Canuck Audioholics Anonymous CAA Reviews & Fun Banter

1 DD, 1BA, 1 vibration unit. $19.00usd.

Sensitivity 112dB+3dB
Impedance 28Ω±15%
Frequency 10Hz-40000Hz

I mistakenly got excited about CVJ releasing an ultra budget “bone conduction” IEM when they released Konoka.
I’m wasn’t familiar with “haptic” drivers and overlooked that detail before hitting “buy”
Ah well it’s $19 bucks.

I’ll be honest, going in, I didn’t have high expectations for this IEM.


  • Packaging is upscale for ultra budget IEM.
  • Pure copper cable, standard fare.
  • Three pairs tips, and a tool for flipping tuning switches.
  • 2 tuning switches, not a switch fan, but at least there is a switch position map on the back of box. 4 possible positions, Music mode, Monitor mode, 3D Movie mode, 3D E-Games mode.
  • Despite boxy shell design, they are lightweight and fit comfortably. (In my ears, your MMV)
  • Little or no BA timbre
  • Price
  • Cheap plastic shells.

I didn’t spend much time flipping switch’s, I tried each setting and will say there are noticeable differences, but I’ll let you decide on which works best for you.
I’m not a gamer, nor did I load a movie, so can’t comment if the “3D” modes are actually beneficial in any way.

iPhone 13, Apple Lossless and Qobuz
CDA Colorfly dongle.

Sound is better than I expected.
(price point in consideration).

The bass is not delivered in copious quantities, but on a 20 Hz sub bass test track, the DD demonstrates the ability to pull down pretty low.

Mids are not forward, and detail retrieval is marginal.

Vocals are same, not forward or detail oriented, but both male and female do present fairly accurate and natural.

Highs are again, not masters of micro detail retrieval, but they are not harsh or sibilant, and in Music mode I’m not picking up on much, if any, metallic BA timbre. Pretty reasonable air.

Soundstage is good left to right. And has reasonable height, depth is lacking.

The vibration unit adds a sense resonance to stringed instruments, cymbals, etc. it is noticeable, but not over done or in your face.
My first experience, so I have no experience to compare it to, but I’m going to give a :+1:t4: up for implementation.

For me the Konoka is more a novelty than a unique audio experience, but, for under $20 bucks it performs nicely.

Take critical technical listening out of the equation and the Konoka is an enjoyable casual listen for me.

As I mentioned earlier I can’t speak to how well suited it would be for gaming purposes.

It drives easily straight off iPhone, but adding a basic dongle boosted the note weight throughout, and was a worthwhile addition imo.
Other phones may perform better.

I’m comfortable saying Konoka will compete, and hold its own, against most others in the ultra budget segment.


What a evening wind down with a little compare of two amazing IEM the New Sound Rhyme DTE900 and the Kinera Imperial Loki.

Running off the Hiby R6 Pro2 USB using the AKM4499EX Dac and then I switched to the XDUOO XD05 Pro with its ES9039SPRO DAC to compare .

The XDUOO seems to have a tad better stage , slightly smoother overall and the bass seems just a tad tighter bass attack. The AKM is slightly more resolving. Not what I was expecting in the DAC’s

Both of theese IEM’s are playing in top tier level performance so my comparisons are early thoughts in this discovery stage.

The DTE900 only has about 40 hours on them so needs more burn in and the Loki came to me to borrow well seasoned. Thanks Krusty!

Loki plays a bit more vocal forward and you definitely perceive more high frequency energy pushing my comfort zone for now going to do more cable rolling. I suspect this one will benefit from more gold in the mix to warm up the vocals.
EST seem to have more presence than the SR.

Bass OUTPUT goes slightly to the Loki and this can be contributed to the 6mm driver and Bone Conducting driver over the 9.5mm in the DTE900 but has tighter and more mid-bass and attack while still going almost as low as the Loki quite impressive actually.
For me the tighter bass on the SR make me prefer the bass over the Loki.

