Canuck Audioholics Anonymous CAA Reviews & Fun Banter

What cable is that? Looks sick, blue and gold is kinda rare to see.

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Thats the new Hakugei Golden Bodhi Pro.

C$ 118.13 | HAKUGEI Golden Bodhi Pro multi-elements upgrade earphone cable 0.78 mmcx qdc


64 Audio U12t Video in all its greatness is up.
Thanks Kevin Davies


Had a great time listening to the Simgot EA500. Here is a link to my video and Blog review.
EA500 Video review


Nice Canadian speaker in the shot representing!


Oh the bass ummmm and Penon Vocals what a combo!


Great information
Thanks for sharing. :+1:t4:

Mangrid Xenns UP
All in.
$700.00 retail

7 Drivers per side
Single Dynamic Driver
4 Balanced Armature
2 EST (magnetostat)
20 +/- 2 ohm impedance.
110 +/- 1 dB sensitivity
20 Hz - 80 kHz frequency response.

  • Preamble:
    Please allow me to quickly recognize The Tone Deaf Monk for generously loaning me the Xenns Up Providing me the opportunity to experience this multi driver hybrid IEM. It is much appreciated.

I find the Xenns UP to be very source compatible. More resolving sources are a bit brighter and detailed, and warmer sources are, well, warmer, and smoother.
They are a fairly balanced set, great bass, nice mids, and detailed highs.
After rolling through my available sources I chose the AK SP2000T on OP amp mode for this evaluation. This is my go to DAP because I’m very familiar with it, and a consistent source helps take the guesswork out of where sound difference originates.

  • Fit, Build, Packaging, etc.
    Fit for me is very good, and very comfortable during lengthy listening sessions.
    The metal nozzles are on the shorter side but long enough to provide an insertion depth that is adequate for me to get a good seal and anchor using X Large Moondrop Spring tips.
    I didn’t receive the stock tips with this loaner set, and I generally rely on third party tips anyway due to fitment issues with the majority of “stock” tip offerings.

Build quality is excellent, the semi transparent black resin shells have the appearance and feel of quality. They are smooth with no sharp angles or edges. The faceplates are fully integrated with the shell. This pair is equipped with custom face plates and the seam is invisible and undetectable.
The shells are vented, and the vents are finished with colour coded inserts, red for right, blue for left.
The ear pieces are not small, but neither are they large or bulky, they are lightweight and “compact” for a 7 driver hybrid.
The shell is molded with a mild “wing” on it. I know some don’t like these, but they typically work well for me for maintaining proper alignment for nozzle angle. Such is the case with the UP. They are comfortable, and fit very well.

Packaging is something I can’t really comment fully on as I received only the IEMs, Stock 3.5mm SPC cable, and carry case, but not the original retail packaging or other accessories.

  • Equipment:
    Mangrid Xenns UP, aged unknown hrs.
    AK SP2000T OP Amp mode, 4.4 balanced.
    Eletech Prudent 8 core SPC terminated 4.4mm.
    Moondrop Spring XL wide bore ear tips.
    (Additional equipment used identified below under “sources”)

  • Sound:
    The UP has a pretty balanced sound signature. The Frequency graph supports this. The bass is very much present, but mids, vocals, and highs rise up in effortless synergy with the bass.

This is bass lovers bass. It doesn’t push into dedicated bass head territory, but quality is consistent, and quantity always adequate. It provides as per the source recording.
Sub bass pulls easily as low as the 20Hz range, but it’s not one dimensional. Even at these very low ranges it has the capability to present with dimension and texture.
Mid bass does roll off, but kick drums and toms have decent thump and stringed bass instruments have good bottom end.
There is enough warmth carried over into the upper bass and lower mids to provide vocal support, but it doesn’t overwhelm or become muddy.

Lower mids are recessed but recover nicely as they rise into the upper mids.
Upper mids are clear, clean, and detailed with little or no clutter or harshness.
Piano, winds, and strings are crisp, detailed and accurate, drums have crispness and good attack.

Vocals are elevated, sometimes even presenting above the highs in the head stage. They also present foreword, giving them in front of the band positioning.
Vocals are clear, detailed, natural, concise and accurate.

Highs are bright, crisp, clear, and detailed. They peak around 5kHz and roll off a bit going into 8kHz where they roll off further. Air is somewhat attenuated, but there is still good energy in the higher frequencies.
Detail retrieval is excellent and micro detail retrieval is good.
Snare drum crispness and cymbal sizzle is held back and lacks edge. Synthesizers can reach high.
There is no sibilance.

  • Head Stage:
    Fully encompasses the head space.
    Width is good, between the ears or just slightly outside the head.
    Height is good, sub bass extension draws it low but not overly so, and the early roll of the highs places limitation on extension into the upper most reaches.
    Depth is just good, Mids and vocals present forward and provide an “in front of the band” perception.
    Imaging and layering are very good left to right, top to bottom, and front to back. It is easy to place and identify individual instruments.
    Separation is good, the stage is uncluttered and open. The technicalities and resolution of the Xenns UP are capable of preserving the individuality and identity of instruments and vocalists.

