DAP upgrade - Suggestions needed

Looking to upgrade from my FiiO M5. The small size is no longer a necessity, and has turned into something a little too easy to lose, if I’m being honest.
Better power, balanced option and a bigger screen to better look through my library would be nice. $500 US max budget, though I would rather try to keep things under $400.
The problem I’ve noticed with trying to go Sony is the damn proprietary data/charging connector. I don’t wanna feel like I’m shit out of luck if it dies on me when I’m out and about and forgot the cable. Type C would be preferred.
A few that have caught my eye:
Cayin N3 Pro (I’m a tube guy… what do you want from me?)
Hiby R5 Saber
Astell & Kern AK300
iBasso DX160
Shanling m3x

If any of these stand out, or if there’s a better one, I’m all ears!!!

↑ +1…

I’m in a similar situation.
I have the hiby r3 pro, and it’s balanced socket is loose and causing sound to degrade.
So had been looking at upgrades.

I wanted a player with 4.4mm balanced.

I whittled it down to same players as you.
The cayin appears to be the clear choice as ohmboy concurs too.

If your in no major rush, hold out till the 11/11 sales, might get a better deal.

I’m in the same boat and looking at the same things. I really like the N3Pro as well, but its worth pointing out that if you want (or need) to EQ, it won’t work for high rez files. Seems like the processor is somewhat underpowered for that task.

I need a portable iem amp and dac combo that is under 200 dollars. Looking for as neutral as possible.