What did you buy today? (Part 1)

@LeDechaine If you haven’t yet, I suggest you read the Asgard thread. Lots of info there, including my comments. Is it worth the extra $100? (separate dac)
imo definitely yes, but depends on those “other” factors, such as which headphones and your preferred sound signature, music selections, etc.


been helping other people get cards months prior to this now that I want a card drops got increasingly harder to get. but I finally go lucky.


News to no one here, I have no memory whatsoever, because I even replied to your impressions and comparisons versus the Atom in the Asgard 3 thread and totally forgot about it. Sorry, and for the second time, thanks for the infos. :grin:


@LeDechaine Hahahahaha. So good to know I’m not the only one! There are LOTS of threads here and LOTS of info, so it’s easy to forget or just get wrapped up in the one you are reading at the moment. Make today a great day!


Parts are coming in slowly. Must keep watching inventory trackers…


Now that’s a big pre-amp :smiley: Its a refurbished Chinese higher end product from a company that does not exist anymore (at least i did not find anything). It cost 250 euros and is built like a tank. Now will have to find some better tubes, currently the tubes say “China xxx” on them with red letters :smiley: It uses 2x12AX7 and 1x12AU7

Here is the original add on a local website, also a picture of the internals there if you are curious


Nice case! I had been eyeing the solid panelled version for a while, but decided it was a bit too big. Went for the Meshify S2 instead, which is still pretty large…

One step closer to my end game. If the mlp hits 300 again, I’m done! Emotiva for my speakers, asgard for se and mlp would be of course my balanced end game in amps.

Asgard 3


there is someone selling a used mlp for 300 + shipping, hmu if you want their contact info

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Ahhh thats tempting! I’ll have to hold off for now. Need to mod my dt880’s balanced first until I can justify the addition.

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Now that I’ve decided they’re keepers I’ll share my purchase here :slightly_smiling_face:


oh my word!

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surprised it took that long :smile:

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Were they that expensive that you can only post images in black and white now? :wink:


Admittedly it did take awhile but alas I saw the light :raised_hands:

Now? Where have you been? I’ve been pinching pennies with monochrome for years :wink:


I think that b&w pic is sexy AF

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yes…with age, eyesight dims… LOL!

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it’s not a bad thing, but is interesting to see ‘film’ coming back. maybe Kodak will be profitable again!


I think Kodak moved away from film and into vaccines… seems legit.

lol, yes,I I’ve read about their diversifiying, LoL!