  • Technicals:
    Tonality is accurate. Lows are warm and thick, mids are a nice blend, and highs are bright and crisp.
    Timbre is very good. Personalities of individual instruments are well defined and identifiable.
    Dynamics are excellent.

  • Summary:
    The Xenns UP suits my listening preference very well. With the exception of maybe a touch more energy in the upper highs, they are “all there” and “everything in its place”.
    Clean, clear and open without being clinical or sterile.
    They are easy to drive. I was seldom over 50% volume on the SP2000T.

  • Other Sources:

  • iPhone 13 with lightning to 3.5mm adapter. 3.5mm pure copper cable. **Streaming Apple Lossless on iPhone.
    UP drives very easily straight off the phone and sounds excellent. Good listening volume is attainable at 50-70% volume.
    The bass is excellent with good extension. There is some reduction in detail and resolution in the mids highs, but still very good. Vocals remain forward.
    Overall tonality is warmer, switching to pure copper cable likely added some warmth.
    Pairs well.

  • iPhone 13 with AK HC2 dual DAC 4.4mm Eletech SPC cable.
    Volume above 50% gets loud.
    Sounds pretty much the same as the Sp2000T, but the head stage is less open and spacious.
    Pairs well.

  • iPhone 13 AAC BT connection to FiiO BTR7 4.4mm balanced, Eletech SPC cable.
    Overall warm and smooth sound. Retains nice clear mids and highs. Very good listening volumes below 40%
    Very good BT pairing.

  • Hidizs AP80 X, balanced out, low gain, Eletech SPC cable.
    Nice prominent bass, mids and highs clear and concise.
    No need to take volume much past 30% for good listening volume.
    Pairs well

  • Hiby R6III, low gain, balanced out, Class A amp mode, Eletech SPC cable.
    Pairs very nicely, Bass is warm and smooth, mids and highs are clear and detailed, vocals clear and natural.
    Very nice pairing.

  • Shanling M9, low gain, balanced out, Eletech SPC cable.
    The Shanling is a warm and powerful DAP. The M9 really wakes up the DD. Bass is very full and rich and sub bass presence is noticeably increased. the tonality is a bit less bright but retains clarity and detail in the mids and highs.
    Head stage gains front to rear depth and gains more 3D imaging.
    Very nice pairing.

  • A bit about me and the music types used for evaluation below.
    If you give a cats meow about that stuff.

** note: I try to be objective, but I am biased somewhat by my personal preference for sound signature. I lean toward a more balanced sound with perhaps a slight mids forward bias, good bass, good mids, good treble.
I am somewhat treble sensitive in the 8-9K range.

I do NOT consider myself a professional/career reviewer as I have no formal training as a sound engineer or musician.
I enjoy doing evaluations as part of my hobby.

  • i.e. the thoughts presented here are strictly personal opinion based on my hearing, your mileage may vary.

** My hearing taps out at around 12.5 kHz, I can hear 12.5 but it’s more a background sound. I think it is fair to note this.
“Air” is typically a reference to treble that is present above 12.5 kHz, it is therefore beyond my hearing capability. When I reference “air” in a sound evaluation I’m referring to where I perceive the positioning of the upper treble ranges, ie. where they present themselves within the sound stage/head stage.

*** I have large ear canals, and typically the stock tips included with most IEM don’t fit well for me. I have a selection of third party ear tips that fit well in most cases so I default to these. I will identify my tips of choice, but unfortunately, seldom can I comment on the stock offerings.

  • Music:
    varied selection of tracks from my playlists played from SD card. FLAC 44 through 192 and DSD 2.8 (64) through 22.4 (512)
    My mainstay are Blues, Rock, Jazz, Country, Classical.
    I also streamed Apple lossless for electronic, R&B, Death Metal, etc. to get a well rounded experience of how well this IEM handles a variety of genres.

I have heard some manufactures offer that service.

There can be differences.
I’m very happy with how the T2 turned out. Including the sound. :+1:t4:

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I have seen a few custom makers recommend getting new impressions made if they are more than a couple months old.
Apparently they can shrink over time :man_shrugging:t2:

Penon Serial Video Is Up


Is that the cable it came with? Looks nice! :sunglasses:

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Yes thats the included cable in 4.4

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Mail call today was a good day


And this , they were supposed to ship me a EST50 not a H50, but I am happy they did.


Penon Serial sold to good home.
I cant keep something I need to EQ to make it sound good for my tastes.

I am glad i had a change to listen and review it.


You summed up my thoughts on the serial as well. It’s very special but just doesn’t hit my preferred tuning

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I realy like bass that hits harder , I guess i am a bass snob!

Xenns UP spoiled me. 64 Audio U12t showed me what terture is what the hell am I going to do.

I also love the modded EA500 its terrific.


Have you tried the meteor yet? I prefer the bass on that compared the UP. Haven’t heard the U12t though. As a bass snob what are your initial thoughts on the Legato?

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