The DTE900 overall replays a tad warmer than the Loki making it hit perfect to my tastes , the DTE900 plays slightly north of neutral and a tad on the warm side , the Loki plays neutral bright slightly.
Female & Male vocals go the DTE900.

Stage goes ever so slightly to the Loki but close. The EST give the Loki the edge here. But that bieng said I prefer the smoother more subtle implementation for the Sound Ryhme.

I am feeling blessed to by able to do the big purchase on the XDUOO XD05 Pro and have it I’m my arsenal while my Geshelli Labs J2 dacs are back at Geshelli Labs LLC getting upgraded. :heart:

What a treat listening to these two spectacular IEM’s!


ECCI -YST-02 a Clear Sounding Hidden Gem

Pros: Super clean vocals
Very musical bass
Overall excellent tuning
Driver has wonderful speed and control with nice weight
Good dynamics and Attack
No BA timbre for me
Great treble details , tastefully done without splashiness
Excellent Coherence between DD& BA

Cons: Power Pigs - needs juice to get going and sound proper
Not a bass head IEM just to note that.

Hello TDM here and I like to share my experience with this IEM

Mr. Kong from Penon reached out to me as he knows my tastes by now and thought that I would enjoy this one.

He was correct, even though My taste normally lean towards a little bit. Basier a little bit warmer sets. I found this one riveting and overall, quite enjoyable.

So, I’ve never heard of this brand before, so it was a bit of a look up on the internet. See what I could find and they’re not new to the Chi-Fi industry in fact, they’ve been around quite a long time. What’s surprised me is that I’ve never heard of them before.

YST-02 (3)-1100x1100h.jpg

So once I’ve got the source rolling down. The tip rolling done the cable rolling done one thing came apparently clear is that these IEM really prefer a warmer source. And secondly, something with some power, some juice. Because at low volume, they didn’t really come alive. Until you started putting some power to then.

And then their personality really came into play.

ECCI YST-02-1100x1100h.jpg

Interesting when you read or see other reviews. One of the things to note is power, and is that noted in the review? Because you would totally get a completely different opinion of these. If you were just trying to drive them off a phone, you’d probably find them thin bright, lacking detail, but that’s not the case when they’re driven properly.

So how did I hear the YST-02 Well, I can tell you how I heard them.

If you are a graph person who looks at a graph, and thinks you know how something is gonna sound. You would be very, very off on this set.

ECCI YST-02.png

Because this set, does not sound anything like its graph Would suggests! Its a chameleon for sure.

The bass is actually very visceral. It has great attack and decay and hits with authority. But was even more surprising was the subfrequency’s we’re there when the music had some bass in the mix. And it went low and sounded very natural. A great sounding analog bass at the bottom end. The YST-02 still had a very tight and controlled personality.

To keep going on the bass just for 1 more second. Because I think it denotes attention. Is it in my notes while I was listening to it, I wrote that this IEM has one of the most musical base responses I have heard and it was a joy to listen to with a maturity to the notesand a great texture. It’s really just full and complete.

YST-02 (6)-1100x1100h.jpg

It was a complete surprise to me. Having looked at the graph prior that was my mistake. THE GRAPH LIES!

The upper Midge and that energy up top never pushed my easr to a uncomfortable level for me, with being a bit more treble scentsive I was abit worried again lookingat the graph.

Happy to report that, I had no issues. In fact like the SounRhyme e SR5 I found this tuning very enjoyable.

While the vocals might present a tad forward in the mix. It made vocals really pop sound super clean and detailed lots of nice energy, Up there, it had great dynamics and attack when replaying a song with lots of energy.
The overall tuning is really quite honestly tastefully done with no splashiness or BA timber that I heard.

The stage has a nice depth to it and rare in its price bracket.

YST-02 (2)-1100x1100h.jpg

In conclusion I found the ECCI YST-02
a excellent sounding, enjoyable listen that gives you a detailed fun and exciting experience.

I think it’s a pretty fantastic value. And it’s regular price of $79 a good purchase. Now at the time of this review it’s on for a special price for $59 makes this one a truly hidden gem.
A worth recommendation OK hand :ok_hand:

More information and Purchase link is here:

My Video review because it deserved one - not all do is here:

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Mail call theese look killer!


