Canuck Audioholics Anonymous CAA Reviews & Fun Banter

Mail Call today


CCA Pianist Video is live

What I liked was:
-mic centric tuning brings female vocals front and center
-detailed highs but not to fatigueing
-bass hits with nice snap and clean
-$39 price is very competitive and on sale for $29 great

What I thought needed Improvment:

4 Way Shootout between the KZ Castor Bass Version vs KZ Castor Standard vs Truthear Zero Red vs Juzears Clear.

Finished Doing my shootout listening impressions tonight and

I will do up a spider graph but for now I thought I would share my Synapses:

The Standard just is …I thought I would like it more being more neutral but it’s just kinda boring and the highs sound forced the Black is more fun bass bleed is minimal on 1000 and vocals m&f sound good not perfect but closer.
Juzear fits my preferences better faster tighter bass clean and clear vocals and instruments sometimes a tad thin but overall very enjoyable.

But the black for $15 has some faults but hard to pass up for this SQ with big bass. Definitely a Zero Killer . Out of the 4 KZ Castor Bass Version clear winner , Clear next but at $49 with a wicked cable a very close second worth 3x only if you want a great cable with 4.4 option and cleaner not as colored as Bass version.

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Castor Bass vs Castor Standard vs Zero Red vs Juzear Clear shootout is live! Lots of listening lots of fun:
SPOILER: Castor Bass clearly #1 And best Value Overall
#2 Juzear Clear best bass and great sounding value is also :pray:
#3 Truthear Zero Red still I consider this a fantastic set most balanced and smooth just the most expensive of all 4
#4 Castor Standard compared to the others It simply shit the bed! Weak bass grainy mids and shouty highs.

Video is live here:


Should have joined this earlier, but if any fellow Canucks wanna listen to something on the LETSHUOER line up, please let me know. CanJam will be coming up this coming weekend, but after that, just ping me and I can lend out a unit for review. Thanks.


My video of the Geshelli Labs JNOG J2
Both AK versions The 4493 and upcoming 4499.

What a wonderful tuning Best Hisenior in regards to tuning and value for price. On my opinion. Recommended!
Hisenior T4

Great all rounder.
Tuning switches allow you to tweak.
Inoffensive yet detailed
Well priced

Suffers from poor cable choices, Somewhat Intimate Stage, no venting.

Video Review here:


Way to blow the assignment at the end, Hisenior…


I guess that’s true but what % of folk actually suffer from pressure build up?..I’ve got one all BA set and never experienced it :man_shrugging:


It’s ok for me but will stop me from buying a CIEM


Agreed, but if you can avoid having an issue at all, you probably should. Enough people have had pressure build up on Tri Starsea that I don’t even recommend it even though, IMO, it’s a better $100ish set than all the sets that came out this year (41T, SR5, PhoenixCall, EM6L, etc.)

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Agreed but is it harder to tune a vented set compared to a non vented one?

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It is harder as there are more variables (shape, size of the vents, volume of the cavity behind the drivers etc) than when you are using non-vented BAs.

Very broadly speaking if you use non-vented BAs it is more like building from blocks - you just have to accommodate for the tubing + filter in the nozzle and that is more or less it.

Also most BAs are non-vented especially cheaper ones (this is based roughly on the data from the Institute of my ass of course).

Last thing - if you have all-BA set made of non-vented BAs only then venting needs to be a separate tube going through the nozzle in parallel next to the sound waveguides, so quite non typical situation which may be not beneficial for low end extension if not made properly. Meaning it is hard - which I believe @AmericanSpirit_JP can confirm about how hard was it to make his BRAS.


Well, this is a BA only iem so it does give them that excuse as 99,99% of those iems dont have a vent.

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So when did venting all BA sets become a thing…It seems to be a new phenomenon :man_shrugging: my non vented 2019 Andro’s have always been fine.

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For BA iems, I can only think of 3 in existence. KZ BA10, 64Audio U12T (Apex system, so probably their other iems with Apex as well) and Night Oblivion.


Yeah sorry just edited for all BA sets :+1:

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Wow that’s a mixed bag lol.

Dunu SA6 (and I would assume rest of the series) also has a very small vent as it is using vented Sonion accupass BAs for bass

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Aa right, I wasnt counting that type that only vents the vented-BAs. Those type are not that rare in BA iems.

But they dont really do anything to prevent the pressure build up, unlike what I have seen from the Apex system, Night Oblivion and the BA10. Those iems I mentioned should feel pretty much like a regular hybrid. (at least the BA10 I can confirm does.)

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