything would be what I would want a bit more of to call this set perfect for me.

The Mids and vocals are so spot on perfectly balanced in the mix not forward nor recessed. The timbre is also very well presented with vocals both male and female coming across with the correct weight and timbre not dry and thin, nor overly weighted and boomy, very smooth and organic.

Highs in the upper mids and extended highs are bang on perfect for me, giving tons of details and excitement while providing great instrument placement in the stage and sounding very natural as well.

Stage overall is averagely wide and has good sense of depth and great height. Certainly not the best I have had the pleasure of hearing as nust having had the 64 Audio U12t in my ears, but the TURBO can hold its own.

Where some might expect or want more micro and macro details from a all BA set, I just was pleased it did almost everything else so well that I can easily forgive the TURBO for this. Personally I really enjoy the tuning of the TURBO AS IS. Also please consider the PRICE of only $499 its hard to fault. I think you would need more drivers or EST to get to the next level and honestly If I were to go looking for that in a differently tuned IEM, well then I would reach for the 10th as that was one of its great strengths.

Overall I can say what do I like most about the PENON TURBO, well I could tune it to my preferred sound signature, so the tuning switches worked for me.
I really like how smooth and natural the vocals are on the Turbo and fatigue free. I can listen to this set all day long and just get lost in the music, the stage is set up to give you a great experience and keeps you engaged, bass was more than enough to make my inner bass head happy without washing out my beloved female vocals and instrument details so I was very pleased and a bit shocked on how well the TURBO did this.

The TURBO is a expertly tuned IEM, a true gem in a sea of neutral or bright BA sets that try to go for a flatter frequency response example the tuning of the ( AFÜL Performer 8 )
For me those sets are boring to listen to, lack dynamics and weight and really overall excitement. Those sets don’t make me engaged in the music nor get me lost in the playback. The TURBO does it for me and anytime I find myself just listening to music and not the gear attached to my head that’s a full win in my books.

As I happen to own the 10th Anniversary IEM as well and thought the two would make a good comparison with both IEM’s being the same price so lets go:

- Firstly on 0-100 both are tuned very similarly mild V shape sound signatures.

The graph actually represent what I was hearing:
The 10th has better faster and more Mid Bass
Bass overall I would say the TURBO sounds like it goes lower because of the less mid bass
The Upper mids on the TURBO give a more natural weight to male vocals and female vocals while being smoother and more natural.
Stage is very close to sounding the same no complaints at all.
The 10th presents vocals slightly forward and not quite as smooth as the TURBO.
The 10th defiantly has the edge with Micro and Macro Details with more Air and extension in the upper end twinkles and sparkles. EST drivers work.

Thank you for taking the time to read my review.
My Video review is here:

My QuBuz Playlist:
Listen to the playlist Test Tracks by [email protected] on Qobuz Open Qobuz


My YouTube Chan:

My Discord:


Simgot Phoenix EM6L
400 Level Nozzle filter , JVC FX10 SPIRAL DOTS Tips and Hakugei 7N OFCC cable = Mind Blown for $109 No Fn Way!


Any clue on the BAs used? Bellsings?

Graph looks very good! Is technicalities as good as EA500? Is soundstage depth better?

1 Like

Yes to both Q


Thanks! I think they might sound more technical than 41t, if yes, then I will order this. Looks like best 4+1 hybrid under $200 for me.

When I do my review I will compare the two great :bulb: