I am looking for a set of IEMS for my son for Christmas. Last year we got him a pair of Blon BL05s which he brings to school everyday, (10th grade) he has taken good care of them. He likes them and they served the purpose we got them for, basically cheap and we wanted to see how he would treat take care of them.
I have Mooddrop Starfields and FIIO FH03s he really likes the FH03s and wants those. I am okay with getting him them but find it difficult to to purchase the same IEM’s, when we share them. I was thinking of getting him something like the IKKO OH10’s and whichever he likes more he can have. Wanted to see if there was another IEM I should look at in the sub $200. I am willing to go higher if the IEM justifies it.
Another note you might want to get him (and maybe yourself) a pair off good tips, it get him a better seal (which helps with the bass) and it might help with the weight (a good fit would move less and keep the weight from shifting)
I personally like Spinfits but if foam is more your thing Dekoni is always a solid.