TL;RD: Looking for closed back, lots of bass, decent soundstage headphone.
I was wondering what would be a good compliment to the 58x. Preferably closed back with a lots of bass and decently wide soundstage. I think the Argons fit this description well from the reviews I’ve seen but unfortunately are out of stock until November I believe. Are there any alternatives? I would mainly want to use it while listening to metal/rock/rap. I’ve tried the MMX 300 (2nd gen) and was unable to find comfort with them and the treble seemed a little more forward than what I’m used to, and not enough bass for my tastes. Any suggestions? Let’s say I have a budget of $350 ($400 max). Thanks in advanced!!
Have you tried pad swapping the mmx300? Apparently with dekoni leather pads they sound pretty close to argons. I’ve also seen a few argon mk3 for sale on r/AVexchange. Or the dt177x go. Sivga sv006 is another more affordable option. Haven’t tried the sivgas before but fro from what I’ve read they are a pretty warm sounding headphone and should sound good with metal/rap. AKG K371 are pretty good but it sounded too thin for metal.
Over the years I have noticed that my musical tastes are very diverse.
As a rather critical listener, it is unfortunately also the case that over the years you have recognized that the recording quality of various productions, especially in RAP, Hip-Hop, Rock and some POP productions, is rather modest - miserable.
Looking for a headphone that puts a “frosting” over this flaw, so to speak, making it acoustically bearable and also has a bang that is necessary for this genre to tap with my feet, I ended up with a very simple solution.
Namely the Sony MDR-1AM2:
It has a lot of bass, is tonally quite passable, very comfortable and forgives technically bad music productions.
Is very easy to drive and comes with a 4.4mm Pentacon, which is definitely beneficial for the sound.
Thanks for your response! I have not tried using Dekoni’s pads but my main problem with the MMX was the top headband. Would that fix the issue? And which Sivga’s are you referring to? I’ll definitely be checking out the K731 though.
Interesting tracks! The 58x, to my ears, do not present a large stage in width and depth on the first and especially the second song. It’s hard to explain why but it’s enjoyable to perceive sounds coming from farther than they really are (if that makes sense). But I’m glad to hear the MDR-1AM2 present it as it should.