I believe sometimes just rarely, after much time and effort you get the perfect synergy with your gear.

I have achieved nivarna with the DTE900.

Using the Shanling M6 Ultra as transport, going into the XDUOO XD05 Pro with the ES9039SPRO chip, PENON 25ohm Pentaconn adapter to custom ISN G4 Graphene Gold/SPC cable to Sound Rhyme DTE900 with JVC SPIRAL Dots tips.



My Signature Slide show for the DTE900 and full video here:


I’ve been trying to temper my expectations for the DTE900, which I’ll finally get my hands on next week. Could tell you had a blast with these! I believe they’ll fit my preference quite well and cannot wait to try em!

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Me set now going on tour to the rest of the group but I dont want to part with them LOL

My Mjölnir is coming come so thats good and then maybe I will finally do my Twilight review.

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you mentioned in the DTE900 vid, that the M6 Ultra was better than the Hiby R6 pro 2. What are some of the differences?

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Battery is double, power output double, has proper buttons in the right spot, sounds smoother. The Hiby misses the mark on all the important stuff for me.


Another great review from Bennet at Canucks Audioholics Review Group
On the Simgot EM6L


Looks amazing

A night with absolutely amazing Twilight , XDUOO XD05 Pro and the Shanling M6 Ultra and some Joe Satriani


7hz Sonus Video is live.
“Thank you and you are welcome”

Now the Channel imbalance wasn’t the real issue though I can hear the difference from left to right when using the balance. It was the way I felt from the condensending way they were going to do me a favor by just giving me a RMA. In all likelihood my unit having only slighty more than -3db of bass on one side would be considered within industry standards and deemed forfeit for warranty and after reading all the terms and conditions, I decided to just keep the unit and not go through the BS.

EDIT: seems 7hz was causing the issue not Linsoul. 1-3 db is not considered a warranty service.


Frustrating. Definitely a haughty response.

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Difference in bass is “only” 2db though.

That is within standards.


I guess I have nothing to bitch about then bifocal fail.:ok_hand:

I didn’t think to flatten the graph good call.


New day New KZ Mail call
Unfortunately they shipped me the wrong version OMG do you see these curves

Actually on first listen they have enough high end to keep up :grinning: and vocals are clean but a bit plasticized missing the MB to thicken up vocals not a big fan of scooped out MB.

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Sound Rhyme DTE900 - A Tunable TOTL Masterpiece

Pros: What I Liked:

  • Lush Musical Mids
  • Excellent lows and sub extension that hits hard and has excellent MB and texture
  • Balanced Highs Non fatiguing yet detailed - Customizable Shell designs only $45
  • Customizable Tunings
  • Semi Custom Style shells that for me fit very comfortably
  • Ever so Warm and Bassy and beautifully colored tonality
  • Fun factor to the 10th power while not being to serious a listen
  • EST implementation is exemplary adding sparkle and details to the upper registers to complement the highs and add as certain sizzle to string instruments.
  • Instruments sound full and natural
  • Vocals both Male and Female are beautifully rendered
  • Stage is a real standout very 3D has excellent Width , Depth, And Height
  • Micro and Macro details are well executed to bring real excitement to the tracks and let you pick out the nuances.
  • Excellent cable pairing with included modular cable.
    Cons: What I Though Needed Improvement: (Subjective)
  • You have to hunt for the information on the switches and how they effect the sound - Playing around worked as well but a chart would help
  • Case(S) that are included are neither practical or pocketable
    Sound Rhyme DTE900 - A Tuneable Masterpiece



Thank you to PENON for the review unit for Canucks Audioholics Review Group

Lets Start Off technical stuff
Sound Rhyme DTE900 1+4+4 Tribrid IEM
1x 9.2mm Dual Magnet Titanium coated Dynamic Driver
2x Knowles 29689 Balanced Armature for the Mids
2x Knowles 31736 Balanced Armature for the Highs
4x Sonion EST65QB02 EST Drivers for the ultra sparkle
4 way X-over
Frequency response 10Hz-30KHz
Sensitivity 110db 1mW
Impedance of 21 Ohms
2 Tuning Switches (POP, Clear Voice, Deep Bass, Wide Sound Field )
EnvisionTec German 3D Printed Medical Grade Resin Shells

Pictured in final configuration for sound impressions stock cable as I found that a excellent paining.
The ISN G4 also was wonderful.

