Canuck Audioholics Anonymous CAA Reviews & Fun Banter

Kailua better though right?

They do act as pressure valve, so they should allow for pressure equalisation in time. Not the most efficient due to small diameter, but it works by principle as there is small air path and not a complete seal. There are no problems with discomfort for SA6 after it settles in canal.
@SoundEater what about your SA6 mk2?

Better than Starsea? Absolutely not. It’s got more warmth in it without any mud, but Starsea is in my personal top-3 around $100 (with Pandas and EA500 and honorable mention to modded Rosefinch)

Yeah it should work in theory but at least I have never had a good experience with it. It is still better than absolutely no vents though but nowhere near a regular hybrid comfort.

Ventilation is good and there is not much pressure build up. But to be honest, a slight build-up is noticeable with prolonged listening. In general - no problem! In comparison, no pressure builds up with FH7, KL, B2 OG. The IE 600 is a champion in comfort and zero fatigue and pressure. :slightly_smiling_face:


Ha I trust you.
Kailua is my top pick at under $100 but I haven’t heard much in that price bracket unfortunately.

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Yeah but none of those are all BA’s…

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I know. I can’t imagine with BA without ventilation what kind of pressure build-up it would be. It’s going to be a real treat for the ears. For example Kiwi BA?!

Hmm, the pressure should not increase in time after initial insertion unless you push the IEM further while in use. The music playback itself does not increase the pressure as well. To get rid of the pressure increase you just need to break the seal for a sec without removal of the tip from canal and voila - you are good to go.

At least it was always working fine with T800 - needed to be made once just after original insertion

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The worse case of pressure build up happened on two sets Hidizs MS5 and the GS Audio SE12 holy cow after 5 min the bass cancelation was terrible make it sound like a super tweeter for those who suffer.

Ok. Will try. I’ve been using full BA IEM for a while now.

I am jealous of thoose who it doesn’t effect your lucky

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Tanchjim ONE DSP
Wonderful tuning great idea with the app!


Thought I would shoot a video from my Journey with Dongles, DAP’s and Stacks up till now to help anyone looking to up thier game and some of my observations so far hope it helps.


Well I have seen 2 reviews of the new Truthear Nova and sounds like it is a slightly improved Zero Red.

At least one of the early review were honest enough to come out and say that it might not be a significant upgrade and for that bravo. The other reviews were your typical I got a free sample and don’t want to piss off my supplier so I won’t say anything decisive. :thinking:

Upper mids and treble are still very relaxed and can’t bring out a great stage or proper female vocals correctly.

Too bad I was hopeful for a better tuned IEM with the addition of 4 BA in the mix.

In my opinion if that’s the case not worth the $150 expecially if you have the Red.
In my KZ Castor shootout I had another good listen to the RED in comparison and as much as I liked that IEM finding it now lacking in comparison to cheaper offers.

intoitreviews – 8 Oct 23

With 40 - 50 new sets hitting the market before the end of the year have to pick and choose the gems.

I can now cross off the Nova and the Enigma


Nice to hear. Was thinking it might not be a significant upgrade. I’ll wait to see what else comes out this year🤪


If you haven’t bought the KZ Castor Bass Version do so best $15 your going to spend all year! Honestly deserves the hype , just had another jam session with the DX90 big grin on my face!

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How well does the KZ Castor hold up against the Penon turbo in the bass department?

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The Bass version has 5x the bass with tons of sub bass energy but still very fast on UDDD settings

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Not a fan of doing gear reviews especially with so many variables like Op Amps and DAC cards.

Note or observation the Sparkos SS3602 op amps are definitely a impressive upgrade to the XDuoo XD05 PRO…

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