Chinese tube power/pre-amps, tube buffers

The stock tubes with the suca T1 are the 6k4, they are much longer. i didnt try them for more than 10 mins i would say they make a difference in a good way but its slightly less colored than the 5654w. definitely a huge difference in quality as well when you look close, worth the upgrade in my opinion. they say it wont pull more than 2 amps i think a couple more volts and a decent supply would also help. i love mine but i dont think yours has the tone controls mine does. also saw someone replace the caps on the inside of theirs which is hilarious and awesome.

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well i just read 150 pages of the forum for 3 hours and learned a lot. to the point i bought the power supply and am going to replace some capacitors and also add some to the output of the power supply as well. lol btw once the tubes are changed the measurements are much better and the rolloff at the high end and low end becomes flat to 20khz and distortion is 0.2% which is very good for tubes , suca audio T1 also has some better capacitors in the output stage but same design. except suca also has tone controls.

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Hi everyone,

I’m new to hi-fi and jumped straight into china-hifi and bought

I bought this over the A-10. I mainly bought it because of the kt-88 tubes.

Any thoughts on how well or poorly this would handle Elac Debut Reference speakers? I know that theyre pretty power hungry. Any advice would help

Hmm, interesting. :nerd_face:

I heard recently that most of the power comes from “the first watt”. Which is why 8 watt tube amps exist and it’s not a problem. From what I heard, my guess is you’ll be okay, unless you want “party” volume. They’re not towers, and “tube power” is very different from
 100 watt per channel Class D AVRs, lol.

Yes those cheap tube pre amps have a large following and modding community with modified cheap linear power supplies and internals and op amps it changes the sound and compares to multi hundred dollar pre amps for under 100$ with mods.

The elac speakers run around 4 ohm even if rated at 6. they heat up amps like crazy, my receiver was rated to 6ohm but with the elac uni fi ub5 i could push all 144 watts of power into them before i noticed it start to fall apart and my 144 watt amp would overheat almost immediately at that volume. would recommend 60 watts minimum for small room.

2x12AX7 and 1x12AU7

Can someone rec any tubes for that configuration? :slight_smile: Its for a Music Angel pre-amp which I originally posted in this topic :

alot of hype from Thomas and TNBT around the Doge products
 I have no experience with them but seems interesting.

I’m hoping reliability issues are not going to become an ongoing issue for me with these tube amps, because I had to replace a Dayton Audio HTA20BT hybrid amp due to the USB port and the BT going out. USB, I can live without, but the BT was the main reason I use it for. Fortunately, Parts Express, whom I bought it from as a restock, graciously gave me a full refund after 7 months of use. Wonderful customer service. However, I decided to go with the Fosi T20 based on reviews.

This amp is literally 1/3 the size of the HTA20BT, but delivers one huge sound and it is freaking clean!
What I like about it is that it not loaded down with extra ports that you’re likely not going to use, like a USB port or an additional AUX input. Very basic, especially if you are like me and intend to use it as a BT only system. Like the HTA20BT, it is equipped with Chinese tubes, and they are okay sound wise, but they just don’t deliver the warmth and sound the older NOS tubes made in countries other than China give out. I’m hoping I get the same effect with this amp after tube replacement that I got with the HTA20BT. This to me will be the real test. I am using this tube amp with a pair of 50+ year old Telefunken SB88 Klangbox speakers, which have 9 speakers per cabinet. I removed the original 22 ga. wire and replaced it with 12 ga. pure copper wire. That alone woke up these old speakers and added a greater sound. 4765636_4453772-s-l1600

If anyone reading this can tell me their experience with Soviet made NOS tubes, can you please share them with me? I get conflicting comments. One says they’re crap, while another said that the then USSR spared no expense in materials for their tubes for the military.

Thank you!

Found this forum looking for info on the P1 tube circuit which I’m thinking is just a buffer. Yanking the cover I find 25V caps and no HV. User reviews are all over tube rolling. I’m just using this as a game DAC between PC and old Carver cube. It sounds fine with user able to disable tone controls and disco tube lights. BT is OK. I may keep this or not then go for another dac with volume control.