I treat fine tuning my Impressions including cables like this in my journey with IEM’s.
TIPS CHANGE THE SOUND GREATER THAN ANTHING ELSE. ( Stage, bass, vocals, highs ) Can be greatly altered by tips and are first thing I try for fitment and comfort and overall shaping the sound to my desired preference.

Sources are second for me. Since my new Shanling M6 Ultra and XDUOO XD05 PRO almost rivals my desktop stack Geshelli Labs AKM J2/ Topping A90D , I stuck with the Hiby solely with this review because my DACS are out being modded by Geshelli for OP-AMP upgrades.

Subjective Part of my Audio Review -

I share my impressions as I hear them with my ears.
As all our ears are different shapes & size so what I hear as bright or bass heavy -you might hear as dull and Vise-Versa; just something to be mindful of.

What makes my ears happy as a sound signature is a slightly more aggressive L shape. I love my Bass Sub and Mid Bass slam, love it all actually; and in balanced quantity. With the Bass, I prefer a faster decay the faster the better so as to not bleed into the mids., I am treble sensitive and prefer a slightly darker warmer replay with good treble extension.

I prefer the fast speedy bass of the Beryllium Coated Driver of my Xenns Mangird UP with a Beryllium Coated Driver. My references include my Softears Twilite and THOR Mjölinar MKII single DD’s.
Of course, there are exceptions in the market - as I also find the bass of the PENON 10th Anniversary IEM special - has some great mid bass snap as well as some serious sub-bass!

My music Library is widely varied from; Metallica, Great White, Cowboy Junkies, Pink Floyd, Adelle, Melisa Ethridge, Fleetwood Mac, Five for Fighting, Mänskin, Poncho Sanchez, Jimmy Smith, Chopin, The Crystal Method just to name a few. When not listening to my test tracks the majority is Jazz or Alternative Rock especially Female Rock. Lorde, Halsey, Alanis Morrisette, Evanescence. All depends on my mood.

Sources: Shanling M6 Ultra as transport into XDUOO XD05 PRO with ESS9039SPRO chip.
Tips Used for the DTE900 were JVC FX10 Spiral Dots

My Format has changed with community feedback. So now I will list the music tracks I used & why with my musical impressions of the playback using that track. I hope this will give you some context for my library and give you some contexts to compare using the same tracks.

Before I begin with some sound impressions, I would like to share a bit of my journey with the DTE900

I like sharing this part as it gives context on how I came upon my sound impressions:


  • 2 tuning switches are not bad. On paper they don’t look they do very much and for that I was extremely thankful.
    That being said it was nice to be able to fine tune the DTE900 to my personal tastes.
  • I will just focus on UP UP or 11 and Down Down 00
  • 11 Setting was at the end my nirvana at the beginning on first listen I found this setting a bit spicy on the very top end after about 150 Hours on the Burn rack things changes dramatically and everything settled in nicely , I actually measured the DTE900 before and after burn in and noted a slight roll off on the very end of the sub bass on the graph and this also translated to how the bottom end settled into a really nice musical sub bass and remained fast and punchy in the mid bass. With this setting it has enough high end to really bring out the stage and details without any top end fatigue or harshness my perfect tuning.
  • 00 Here on this setting I found the top end was a bit too much for me on certain tracks with poorly recorded material. Because the DTE900 is so resolving the replay became a bit harsh and unforgiving also lowering the bass shelf amplifies this effect so my second favorite settings.
  • Now so Antonio Teixeira (TONY TEX) reached out to me and we had a great conversation. He loved the tuning on 00 with a 25ohm impedance adapter. I just received a 4.4 Pentaconn from Penon I bought to try out. Sure enough what happens on paper the graph looks like the 11 Setting but the top end gets smoothed out more.
    For me I did really enjoy this setting but found it too relaxed in the top end and found I was missing some details and the special sauce the EST’s bring to the upper registers.

