Chinese tube power/pre-amps, tube buffers


Thanks yeah I subscribe to Thomas and have seen this reviewed on 3-4 channels now… I think this would be great with more efficient speakers but he even return messaged me and said they wouldn’t work with my Maggie LRS :frowning_face:

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Hmmm, I’ve been toying with the idea of getting a Tube 03 or similar to pair with my 95X after reading about them through several forums. Has anyone had noise/reliability issues with these cheap Chinese preamps, or at least heard of others having issues? It’s either this or a Pro4AA for me, but idk which I want to try more.

Hmm, you can try a tube-03, the tube-03 having bass and treble knobs definitely helps if you think the 95x don’t have enough bass… but the stock tubes are IMO pretty much useless.

Tubes can also be tricky b*tches, starting to distort when you add a bit too much bass or just a bit too much current (“volume”) knob on the pre… which, as I already said, should be called “tubes +/-” or “tubiness +/-”.

Edit: No unwanted distortion due to interference at all with my tube-03, which is funny because I hear about people with X000$ tube amps having to remove their smartwatches or move the tubes away from the computer sometimes, for example.

Considering 95X are definitely detail monsters, I don’t know how painful it can become to try to avoid the small hints of distortion I’d never hear with my T50RPs for example.

I’d probably get another tube pre, like the Yaqin ms22b / 23b maybe?

thanks for the reply. I’m honestly looking for something that sounds notably “dirtier” to be honest. I don’t mind losing detail for certain applications if it can round out the sound a bit through 2-band EQ or tube rolling.

Tried the tube sound DSP for FB2K, but I don’t really hear any difference. I probably want actual FR changes. Tube 03 with the Chinese tubes is up for $33 now, so it definitely is tempting to get that + GE tubes. I kind a do want a Pro4AA too, so I guess I’ll see what deals are available as we get closer to Black Friday/Cyber Monday.

Shit, the Douk P1 also looks interesting. I don’t really need BT or another DAC but… multi input, multi output, led on/off…
Edit 2: On no, the P2 has a three band EQ. I can’t lmao

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i ordered the SUCA AUDIO Tube T1 from amazon and upgraded to the GE JAN 5654W, it sounds AMAZING to me on my k7xx, the bass is like lush dark chocolate. amazing. makes the highs sparkle a space out a bit. i was wondering if anyone has upgraded the power supply on any of these? they all seem to be basic copies of each other and i read that the tubes are being under volted and would love to see a 16v upgrade ! @LeDechaine

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From threads I read on audiokarma, it seems you should put more voltage into it, but a cheap LPS improves the sound.

Idk whether that’s believable, but that seems to have been the general consensus there.

do you know which LPS and how many volts they mentioned? if this thing can sound better , it should make 500 dollar tube pres start sweating.

I believe a lot of them were using this

interesting i found this

I doubt it will help with power supply but the voltage seems stable and i might try it for so cheap. since they are using 14v for them, i might get away with 15 just need to see how many amps is safe i guess it wont draw more than it needs i think. thanks again

Did you also try the stock Chinese tubes? I hear a lot of people say they don’t sound too different from no tube, so I was wondering if you had any feedback for them.

If I were to get the FX Audio Tube 03, I wonder if it would be better to get the ones that already come with GE tubes or get the standard version + GE tubes seperate. I do like collecting boxes soooo… yeah.

The stock tubes with the suca T1 are the 6k4, they are much longer. i didnt try them for more than 10 mins i would say they make a difference in a good way but its slightly less colored than the 5654w. definitely a huge difference in quality as well when you look close, worth the upgrade in my opinion. they say it wont pull more than 2 amps i think a couple more volts and a decent supply would also help. i love mine but i dont think yours has the tone controls mine does. also saw someone replace the caps on the inside of theirs which is hilarious and awesome.

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well i just read 150 pages of the forum for 3 hours and learned a lot. to the point i bought the power supply and am going to replace some capacitors and also add some to the output of the power supply as well. lol btw once the tubes are changed the measurements are much better and the rolloff at the high end and low end becomes flat to 20khz and distortion is 0.2% which is very good for tubes , suca audio T1 also has some better capacitors in the output stage but same design. except suca also has tone controls.

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Hi everyone,

I’m new to hi-fi and jumped straight into china-hifi and bought

I bought this over the A-10. I mainly bought it because of the kt-88 tubes.

Any thoughts on how well or poorly this would handle Elac Debut Reference speakers? I know that theyre pretty power hungry. Any advice would help

Hmm, interesting. :nerd_face:

I heard recently that most of the power comes from “the first watt”. Which is why 8 watt tube amps exist and it’s not a problem. From what I heard, my guess is you’ll be okay, unless you want “party” volume. They’re not towers, and “tube power” is very different from… 100 watt per channel Class D AVRs, lol.

Yes those cheap tube pre amps have a large following and modding community with modified cheap linear power supplies and internals and op amps it changes the sound and compares to multi hundred dollar pre amps for under 100$ with mods.

The elac speakers run around 4 ohm even if rated at 6. they heat up amps like crazy, my receiver was rated to 6ohm but with the elac uni fi ub5 i could push all 144 watts of power into them before i noticed it start to fall apart and my 144 watt amp would overheat almost immediately at that volume. would recommend 60 watts minimum for small room.

2x12AX7 and 1x12AU7

Can someone rec any tubes for that configuration? :slight_smile: Its for a Music Angel pre-amp which I originally posted in this topic :

alot of hype from Thomas and TNBT around the Doge products… I have no experience with them but seems interesting.

I’m hoping reliability issues are not going to become an ongoing issue for me with these tube amps, because I had to replace a Dayton Audio HTA20BT hybrid amp due to the USB port and the BT going out. USB, I can live without, but the BT was the main reason I use it for. Fortunately, Parts Express, whom I bought it from as a restock, graciously gave me a full refund after 7 months of use. Wonderful customer service. However, I decided to go with the Fosi T20 based on reviews.

This amp is literally 1/3 the size of the HTA20BT, but delivers one huge sound and it is freaking clean!
What I like about it is that it not loaded down with extra ports that you’re likely not going to use, like a USB port or an additional AUX input. Very basic, especially if you are like me and intend to use it as a BT only system. Like the HTA20BT, it is equipped with Chinese tubes, and they are okay sound wise, but they just don’t deliver the warmth and sound the older NOS tubes made in countries other than China give out. I’m hoping I get the same effect with this amp after tube replacement that I got with the HTA20BT. This to me will be the real test. I am using this tube amp with a pair of 50+ year old Telefunken SB88 Klangbox speakers, which have 9 speakers per cabinet. I removed the original 22 ga. wire and replaced it with 12 ga. pure copper wire. That alone woke up these old speakers and added a greater sound. 4765636_4453772-s-l1600

If anyone reading this can tell me their experience with Soviet made NOS tubes, can you please share them with me? I get conflicting comments. One says they’re crap, while another said that the then USSR spared no expense in materials for their tubes for the military.

Thank you!

Found this forum looking for info on the P1 tube circuit which I’m thinking is just a buffer. Yanking the cover I find 25V caps and no HV. User reviews are all over tube rolling. I’m just using this as a game DAC between PC and old Carver cube. It sounds fine with user able to disable tone controls and disco tube lights. BT is OK. I may keep this or not then go for another dac with volume control.