So, I discovered another trick. I just bought a pack of 10 6J1P-EV tubes, straight from Ukraine. And apparently with this Tube-03 pre, it’s really easy to find the best tubes: Those that glow the most distort the less (I mean, the bad distortion – I mean, instead of starting to distort with the volume at :clock10: 10 o’clock, the volume can go to the max). Most of the 6J1P-EVs, or just the stock tubes, got one, little, faint glow. But if you plug one in and go “wow, this one glows a lot”
 that’s a great one.

(Also, no burn-in needed
 you see it in 10 seconds. Others might start to burn better after time, maybe, but I don’t think it happened to me yet.)

And of the 10-pack I bought, 4 of these glow a lot. Jackpot! :grin: :moneybag:


The glow in tubes is the heated cathode. The hotter it is, the less voltage is needed to make electrons flow from the cathode to the anode.

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I forgot, this was the seller (sovtube) :

Edit: And I see there are options to buy in bulk
 warning: if you buy five at 8.28$ each, it’s not five tubes, it’s 5 packs of 10! Lol. 6J1P-EVs are inexpensive. :slight_smile:

 how does a modded fx-03 compare to a Schiit Saga+?

I cant tell, Schiit still has ZERO stock in EU

a little late but the saga + i sold because its the most neutral thing ive ever heard.even with a 80$ black glass NOS RCA . dead flat no harmonics =( amazing build amazing remote and clean as hell sounds great but not for tube heads. aiyima a07 tube pre amp has much more tube with an adapter for ecc88 than the saga , especially with upgraded IFI power adapter . also i believe it runs the tubes at 150 volts ? or maybe half of that not sure. the saga has high voltage as well but not sure how they made it so flat with such low distortion other than not using the tube much.

Hi All,
Looking for advice from those with experience with one (or more) of these Chinese tube buffers. A few questions:
(1) Some of the brands appear virtually identical. Is there any difference between, e.g.:


(2) If you have experience with more than one of these, and they are different, which brand is better of Dilvpoetry, Fx audio, Fosi, Suca, Nobsound

(3) Those who have started with the above: Is it worth while picking up a unit with bluetooth/dac for 3x the price, or would you recommend just trying the cheaper version and then, if you like tubes, buy something more high end?

(4) Likewise, do those who have tried these out wish they had instead saved and bought something at a slightly or much higher price range (and thus possibly, but not necessarily, higher quality level) such as


or even higher up, such as little dot MkII?

(5) Those who have enjoyed these tube buffers, what kind of music do you find it works with or enhances? Would you say that it makes some recordings sound more natural and life-like, smooths off rough edges in recordings, etc.? Or was it just a glorified equalizer that added fuzz?


most of the chifi tube pre-amps are the same, just rebranded. fosi/suca/dilvpoetry/aiyima the list goes on. i have 3 different ones from 3 different brands and they all sound the same.

the smsl and xduo stuff will have more weight in the low end. the one drawback of the cheap chifi tube amps, is bass weight. they are thin in the bass range. luckily most of them have bass/treble controls built in to boost the bass some.

edit: tube pre-amps are more then just glorified eq’s. they can add soundstage width. a proper tube should not add much, if any, “fuzz”. poor implementation or bad tubes adds fuzz. proper tubes should add a more natural, and less analytical sound.

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Thanks Joshua, I thought so!
Since you have 3 of them, do you wish you had saved up for a more pricey unit in the long run? Do any of your units have a dac/bluetooth, and are they problematic?

bluetooth runs fine on all of them. have had 0 issues. all 3 have BT as i do a lot of streaming. 1 of them is at my moms house jamming daily with 0 issues. and nope. i love them. they are, imo, one of the greatest things to happen to the audio industry in a long time. are they as clean and organic as my 700$ amp? nope. but they are also 7% the price for 90% the performance. i feel like you got to spend a hefty amount more for a worthwhile upgrade. and that goes for the solid state versions as well. i have a couple of them to.

edit: one thing to note. you get to about 2 oclock on the dial before they start to distort. so about 75% power.

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Out of curiosity, which tubes do you have and what other tubes have you compared these with?
I see from your profile, for example, that you list the Crack speedball (presumably for the HD 600?) Do you find these similar/comparable? I am particularly curious re the HD 600s, as I have some 6XX on order

Would you recommend getting any particular tubes over others (some of the Fx audio, for example, come with different tubes in the same amps for slightly different price points.)

Appreciate your insight!