Ultimately I found the smooth warmth of the Shanling combined with ESS dac of the XD05 Pro and AZLA Crystal tips was the magic combination for me.

Starting from the bottom and working our way up the frequency spectrum.
Bass , I like fast tight bass with texture and depth. Sub bass needs to extend low and not have too much bass bleed into the mids to muck up the vocals.
Happy to say the DTE900 with its Ti coated driver takes on the lows with authority and play low with sign of strain or fatigue.

Mid Bass gets its own section because what I just said above applies to the DTE900, Yes the Sound Rhyme bleeds into the mids. A bad thing NO WAY a GOOD THING, because it does it in a way to just enough coloration to enhance with going to far.

Mids now you just read how the MB colors the mids and vocals but how do vocals sound… Slightly warm and perfectly balanced in the overall mix, not forward or recessed, not thin and airy nor dark and brooding. Like Mama Bears Porridge JUST RIGHT! Really well done and plays slightly colored adding in just enough huskiness to male vocals and bright and crisp female vocals with correct edge and tonality - a really hard to do balance that only TOTL can pull off.

Treble is clean, precise and well-articulated giving string instruments nice air and details. You can tell the EST drivers are working but just enhancing the presentation and not trying to overpower the highs. The way the DTE900 has amazing coherency with all 9 drivers is a testimonial to how well this IEM was retuned.
I have not heard much about why this unit was retuned or how the OG sounded but this version is BANG ON.

Stage one of the best and most enjoyable and certainly hits a TOTL level of performance and is quite 3D and expansive when it wants to be and intimate when it needs to be in order to give you the playback as the artist or engineer intended. Some IEM force the stage or is simply underwhelming and was very happy as a great ability to project you the listener into the music.


“Kieth Don’t Go” Nils Loftgren

  • What a playback LIQUID SMOOTH , excellent stage wide and deep. The guitar was real standout amazing bass death and detail. nails vocals were spot on silky smooth and the top end had a beautiful EST sparkle.

“Turn My Head” By Live

  • Here on listening to the male vocals and there was perfect tonality just the right amount of top end to bring excitement to this track and give a really nice playback that I found was being right at the concert standing in front of a speaker stack.

“Butterflies” By Kacey Musgraves

  • The DTE900 catches her voice with perfect timbre in her voice.

“DEE” by Randy Rhodes on the OZZY recording

  • All the poles the slides and the plucks are all there so smoothly done and very realistic well done DTE900.

“Nothing Else Matters” by Miley Cyrus

  • Bass hits are deep and detailed on this track Miley’s vocals are spot on and the top end sparkle and the details in the instrumental is very balanced in the mix what a great replay.

“Superman It’s Not Easy” By Five For Fighting

  • Male vocals on this track are just perfect if there is any bass bleed it just works and it works to the favor of it making this track super fun and musical

“Your Song” By Eton John

  • Piano sounds great and Elton’s vocals have the great weight to them, very realistic

“You Must Burn” By Metallica

  • slam heart and tight that was the best way to describe this bass , the guitars blend in so well and Lars’s vocals are also great

“My Girl” By Royal Philharmonic Orchestra

  • Great stage a few times you can hear a few sets of drums hit first at the back on the right and then in the mix over to the left in front closer to you really well done not a lot of IEM can pick this up with the depth let you hear this properly as intended to be able to do this just a testament to how great the DTE900 emulates the stage.

“Bring Me Some Water” By Melissa Etheridge

  • The Sound Rhyme Replays the vocals on this track with her singing closer to you and it shows amazing death that DTE 900 can project again great vocals,
    First time on a IEM I could really get a sense of the way this track was recorded. kind of a special realization after hearing this track countless times and not picking up on that before!

“Nothing Else Matters” By PG Roxette

  • Bass tickles your ear hairs the vocals are absolutely incredible this 9.2 dynamic driver is really quite special

“You Don’t Know Me” a Duet with Ray Charles and Diana Krall

  • I like listening to duets because it really gives you a good sense of whether or not this IEM can replay both male and female vocals totally correct and you can hear him in one track I think it’s a great way of determining whether or not it has the right note weight and tonality to bring out the vocals correctly and naturally and the DTE900 did so beautifully.

“Bad Liar” By Selema Gomez

  • One of the best playbacks I have ever heard so incredibly smooth

“Packt Like Sardines In A Crushd Tin Box” By Radiohead

  • The bottom end of this baselines are really well produced very wonderful the pots and pans are also incredibly realistic you sound you’re right there with a wooden spoon banging on them

“Rakin” By Dead Can Dance

  • Okay if the Oprah show was hosting a live band and the Dead Can Dance was playing in her studio you sound like you’re right there in the crowd cheering them on was a very cool replay and again one of those tracks where I heard a different than I have ever heard it before and the sense of space was ultra realistic.

“Give Life Back To Music” By Daft Punk


" Conga Blue & Watermelon Man " By Poncho Sanchez

  • Poncho and his signature drums have a unique sound but honestly jazz on the DTE900 is simply amazing the drums and the instrumentals are so spot on so damn good. *****

“Without Me” Lillium Remix by Halsey

  • The DTE indeed goes into BASS HEAD territory FULL STOP!

“Cello Concerto” Asier Polo

  • So how does the DTE900 do strings and classical well they absolutely have great depth and depth I don’t mean the stage I mean a depth of the notes that this IEM can bring out in the instrument replay the attack release and decay is simply amazing in how we can project instruments and their tonality correctly both musically and emotionally.

I try to be objective in my reviews sort of but totally know my passion leaks into my words and projects my feelings into my thoughts and subsequently effects my ability to properly reflect my sound impressions to you unobjectively.
Sorry not Sorry.

XENNS MARGIRD UP: $699 10mm Beryllium Coated DD 2x Sonion BA for Mids 2 Custom BA for highs and 2 Sonion EST

  • One of my absolute all time favorite IEM. I love this IEM for its ability to produce not just low bass but fast slam and bass realistically one of the best replays I have ever heard the mids are also wonderful and the EST implementation well on the more tame side still does a pretty good job overall. The IEM like all IEM’s in my opinion are not perfect and where the up leaves you with just a little wish that you had more resolution and top end details.

Compared to the DTE900 now takes everything that I love about the up and makes it better the EST implementation is done better it has more sparkle the vocals are cleaner more detailed and slightly less warm but just as musical and the bass is also on par with each other the difference between the two units is about $50 in retail but there is no doubt that the DTE 900 is the better of the two.

Where the UP is a wonderful piece of gear it does not play at Top Of The Line level of performance where I can clearly say the Sound Rhyme clearly does.

KINERA IMPERIAL LOKI: $3099 6mm LCP DD, 6 Knowles BA 4 Sonion EST 1 Bone Conduction Unit

  • I was very fortunate to have the LOKI on loan at the same time as I did my sound impressions of the DTE900. The LOKI is a amazing IEM it has a clarity and resolution reflecting its price, the Bass is somewhat lean in the mid bass department but that 6mm plays crazy low.
  • Overall the LOKI plays more vocal forward and the EST implementation was done to really showcase the effects that EST can induce and enhance the top end.
  • The DTE900 in comparison plays a bit warmer less vocal forward and way more smooth than the LOKI. Bass on the Sound Rhyme is leaps and bounds better, plays with more note weight and makes string instruments like Double Bass and Cello perfect where the LOKI plays them thinner and not perfectly natural like the DTE900 did. Also that extra note weight of the DTE900 add a really nice subtle coloration to the mids that my ears find very pleasing and perfect for my tastes.





Thank you for taking the time to read my review.
My Video review is here:


My YouTube Chan:

My Discord: